Coach B Teaching Critical Points of the Jerk

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
In the picture, Coach B is pointing out critical areas of the jerk and the criteria that must be met in order to successfully catch a heavy weight overhead.
1. Most of the weight is on the front foot as shown by the knee being directly over or slightly in front of that leading foot.
2. Arms are locked out with shoulders elevated. Notice that the rib cage is not opened up but rather the abs tight. The lockout position comes from having the bar directly over the shoulder which happens to be behind the ears
3. The back foot does it share of the work being on the ball of the foot while the leg is slightly bent. Manipulation of the back leg keeps the body in an optimal position. Keeping it from excessive forward lean which may cause a loss of stabilizing the bar overhead.

When attempting the split jerk, be aggressive. Drive the bar up until you can get no taller at which point you must push yourself into the lockout position. There should be little to no pressing of the bar up. The drive following the dip, dependent upon the weight on the bar, is one of only applying enough force to cause the bar to float momentarily in mid-air in order to give yourself enough time to get underneath it. Again this is dependent upon how much weight is on the bar (or how heavy the weight feels to you). This is the case because lighter weights will go up faster thus sometimes causing the bar to go more up than if you were handling a max load which would demonstrate you going more down.

Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Compare to 071107
Compare to 071108 (most of you posted results on the next day)

After a lengthy warm-up that includes plenty of skill transfer attempt to jerk the highest load possible in 10 sets. I am enlightened to see all the posts of recent weeks. I encourage you to keep posting your results, not matter what they are, to the comments section after every workout. This is your free log to track your progress. This holds especially true for max effort day such as this one. I will attach links to previous attempts at similar workouts for comparison. We last attempted this workout on November 7th of last year.

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13 Responses to "Coach B Teaching Critical Points of the Jerk"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. 97 lbs.

    good job today, everyone!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Hit 148, past best was 110. Fun but I need more work on this one.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Learned a lot from that, but too sore to attempt to go to max. I lost track of what my last set was. I think around 120.

    Everyone was lookin good today.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. The more I do Split Jerks, the more I like them. Everyone looked great out there today.

    I got to 148 also today compared to 95 in November. I can't wait to see how I do next time!

    Paul, I calculated your heaviest today at 130.
  9. Melissa B Says:
  10. Holy Crap Jimmy that's like a 65% increase (i know I'm a huge dork)...that's freckin sweet....keep it up!!!!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Thanks Mel! I'm sure that a lot of that had to do with the fact that the time in Nov was the first time I'd ever done a split jerk, and that at that point I'd only been CrossFitting for about a month. Regardless, I feel pretty good about the improvement.
  13. paul Says:
  14. Yeah, that really is amazing Jimbo!
  15. A Says:
  16. Geez. Way to go, Jimmy!
    I got to 97lbs. Shoulder hurts a bit, but nothing like the other day. I like the split jerk, and think I could do more weight. Again, ribs back helps a lot.
    Everyone did a great job today! See you tomorrow!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 262. it was not pretty but it worked. looking forward to doing these again.

    great job everyone, see you tomorrow.
  19. zj Says:
  20. 162 with my recovery steps reversed
  21. A Says:
  22. I cannot even fathom 262lbs. That's pretty sweet, Nick!
  23. Addi Says:
  24. 90 lb. - I didn't max out - probably could have struggled through another 10 pounds or so.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 262! That is amazing! Way to go Nick. Sounds like everyone did great too.

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