Wednesday 080827

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


3 rounds for time:
30 Double Unders
35 pound dumbbell thrusters, 20 reps

Very simple workout meant to challenge you both physically and psychologically. Keep mid-line tight throughout and try and finish in as fast a time as possible. The cut-off time is 9 minutes but I am looking for who can make the 5 minute club. Rx'd for ladies is 20 pound dumbbells.

Post time to comments.

In the top picture, Tony has good bar placement but a flawed squat. In the bottom picture, the squat has improved but now the bar placement is flawed. For Tony to have the ability to successfully overhead squat any significant amount of load he must first address and correct these issues with insignificant load (pvc pipe) so that we have the bar placement from the top picture matched with the squat from the bottom picture. Is there a specific movement you struggle with? Seeing yourself through the eyes of a camera can give you the necessary feedback to improve posture and correct flawed movements.


On September 27th, our gym will be hosting the Athletes for a Cure: Fight Gone Bad III fundraiser for prostate cancer. I am sure some or many of you know or are related to someone who deals with or has dealt with this horrible disease. For this, I would like to personally invite you and anyone else who you think may be interested, to sign-up or donate. You may even try and see if your place of employment will donate to this cause. All you need to do is visit our personal page listed on the Athletes for a Cure website and fill in the appropriate information. It will be a fun time with refreshments and food provided. For more information on the cause and the workout, click on the picture link in the right hand column under CrossFit Omaha Events. At the moment, our gym has raised $975. Petranek Fitness (CrossFit L.A.) leads the pack with just over $9,000.

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21 Responses to "Wednesday 080827"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. its official. i still hate double unders. at the 9 min cut-off i had finished 2 rds + all double unders (thanks to zachr and ricky for cheering me on). then, for those of us who didnt finish in the 9 min, we had a minute rest and then timed again to finish. i got all 20 thrusters in just under another minute. so, 10 min to summarize. great job to everyone this morning. gina, welcome to classes! zachr you killed it.
  3. kahrs Says:
  4. 7:14, double unders are slowly getting better. The thrusters were tough. Everyone did really well. Hannah the DU's frustrate me too just takes time and a lot of it for me still getting there. X-tina good job on the extra reps.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Hannah - 12:30 on Tuesday ;)

    DU's are so dang frustrating!!!!! arg!!! I will be there to torture myself and my legs with them at 6:30....

    on my way into work this morning I was silently praying that they would not post double unders! My arms are so fried and my shoulders will be wasted after this - - but we all know it doesn't do any good to cry about it ;)
  7. ZachR Says:
  8. 5:40

    This one is definitely tougher than it looks. I am already not a fan of thrusters but subbing DBs for the bar makes them even worse.

    Everyone was really working hard this morning. Welcome, Gina!
  9. Kelli Says:
  10. just sent out a ton of emails for the Fight Gone Bad III fundraiser! stay tuned!!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 5:43
    It took about 20 minutes for me to regain use of my arms after this one....
    Nooners looked good today!
  13. paul Says:
  14. yeah, great work, nooners!

    I subbed KB front squats (1 pood in each hand) for the thrusters, and finished 5:18.
  15. JonD Says:
  16. Great job today 6ers and nooners and lets all welcome Gina to the bunch hopefully she stays for the great 6am class. Keep working hard and I hopeto see everyone at the med ball challenge, it will be a new adventure to me. Well see everyone tomorrow.
  17. Kelli Says:
  18. 8:48 -- sub 60 singles + 15 tuck jumps for doubleunders. Great job 5:30!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 8:15. we had a great group at the 5:30 today, it's awesome to see how much we've grown!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 8:32 I gave what I had left today, which didn't feel like much I admit....trouble with the DU's except today I just wasn't "feelin em'" at all :(

    Mikala was getting them tonight! Good for you!!!
  23. Mark Says:
  24. 8:48 Rx'd... I started strong but those thrusters were much heavier than I was expecting. The last round of thrusters took me almost 3 minutes... blah. Great work Alison for finishing way under 5 minutes and Matt for under 6 minutes!!
  25. BC Says:
  26. 7:44 w/ scaled thrusters. My double unders have come a long way and were really solid tonight (18 in a row to start the 2nd rd, new best) but they were offset with some extremely weak thrusters, very frustrating and humbling. Great job 5:30 crew, lots of people, lots of intensity, extremely impressive. And Alison, all kidding aside, sometimes I am just in awe of your abilities, you're a great inspiration.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Big DNF for me. If there are two things I hate in life right now it is DU and Enterprise runs.

  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 6:43 Rx'd. This was a great WOD. It's been a long time since i was actually happy w/my time.

    Great job 6:30 class. Welcome back Kat & Megan and way to go Woody on your first official class!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. DNF in the timelimit - probably about ten something when finally done... DU's are still a work in progress. BUT, All time high of five in a row...woot, woot!

    Nice Work 5:30!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. A stands for Alison...and Animal. Holy cow you nailed this workout! Big DNF...I'm still trying to get the DU's up to par. My arms were already sore from working on pullups with Ricky last night and now they might just fall of. Way to go on the DB Thrusters Cari!

    Mel C

    Glad to see you're feeling better Kylie!
  35. Cari Says:
  36. DNF - had 15 thrusters left. Did 60SUs+15 Tuck jumps per round ... really need to figure DUs out b/c I hate tuck jumps. Great job to everyone at 5:30!!
  37. A Says:
  38. You guys all rock! 5:30 was a blast!
    4:11 Rx'd. I had the magic rope, so that's a bit of an advantage. :-)

    Cari - way to push through those last thrusters! And Brian, you strung together a TON of DUs - it was so cool to watch!

    I was so totally impressed with everyone tonight! It just blows me away to see so much intensity in one place.
  39. Addi Says:
  40. I liked this one, but not necessarily my time.

    8:22 - The DUs were coming together. Had a pr of 17 in a row, and a few sets over 10, which is really good for me. (Our super-secret mental strategy definitely worked, Kylie!)

    The DB thrusters SUCKED, especially in the third round. I felt like my form was really solid the first two rounds, even if they sucked my will to live. The third round went straight down the toilet though - my arms were everywhere. 20 pounds sounds so harmless....
  41. zj Says:
  42. 7:24

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