2009 Rocky Mountain Regional WOD #2
3 rounds for time of:
10 Chest 2 Bar Pull ups
10 Front Squats, 164#/104#
10 Burpees
Post time to comments/Logwod.
Compare to 100712 or 090512
Inspired to push my limits! Aren't you?
If any of you are interested, Crystal and I will be holding a birthday party for our little Miss Teagan this Saturday at 1PM over at Sam & Louie's on 120th and Blondo. Please consider making an appearance as we love hanging out with you guys. No need to bring any gifts.
12 muscle ups
75 air squats
Damn Air Squats.
Going to do the chipper workout from the games prep today. This should be fun. Ill let you know.
Time = 5:46 RX'd
Great job 6am peeps!
P.S. Tara, I told you so. ;u)
Great job pushing all the way thru to the end Mike.
Brandon B told me this morning, "Don't drop the bar, stop and take a couple breaths, but don't drop the bar... because it's a BITCH to pick back up". He was 100% correct. This is sneaky heavy. Only broke up last set of front squats 6/4. Don't think I could have gone much harder. At least that's what my quads are telling me now...
Kinda proud of myself this week...
88 110 135 (all for triples)
165 170X4 damn! .. 10 lb PR
Main Site variation from yesterday..
5 thrusters @ 115
10 pull ups
1 Stair Sprint (Kinda sucked cause I had to go around two corners EA time)
* Start a new RD every 2 mins *
** First and last RDS were my fastest.. Go figure
Rounds ranged from 53 to 56 seconds.. My pull ups sucked.. Absolutely NO rhythm which cost a few seconds each time especially the 56 second round :(
Post workout
Reverse Hypers 2X15
Inverted Row 2X10
can't wait to see how 4:30 goes...
2:45 PR! Obviously not disappointed with that, but I know I could have gone significantly faster had I not had so much chicken salad and chocolate milk this morning - the mayonnaise and milk were not sitting well and I was pretty queasy.
Good energy at noon class today... everyone was killing it. Always my favorite time to go.
Special shout-out to Hannah for nutting up on the front squat weight. :)
Also, Tara, you're the best!
CTB was the tough part of this WOD; I will continue to work on these, but they are slow for me right now.
7 am:
15 GTO 132/99
20 wall balls 20/14
25 jumping pullups
30 lunges 44/33
35 swings 2/1.5
40 game style box jumps
45 deadlifts 132/99
500 meter row
14:55 Rx'd.
I figured 2:05 for the row as my rower didn't calculate. I "enjoyed" the lunges and the deadlifts the most; swings were the hardest. I broke up wall balls once, jumping pullups once, swings 4 times, and deadlifts once. The GTO and box jumps, I just kept going at a pace I thought I could do without killing myself.
I'm looking forward to two days of no working out and lots of stretching/rolling out.
LOVE IT!!!! :)
53# front squats. regular kippings - chin over bar pullups. same reps for everything.
this was fun! and great noon class today :)
Great advice!! Now off to go grab a candy bar so I can lose weight!
8 reasons carbs help you lose weight
Used 164#, but had to scale to normal kipping PUs after the first round and a half or so. As usual, burpees kicked my ass and slowed me down big time.
That is too funny about the bacon.
I did the 7am chipper, and finished around 16:50. I'm not really sure of the time. I was kind of out of it by the time I finished. My 500 row was about 1:39, though, so that's not bad.
Now, for a pound of steak and a big salad....
Have fun all those doing the WODs tomorrow. Wish I could be there!
Wednesday was a rest day for the games group so I didnt go to the gym but instead tried my luck at uno wrestling practice. Was my third week in a row attending so actually made it thru two 7 minute matches and performed extremely well. Always grueling to knock heads with the college boys.
Thursday did 3 rounds of 12 muscle ups and 75 air squats in the morning. Finished in 11:53. Worked on close grip bench and handstands pushups in the evening.
Today we did a crazy hard chipper this morning and I finished in 14:46. Did the cfo wod @ 4:30 and finished in 3:43. Despite all the volume this week it felt really good. Great confidence booster as I killed my time from regionals two years ago.
Im convinced that crossfit is like any other activity or sport.... the longer you do it the better you get at it. It may not necessarily get any easier (which is why we love it) but the skill level, techniques, and strategies certainly improve with time.
I really liked this week's programming - it wore me the hell out, but I'm not feeling beat down. I think that's good?
16:04 rx'd.
This wod takes it out of you! The lunges and row were harder than I thought they would be but everything else was about what I expected. Box jumps were pretty slow but I just kept moving, it was a nice lil break from how fast pace everything else was!