Tuesday 081209

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

"Tabata Something Else"

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are pushups, the third 8 intervals are situps, and finally, the last 8 intervals are air squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.

(This is a benchmark workout and will be seen again, in it's entirety, in the future. Please post your score to comments for comparison.)

John Williams showing great posture at the top of a dead-lift. This guy is a 6 AM monster.

Handstand Pushup Challenge: 26 reps (we're past the half-way point people)

Joe and I are going to start putting up decorations in the gym and office in light of the season. We will be getting a Christmas tree and lights plus anything else we can think of. If you would like to donate some decorations that you may not use anymore or just wish to have put up in the gym/office, it would be greatly appreciated. 

We'll put up ornaments, nativity scenes, whatever you guys have to offer. We may even have a get together if the place is decked out enough. Tis the season.

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38 Responses to "Tuesday 081209"

  1. Mel C Says:
  2. Hannah! It's what weve been waiting for! Crossfit Christmas Party...ugly christmas sweater required for entrance! Oooohh come on everyone bring on the decorations!
  3. hannah eileen Says:
  4. Hells ya, Mel! It's in the works. :)
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Looking good Jesus!
  7. BC Says:
  8. Is that Jesus or is that Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters? Or maybe Dave Grohl IS Jesus. Makes you think...

    As for today's WOD, 301 total. 6AM killed it this morning, great job everybody.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. I got 374 but I'm not sure that's right... ZackJ and Jeff and I talked about it and that number seems high. But whatever. I will be thinking about it all day today trying to figure out what the real number was.
    Good job 6ers!
  11. kahrs Says:
  12. Ended up with 319, was pretty happy with it. Push ups always kill me. Everyone did a good job this morning.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I got 254 w/ ball slams in place of push-ups, and row in place of the pull-ups. 6am class did awesome this morning.
  15. V Says:
  16. got 276 this morn. pretty sure i have to worst looking push-ups, except maybe the first 5! ha! and my pull ups are crap too, used a purple band. the list just keeps getting bigger and bigger for things i need to work on...

    great job 6 am!
  17. zj Says:
  18. 336 after adding with a calculator. Pretty happy with all but Push Ups.
  19. John W Says:
  20. Blessed be the Crossfitters for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven!

    Uhh... sorry I don't know what came over me there, must have been typing i tongues or something.
    Thanks ang. You should stick to your guns on this one. I think you're capable of 374.

    Pull-ups: 86
    Push-ups: 67
    Sit-ups: 115
    Squats: 157
    Total: 425

    Killer work everyone this morning!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Well if Jesus says so I'm sticking with 374. Thanks John!
    I actually did check, and recheck and I still came up with 374.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Nice work Ang! Your totally awesome!!!

    V - keep on rockin! Progress doesn't happen overnight! I don't think I could do one legitimate pushup when I first started CrossFit, my squat form looked like sh*t, and I could barely deadlift 150lbs once, HSPU's I did with a band, and kipping pullups were non existent. It takes time so keep pushing yourself!

    I think John needs to recount ;)
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 290 reps total. Purple band for pullups.
  27. linds Says:
  28. 281 total and 26 HSPUs
    great work morning crew!
  29. paul Says:
  30. I will be in tonight at 6:30, but since i woke up LITERALLY unable to move my right arm, I don't think Tabata Something Else is in the cards. i think swings with a DB really messed up my shoulder.

    I don't know why it got so much worse all of a sudden. It make bigfoot want to smash shoulder with rock until it stop live.
  31. hannah eileen Says:
  32. I was so disappointed my lazy ass couldn't get out of bed for 6am. Nooners are a great crew, though...except Gary.
    I tore my hand up in the first round of pullups. I ended up skipping one rd to try and stop the bleeding. I ended up with 286. Sit ups and squats helped me get through, though.
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. I think Paul should have to do "Tabata Something Jumps"

    Jumping alternating lunges
    Air Squats
    Box Jumps
    Sit ups

    You can thank me later :)
  35. John W Says:
  36. Reba, I'm not sure how to take that...
  37. paul Says:
  38. Reba, that's actually a great idea!
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. Sorry John W I was joking!!! :)

