Wednesday 110928

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Tabata Something Else

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest where the the first 8 intervals are pull ups, the second 8 intervals are push ups, the third 8 intervals are sit ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are air squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments/Logwod.

Compare to 100213, 090917, or 081209. (Yes, 2008)

If you didn't get the chance to meet CeCe Carson, we're providing another chance to do so this Thursday at 5:30pm. This class time will be a yoga only class. Come see what CrossFit Yoga is all about.

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8 Responses to "Wednesday 110928"

  1. Kristina Nash Says:
  2. Darn work getting in the way of CrossFit Yoga...again!
  3. JonD Says:
  4. Did some endurance today. since I did pull ups and dips and back squat yesterday I figured I would work on my weakness.

    6x750m rows 2min rest between sets.

    Had to keep them within 2-3 seconds of each other.


    Yup a good reminder that this needs work!

    Funny to look back on some of the older posts. John Williams also known as Jesus scored a 425 in 2008. He is a beast and very missed around here!

    Come in and have fun today good one to test if never done before and good one to retest if you have!
  5. Danny Says:
  6. 334 reps


    Tried to pick a consistent number with each movement. The body was definitely feeling that last couple days.
  7. Kristina Nash Says:
  8. 305 reps

    Pull-ups and push ups were tough. I alternated kipping/jumping pull-ups. I was a bit ambitious out of the gate, but made up for it on my jumping pull-ups.

    Just have to keep working to get stronger and better (and faster!)
  9. Kelli Says:
  10. 270 reps. bum elbow so did jumping pu off 4 red plates.
  11. Shelley Says:
  12. 327 reps Rx'd:

    52 pullups
    47 pushups
    93 situps
    135 air squats

    This compares to 292 reps Rx'd from Sep '09 where I did:

    39 pullups
    44 pushups
    90 situps
    119 air squats

    My form is much better on pushups, but my endurance still sucks on these. It's the same way with situps. I don't have great endurance on them. I like air squats and feel like I can do them forever. Pullups felt pretty good tonight.
  13. lancy Says:
  14. Thanks,This blog is very nice and helpful for us.

    Get Stronger
  15. hannah eileen Says:
  16. 7 comments is not enough in 1 day, people. How are you going to track your progress (and have witty converstations with other fitters) if you don't post?! Log your wod.

    I may have gotten a PR, but I have no idea because I didn't comment on the blog the last few times we did this. I got 263, I believe. Each rd, I got 5 pullups, 4 pushups and 12 squats (16 on the last rd). I know I got 91 situps. ZachR, you did beat me. dang.

    Also, I am running in Race for the Cure on Sunday. If anyone wants to donate, please let me know. Hakuna My Tatas could use a little more dough. Thanks!

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