Wednesday 080702

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Weighted Pullups 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Rest as needed. If you do not have pull-ups then work towards getting them.

Post loads to comments.

Compare to 080507

Zachr hamming it up for the camera!

Just a reminder that the gym will be closed both Friday and Saturday of this week. If you have not recieved an invoice, membership fees are due by the fifth. Thanks for your promptness in taking care of this matter.

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18 Responses to "Wednesday 080702"

  1. Melissa B Says:
  2. Got up to 25# pu and failed so 20# and then reds for pushups
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. ricky, i'm a little confused. do i go up in weight every time and get a 3-rep max or do i just pick one number and do 5 rounds of 3 with that number. and if so, how high of a number? thanks!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 40# on Pullups (24% BW)
    110# on Pushups (2 Reds)

    I struggled with my grip today as I ripped open a callous yesterday during KB swings. Pushups felt good although I was still a little sore from all the pushups I did on Sunday.

    Good to see 6am class getting bigger each week. Lindsey, starting to look good with those kipping pullups. Nice work on the pullups Jeff, you are an animal.
  7. A Says:
  8. Wow! Last time we did weighted pu, I could barely kip 10# for one rep. Today, I did actual STRICT pullups and got 15#!!! Bench press on the ground, on the other hand was not so great. On 4th round, did 90#. I guess that's a vast improvement from 75# the last time I benched (on a bench).
    Did Annie after: 6:59. Down from around 8 min. last time.
    Awesome work from close to 135# Holy cow - with the 45# plates!!!
    Great job, noon class!
  9. Greg MO Says:
  10. Pull-ups = 57.5x3
    Shoulder Press = pads on benches...
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Great work 6 AM. Mel it was great to have you join us.

    Pull-ups: 85x3, 90x2
    Push-ups: 99x4 (Red+Blue)

    Zach J...I will beat you next time on the DUs!!!

    FYI - On Friday (and all future rest days) a few of us will meet at 6AM at the track to do the Crossfit Endurance workout. Come join us and improve your running. Remember...running only sucks, if you suck at it.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. whatever jeff. who is this "few of us" that you speak of? you and the 2 zachs? crazies.
    since i still cant do pull ups i did banded strict pull ups with the tan and red bands. we did 11 rounds of 4-5. then went to floor press (bench press on the floor) and i got 93# 2x and 83# 3x. since this is my first time doing bench since high school (when i could only do the bar) i am pretty excited.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Alison can correct me if I'm wrong here...
    I got 15# pull-ups twice and the 12.5# pull-ups 3 times.
    I got 115# once and 105# 3 times with benching from the ground... which is a little awkward to do.
    And Libby made me try 135# bench and it was a total joke!
  17. A Says:
  18. Angela - you are only wrong in that you said 135# was a total joke. If you had been squashed, then that would have been a joke. Not a funny one, at that! :-)
  19. Steve Says:
  20. Good workout with the 7:30 crowd... I'm sure we put the 6 am crew to shame. And thanks for everyone pushing me.
  21. Courtney Says:
  22. Well, tonight I did 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 half body weight deadlifts (about 75lbs) and 42-36-30-24-18-12-6 air squats. Finished in 11:37, I think I could have gotten through the deadlifts faster if my back hadn't gotten so tight.
    So, this is my last workout for a while, since my surgery is next week. I will miss working out with all of you guys, but I'll still be around.
  23. BC Says:
  24. The first rule of fight club is you don't talk about fight club, and MY first rule of CrossFit is check my ego at the door. Today was very humbling, especially when Ricky broke out the bands on the pull ups. But I powered through as many sets as I could reminding myself that I'm only going to get better and then we moved to the floor press. I agree with Angela, doing these on the floor, with limited range of motion, is very awkward, but I set a benchmark to beat next time. Afterwards I worked on my double-unders, KB swings (with 1.5 pood) and then finished with 3 sets of 5 tire flips with jumps - I love that damn tire, seriously. The nooners rocked it today. Oh, and we have some bada$$ women in CrossFit, great job Angela, Alison and Libby!
  25. paul Says:
  26. I didn't have a lot of time, but did 21-15-9 of 95# front squats and broad jumps. Took me 7 something. I don't remember.

    I'm really curious about this benching from the floor thing, not to mention my 3rm for weighted pullups, but i promised myself and my gf no shoulder work for awhile. sucks!

    sounds like everyone is kicking ass, as usual!!
  27. A Says:
  28. Good luck with the surgery, Courtney! We hope you heal soon!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. did the pullups with what Joe calls a "little" kip into strict pullup. I could tell when I kipped too much or barely enough, it was kinda hard to judge that. So I all my sets looked like that.

    weighted pushups to 38lbs...

    Fun seeing all the new faces of Cross Fit!! :)
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. Thanks Alison! I hope to be back sooner then later.
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. I have been wanting another weighted pull-up day so I was looking forward to this workout. I got 25# x3 and 30# x2 and I just barely didn't make it over the bar on the third. For my last set of push-ups I did two reds. After the WOD, I tried to do as many strict pull-ups as I could, I got 9 this time!

    Immediately after I used all the strength I had left, Joe came and gave us another workout to do. He said start with 1 pull-up and 2 push-ups and add a pull-up and two push-ups each round. I got through 4 rounds with strict pull-ups then had to switch to kipping. