Thursday 080828

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps

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Compare to 080324

6 A.M. Pull-ups

Just a reminder, there are no Saturday classes this week as we will be up at UNO playing Ultimate Med Ball. Game starts at 9:30 A.M. so try and be there closer to 9 A.M. so we can get a good warm-up and separate teams. There is a $5 buy-in which will pay for refreshments afterwards. I want everyone who would normally come to Saturday classes to show up and have a good time. It will be lots of fun and you don't want to regret missing out.

Another reminder, there will be no classes this Monday because of the Labor day holliday. Enjoy the extra day off and be ready to go on Tuesday.

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25 Responses to "Thursday 080828"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Oh, sweet. Knowing today is a deadlift strength day is going to make my 5:30 shift so much less painful. :) Love it. See you at noon!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. completed 5 reps at 184#, attempted 198#, but failed. Great job to everyone this morning!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Completed 5 reps @ 114#, Good job Gina!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Great Job 6am - lot's of plates on those bars. Welcome Mike, hope you make 6 o'clock your regular time. Last set 218 2 times lowered it to 208 for 3 times.
  9. kahrs Says:
  10. 285 x 5

    Everything felt really good today. 6am is getting pretty large it is great. Good job everyone.
  11. zj Says:
  12. 275x5
  13. JonD Says:
  14. I have been slackin in the 6am class, I think I have morning sickness or something ( I hope Im not pregnant) but I did it before class at UNO and I went to 200x5 and then ran out of time but pretty sure I might have been able to do a little bit more. Well sounds like people are puttin up some good numbers and I'll be there tomorrow hopefully.
  15. Jen Says:
  16. 309x5
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. I was really worried about these deadlifts.... and with reason apparently. I got up to 197x4 and they looked really bad. I had done 173 pretty easily and Ricky told me to try to get to 200. I should not have listened!
    Tony you rocked the deadlifts today! Great job!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Dan M. 5 reps at 172
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I have nothing to compare this one too. I did the 3 rep max awhile ago, so will try to match and go higher than that one....once my form gets sh*tty I am stopping though....

    Nice work Angela - that is like my one rep max!
  23. Addi Says:
  24. My goal was to break 200, and I thought I was way off track... until I finished the 5th set and it was pointed out to me that I had done 209.. not 160-something, like I thought. Apparently I can't add and lift at the same time.

    I think I should have listened to Joe and tried one more set - I could have squeezed out a little more weight with a few minutes rest.

    Great job, Tony and Jim!
  25. Mike Says:
  26. Performed 5 reps at 184 lbs. Failed twice at 198 lbs. Thanks Ricky, Greg, and Lindsey for your encouragement this morning.
  27. BC Says:
  28. 252# 5X in last round. I've never done 5RM before so this will be my personal best and benchmark for next time. I have done 1RM, back in June, and my max there was 264 so I think this is some pretty decent improvement. Great job by the entire 5:30 crew, there were definitely more bumpers on bars than on the ground.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 5 X 219. last PR for 5 reps was 200.5. thanks to ricky, joe, and kylie for trying to correct my technique- i'll figure it out someday! great job everyone. i saw some impressive numbers from the 5:30 crew! we're gonna need longer bars to fit all that weight on them!
  31. paul Says:
  32. I got 352x5 and 372x3. According to the percentage chart, this is not a PR, but I've never done 352x5 or 372x3, so I am happy.

    I am also really impressed by the amount of weight everyone is moving! Great job, 5:30!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. 178 tonight. Felt very good and I felt like my form was really there body doesn't feel near as taxed as it normally does after deadlifts, but I didn't push to failure tonight either....this will be my benchmark start on this one since its the first time I have done 5 5 5 5 5 as well...

    Paul nice to see ya!! Did you come twice ;)
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. i got 187x3 and 163x5. i am assuming i could have done another rd between there, but o well. it was definately a personal best! 5:30 crew was doing awesome. huge weights being thrown around.

    i cannot wait for the medball challenge saturday.
  37. A Says:
  38. 192# X 5. I think the last time I deadlifted for even a 1 rep max it was around 175#, so I am REALLY pleased. This is a vast improvement, and my back never hurt during the lifts. We'll see how it feels tomorrow. Nice work to everyone at 6:30. Crystal, you are awesome! And way to go Greg, with the kipping pullups!
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. 192x5. Happy w/tonights as well. Beat my last 5 rep max by 2#s. I really do love strength days. Could have maybe tried for one more round but didn't want to push it.

    Way to go 6:30. It was nice to meet you Greg and is awesome to see you back Dave! Thanks Alison, you did awesome as well and you really pushed it tonight!
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. my last set was 126lbs. 5x, it felt pretty good, but i've got a long ways to go to catch up to all the other crossfit girls! nice job today 6am!
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. Yesterday I got to 308# x 5 reps on the fifth round. The last two rounds we pretty sketchy, form wise. Ricky says I am getting much better though, so hopefully somday I can keep my back straight for heavy weights.

    After the WOD I did Annie to work on double unders and get some sit ups in. I finished in 13:08, not very happy about the time but those double unders were so hard towards the end and especially after doing heavy deadlifts.
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. I got 165*5. I think I can do more next time. Dont think I did the last deadllift WOd to compare. I know for Xfit games I did one lift with 200 I think, so I know I have it in me :)

    After I worked on DU until I got 10 in a row and got about 12 so I called it quits, then I went home and ran about 2 miles. Don't know why, I just felt like running...just like Forest Gump!
  47. ZachR Says:
  48. 318 x 5

    Did this workout on Friday afternoon during open gym. Felt good and hopefully my back doesn't hurt tomorrow!
  49. Greg MO Says:
  50. #375 x 4

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