    Pullups 61
    Pushups 53 (ouch)
    Situps 128
    Squats 161

    My goal was 70 pullups/pushups and I missed them both, but I hit more on my squats than intended.....and now my legs feel like goo. Plus I had to beat Neil on this one, he has been rubbin it in alot lately! ;)
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. I got 372 on this one. pull ups sucked i couldve gottin a lot more but i guess ill do it next time. hopefully break 400 keep it up 5:30..Christmas party whoooo!!! ill see ya tomorrow =)
  43. Steve Says:
  44. Great job Reba!
    Pushups- 9
    Situps- 13
    Squats- 15
    Pullups- 7+/-
    348 total
    I think adding one to every round next time would be a good goal.
  45. paul Says:
  46. Man, we have got some ridiculous athletes at CF Omaha! Nice job everyone, and especially the 6:30 crew.

    I did AMRAP in 15 of

    10 left-arm KB swings (1.5 pood)
    500m row
    35 squats

    4 rds plus swings
  47. Anonymous Says:
  48. I got 316, used a band on pullups and scaled pushups which were still extremly ugly. Good job 6:30!
  49. Gdawg Says:
  50. my hands are burning! 281 was my total....i used a dumb stupid purple band on pullups and didn't do as well as i thought i would with that...nice job 5:30 and 6:30 classes!! see you guys tmrw!

  51. Anonymous Says:
  52. My goal tonight was to get to 400 but I fell short at 390. I did:

    68 pull-ups
    86 push-ups
    105 sit-ups (SUCK!)
    131 squats

    I should have done more pull-ups because I never really ran out of strength doing them. Sit-ups for some reason were really hard and I didn't even do as many as I did the last time I did this WOD. I am very happy about my squats though. Squats have always been a big weakness so I am happy that I was able to get at least 16 a round.

    Awesome work everyone tonight!
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. I got 342. Here how I break it down:
    Pullups: 45 Pushups: 46 sit ups:116 squats: 135 which according to my calculations: 342.

    I also did 56 HSPU because Vegas has no time for them :). I still have a lot to make up.
  55. John W Says:
  56. It's all good Reba, that's what I figured. Nice job on this one by the way. You killed it! Looks like there was solid work done by everyone today, well done!
  57. Anonymous Says:
  58. It was really hard to keep count b/c I wasn't writing anything down like Danielle.... however, I'm pretty sure I ended with 422.
  59. hannah eileen Says:
  60. By the way, we don't need a nativity scene. We can just have Jesus laying in a crib all season long. Who volunteers to be Mary and Joseph?
  61. Chad Says:
  62. 222. Its not a Reba or Tovar total, but I'm certainley happy with it.
  63. Cari Says:
  64. 242 total
    73 situps
    99 squats
    24 pullups w/ a green band
    46 pushups w/ a purple band
    I liked this workout but really sucked at pullups. Great job to everyone!
  65. Anonymous Says:
  66. 213 was my huge number. I don't have the breakdown because i just can't think that mush while I'm working out. I know my squats were the big push. I'll have to keep working. Way to go Nooners!
    Amanda V
  67. Anonymous Says:
  68. 375 total
    76 pull-ups (8x8, 6x8)
    53 push-ups (high rep 8, low
    118 sit-ups (high rep 15, low rep 14)
    128 squats
  69. Nicole Says:
  70. This is my first post!!
    293 I am not sure of the exact breakdown. I tried to keep a running total.
  71. Anonymous Says:
  72. 232. Sub'd 12# ball slams for Pull-ups and 12# wall balls for sit-ups. Also used a tan band for push-ups. Way to go 6:30!
  73. Mel C Says:
  74. This is posted a day late but I would like to note that this workout was the first one I did doing Kipping Pullups! And...I didn't scale to a band at all and I didn't scale for pushups either. I got 288 because I tried to rock out as many reps during situps and squats as I could.
  75. Anonymous Says:
  76. First time blogger, too!!!

    My number was 321, to my calculations...this may be off because it seems pretty high for my first time at this. I wasn't very smart in the way I approached pull-ups and push-ups...I went nuts the first few rounds and then died...not good. It was a learning process. Sorry, not sure on the break down since it is so far after the fact:(

    I know I did 45 pull-ups and 114 squats and averaged 12 sit-ups.

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