Monday 100712

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
2009 North Central Regional WOD #2
3 rounds for time of:
10 C2B Pull ups
10 Front Squats, 164#/104#
10 Burpees

You are allowed to squat clean into your first squat rep. There is a 12 minute cut-off for this workout.

Post your time to comments/LogWod.

Even Gabe knows it's important to take in enough water during this hot weather.

The emails were sent out. If you are interested in playing in our golf outing, make sure you sign up and pay online. Remember to save the date even if you aren't playing as we will be having our 2 year anniversary party that evening at the golf course.

We'll have a sign up sheet in the gym for those that are planning on coming. Come help us celebrate our 2 years in the gym.

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5 Responses to "Monday 100712"

  1. Hilg Says:
  2. Good Job 6amers!

    Scaled pull-ups and went with 144# FS....feeling a little sluggish this morning.

    8:17 Got the first 15 pullups CTB but then this weekend got the best of me. Felt like my last 5 squat reps were lacking in form as well.

    Excited for this weekend's Games contestants. Go CFO!!
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. Finally watched Stacie's interview, and it was great!!

    Good luck to Stacie and the CFO team this coming weekend. I know you will all do great!!
  5. Unknown Says:
  6. First Day Back after the meet...
    NEW GOALS...
    Have another bigger meet in Kansas in Mid-September so still want to bring up my O-Lift more but am putting more focus on my Power Lifts and Running
    ... So I'm starting an 8 week cycle with more Back Squatting and Deadlifting along with a Crossfit Endurance WOD at least once every 9 days while continuing my Snatch and Clean and Jerk emphasis days along with a Max Out and WOD only days on days 7 and 8 of each cycle...

    Snatch Balance Max - Hit 230
    Snatch - Muscle, Hang Power, and Floor Power... Up to Moderate Weight.. Up to 147#
    Deadlift Work
    Messed around with L-Ring Dips :)
    Toes to Bar
  7. Crystal Says:
  8. great job 6:30. it was a hot one tonight.

    10:17 scaled. used 93# for front squats. quads are really sore from saturday. i was able to do all 3 rounds of squats unbroken though. C2B did 3-3-2-2. and burpees were slow. i liked this one a lot.
  9. Shelley Says:
  10. Did AMRAP of DL's at 269# for 8 reps
    AMRAP of press at 79# for 4 reps

Thanks For Visiting!