The "Games"

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
2nd Annual CrossFit Games, to be held in Aromas, California. We want you to start thinking about the games and if it is something that you would be interested in attending. Joe and I are definitely planning on attending and would love to take a team out there to compete and have some fun. As the new year passes and the date gets closer we will iron out details.


Split Jerk (5-5-5)-3-3-3-3-3 reps

We will spend most of the time working on skill work for the split jerk such as the agression, power, and form needed for success. After a solid grasp of the movement is displayed we will then give you the opportunity to practice it while increasing the load. I encourage you to check out the videos on the split jerk that are located within the main site's CrossFit exercises portion and Olympic lift portion of the exercises and demos page.

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1 Response to "The "Games""

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Final weight was 80lbs. i liked this lift!

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