The Deadlift, by Greg Glassman - Aug 03 CFJ

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
The deadlift is unrivaled in its simplicity and impact while unique in its capacity for increasing head to toe strength.

Regardless of whether your fitness goals are to "rev up" your metabolism, increase strength or lean body mass, decrease body fat, rehabilitate your back, improve athletic performance, or maintain functional independence as a senior, the deadlift is a marked shortcut to that end.

To the detriment of millions, the deadlift is infrequently used and seldom seen either by most of the exercising public and/or, believe it or not, by athletes.

It might be that the deadlift' name has scared away the masses; its older name, "the healthlift," was a better choice for this perfect movement.

In its most advanced application the deadlift is prerequisite to, and a component of, "the world’s fastest lift," the snatch, and "the world’s most powerful lift," the clean; but it is also, quite simply, no more than the safe and sound approach by which any object should be lifted from the ground.

The deadlift, being no more than picking a thing off the ground, keeps company with standing, running, jumping, and throwing for functionality but imparts quick and prominent athletic advantage like no other exercise.

Read the full article in PDF

Rest Day!
After the work you guys put in so far this week, I'd say a rest day is in order. Good work and keep up the intensity as this is the reason you guys/gals rock. See you Friday unless you missed a day this week, in which I would recommend you make it in for a workout.

Post the load you reached on yesterday's WOD (split jerk) to the comments section.

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6 Responses to "The Deadlift, by Greg Glassman - Aug 03 CFJ"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I got up to #95, and I think Split Jerk is my new favorite O-Lift. See you guys on Thur, cause I won't make it in on Sat.
  3. paul Says:
  4. I got 135. Some were messy, but some felt pretty solid.
  5. Addi Says:
  6. 85# here... I have to agree with Jim - Split Jerk has become my new favorite.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. My last set consisted of three reps of 165lbs. I'm curious to test myself at a one rep max at this "new" lift. I'm going to shoot for 185lbs.

  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Ended up with 110, at the end felt like I could have went heavier just need to get comfortable with the lift. 135 next time.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I had a rockin 70 LBS!!!! I know...I AM putting up some pretty big numbers :) I will be tonight, see ya!!

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