Friday 080829

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

"Kylie L." 
7 rounds for time of: 
x7 Burpees 
x7 Pull-ups 
x7 Box Jumps (24") 

Great programming sometimes comes from the least expected places. For this reason we shall know this workout as "Kylie L." Burpees in this workout shall only count when your body touches the floor (chest and thigh) and your hands touch a point that is 6 inches above your reach (use rings as a target). Pull-ups on the other hand require only that you get your chin above the bar. 

Post total time to comments.

Big Donohoe showing strength and balance while supporting himself on the rings. Smaller athletes sometimes take for granted that gymnastic type movements are so much tougher for larger athletes. This makes the picture above all the more impressive. Great work Brian.

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17 Responses to "Friday 080829"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. Think I finished in 9:14 not positive though. I need a rest day I am shot. But, Medball is tomorrow so see everyone there.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. That is an incredible show of balance...that mans head alone weighs 125 pounds...I am extremely impressed!! JK Donohoe!
  5. JonD Says:
  6. Love todays workout. If there is no running or rowing involved sign me up. Well I got done in 8:28, there was a lot of motivation to go around because everyone was working hard. Nice job 6ers the class is growing and I love it. We need to break 20 one of these days. Well hopefully I will see everyone tomorrow at 9am at UNO, otherwise have a great weekend.
  7. zj Says:
  8. 8:04
  9. ZachR Says:
  10. 6:52

    Hope to see everyone up at UNO tomorrow morning for ultimate med ball.
  11. Jen Says:
  12. WOD = 9:26
  13. paul Says:
  14. Nice intensity, noon class!

    I did:

    2 rds, with 2 min rest in between:

    300m row
    20 lunges
    20 KB swings (1 pood)
    10 KTEs
    20 box jumps (24")
    30 DUs
    2 runs to the street and back.

    times were 5:32, and 5:31.

  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 10:24
  17. BC Says:
  18. 11:55, great job nooners. Paul, as difficult as this WOD was yours looked much more painful, as evidenced by the chalk outline pose you collapsed into when you were done. I thought I was on the set of CSI for a minute. Looking forward to tomorrow, see everyone there.
  19. paul Says:
  20. HA! thanks, Brian.
  21. Melissa B Says:
  22. I hate Kylie L. hehe j/k luv Kylie but not her workout! seriously though this workout destroyed me. I went home and took a nap! only silver lining i didn't break up the pull ups at all-thank goodness for chin and not chest to bar :)
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. i am extremely upset with my effort today. if it wasnt for zachr i wouldnt be posting...that and i am sure kylie l will be done again and i want to prove that today was a joke. today was day 4. i should have taken a rest day since im not tomorrow.
    14:47 after tearing my hands up in rd 2. jeff, it took me a few hours before i washed them. :)
    even though my performance was subpar, there was some amazing effort this am! i am so proud to be a part of this group!
  25. Steve Says:
  26. Great turn-out for the 5:30 class. Kylie L. kicked my ass, and the workout was hard, too.
  27. Kelli Says:
  28. 14:39...I think powerlifters have no endurance!! (or at least me...) THANK YOU to everyone who cheered me on at the guys are awesome...
  29. Mark Says:
  30. 8:40, pretty disappointed with my time. I was trying to keep up with a couple of the others but I couldn't keep my breath and had to stop several times. Another weakness of mine, my lungs...

    Hope to see you all at Ultimate Med Ball tomorrow!!
  31. A Says:
  32. I think most of you can appreciate how hard it can be to take a rest day! I wanted to come in and do this workout so badly!!! But, after 5 days on, I needed a break. I will save it for another day!
    Will try for tomorrow, but I have a dumb high school reunion I have to attend. If I don't see you all, have a blast!
  33. Greg MO Says:
  34. 6:35

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