Wednesday 110223

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
15 Overhead Squats, 98#/63#

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Compare to 100730 or 100326.

Megan "GDawg" Guthmiller

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15 Responses to "Wednesday 110223"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. Woof!
  3. svioli Says:
  4. Great first "official" class this morning, thanks to the 5AM folks! Completed Nancy in 21.08.
  5. Jess Says:
  6. Look at Gdawg's rack...rack position that is! Nice form. Love the shirt too.

    18:34 using #33 for OH squats. This was a 7 second PR for me. I will take it. I am feeling a little beat up this week so I was happy with any PR.

    Great job 6am peeps!

  7. Amanda Says:
  8. Spectacular work morning classes! It was pretty chilly outside at 5 and 6 but the beasts of the a.m. handled it well.

    Congratulations to any PR's and first timer's (if it's your first time, then it's a PR).

    A big welcome to Sue V.!! We're happy to have you at 5am!

    Good luck to the later classes, and be thankful you'll have nicer weather. WRITE THIS STUFF down people. Benchmarks a guarantee you will be doing the workout again sometime.
  9. paul Says:
  10. Welcome, Sue (and any other new folks out there)!

    I'm exited to do this tomorrow. Nancy and I are mortal enemies, but I feel a PR coming on...
  11. Mark Says:
  12. 16:54 Rx'd - PR by 1:16. Running was pretty chilly and that cold wind in your face when running down the hill made my eyes water like crazy. I did all 15 squats each round unbroken which is how I beat my previous PR cause I know my running hasn't improved at all.
  13. Gdawg Says:
  14. Slept right through my 530am alarm...ill try again tmrw....working 1-9 the next couple days...I don't adjust to schedule change well I guess! And thanks for the comment Jess ;-)
  15. Gdawg Says:
  16. Slept right through my 530am alarm...ill try again tmrw....working 1-9 the next couple days...I don't adjust to schedule change well I guess! And thanks for the comment Jess ;-)
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Back Box Squat - 3RM - Lower Box
    12" + Red Bumper... About 15"... Probably slightly above parallel
    - With Mini's Double Wrapped + 165#

    Rest 3-5 - Used the time to warm up on snatch

    2010 Games WOD 1
    * Not exactly like it was Rx'd since I'm still not there with a turn out on muscle ups

    Muscle Ups
    Full Snatch (135#)
    * 5:53 *
    - Kept things steady cause I didnt want to miss any reps but still could have gone faster

    Rest 3-5 Mins - Stripped weights off

    Row 2 500m Rows under 1:40
    - However many attempts it takes to get 2 with only 2 mins rest between... Timed these out just perfect because....
    Attempt 1 - 139.8 ;)
    Attempt 2 - 139.3

    Moving to a high intensity, one workout time a day phase of 3 days on / 1 days off... However there might be 2-3 parts to my workouts... I.E. my workout today... But I just wont be doing them at different times of the day... 3 More weeks!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 16:32 rx'd
    Squats felt good, running was so. Painfully. Slow. Like, tranquilizer gun slow.
  21. Erica Says:
  22. 15:40 with 63# and 200 meter runs. This kicked my booty! But I was glad I went Rx'd on the time I'll kick in those 400s :)
  23. JennG Says:
  24. 18:20 with the men's bar and the 400 meter runs. I'm actually kinda ok with this & glad I did the 400s. Thanks for all the encouragement at the end, 5:30.
  25. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  26. 15:39 with #53, did OHS all unbroken, back was a on fire during the run from deadlifts yesterday, running was SLOW.
  27. hannah eileen Says:
  28. 10:18 super scaled
  29. nmandresen Says:
  30. 200m & 10 squats...I thought I was on track at 5 and finished at 11:47 but then I couldn't remember and saw others still running so I did another round and finished at 14:07. I apparently need to hire a personal counter.

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