Nutritional Lack Thereof

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Lately the message has been, "What is your nutritional intake look like?" "Can nutrition really play that much of a role in how I feel, how I perform, and/or how fast I can recover?" Well let me tell you that it can and will if you will only give it a chance. It is not easy but neither are your workouts and everyone seems to be doing alright with those. We have some that do really well and some that are not there yet but are progressing. This will be the same with diet. There will be some of you that have the propencity to pick up the zone really easy and then some of you will have trouble at first but if you stick with it you will succeed as well. You just have to pull the trigger and dedicate yourself to it. Don't use the excuse that you CrossFit so that you can eat everything you want. That's not how it works. If you have an interest or if there is enough interest from a lot of you Joe and I will consider holding a nutritional seminar where we can sit down and talk to all of you on both the Zone and/or at least eating Paleo. I have been following the Zone for a little while now and it has completely been everything I didn't think it would be. It has helped me tremendously. As for Joe, he is pretty much following the zone minus all the weighing and measuring. Either way, it's your call. I have added a section to the left entitled Nutrition and the Zone. Here are links to five articles pertaining to the zone or at least referencing to nutrition. Be sure to read "Getting Off the Crack", by Nicole Carrol, it is a great article, as well as the article entitled "The Zone & CrossFit." Hopefully you decide to take the next step and if you do good luck. If you need any help please let Joe or I know as we would be more than happy to help you in anyway we can.


Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps

finish w/
10 minutes of work on Turkish Situps

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20 Responses to "Nutritional Lack Thereof"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. In response to this article "Getting off the Crack", I am finding it much harder to stay on track with the Zone because I feel like it is WAY too much food. I feel like I can't eat all of this food. It's hard to stick to because I'm never hungry like this Nicole woman- it's just so much food it seems. Just my two cents....
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Ricky - I would like to take you up on the offer of a zone seminar. I have been reading about the zone. No problem getting enough protein and good fat, but like Angela am a little freaked by the vegetables volume. I am not sure how I can eat 21 blocks of Carbs. It would be great to here a real life example of how you manage to do it.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Sorry - Thats "hear" not "here" in my earlier post.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I would like to hear more about The Zone too!!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. There is an article in the New York Times about CrossFit. It is not an article praising it....
  11. Ricky Frausto Says:
  12. To you that have read the article on the NYTimes, this is not her first crack at CrossFit either. She means no harm and really has yet to realize the true function of CrossFit. I don't blame her as a lot of people who are members of CrossFit don't realize the true function of working out like this. If you would like a rebuttal or at least a good read on one aspect of why we do CrossFit copy and paste this link into your address bar and enjoy.
  13. Melissa B Says:
  14. Awesome job today...esp. Kylie for breaking 200lbs with 200.5 and the boys next to Angela and I for dl all the colors at one time...i went 185 for 5 rep
  15. paul Says:
  16. Excellent work, dudes. Kylie--200+?? that's awesome!!

    I hit 327 for 5 (PR).
  17. Nick Says:
  18. 352 x 5 for a new PR. awesome stuff everyone! Turkish situps were a good time too.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 260x5. Second time doing Deadlifts. It was fun watching everyone's faces on the turkish situps. Great work to Jeremy and Dave.
  21. kahrs Says:
  22. Hit 275x5, felt really good. Turkish situps were really fun even though I almost tore my arm off. Good job to everyone.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. great job everyone! i did 200.5 five times, my last max was 197, so thanks ricky and joe for getting me stronger! i feel like my technique on the deadlift is what helped so much, if only i could master the technique on the other olympic moves, then maybe i could get some power in those, too. i've got a lot to work on! see you all tomorrow!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. Awesome, you all rock! Way to go Kylie.

    Again, i love strength days.

    190 x 5
  27. Dave Paladino Says:
  28. This was the first time doing deadlifts other than for form- 250 X 4. Now we are talking. I would prefer endurance stuff, but the strength days are starting to get to be fun.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. I got 185x5 with Melissa today. The 5:30 class was really fun today- I love all the support. Great job to everyone!
  31. Courtney Says:
  32. I got 150x5. Everyone did awesome today!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. I love the dead lift and I was feeling really strong today. I got a PR with 272 x 5 and felt like I could go a lot higher.

    Great Job everyone, you all kicked some serious DL butt tonight!!

    Those turkish sit ups are tough but fun. see you all tomorrow.
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. 174 X 5!! I am really surprised that I did that. Can't wait for the next time we do them to see how much more I can do, maybe beat Kylie :)

    Nice work everyone.
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. CRiley
    285x5 and felt like I was going to slip a disc at 307.. lot of work to do..
  39. Addi Says:
  40. Ugh. I hate missing strength days. :) Couldn't leave work until after 6, and then I still had a few hours of work left for home.

    Great job, everyone! Can't wait to get in more regularly - I can tell I'm slipping...

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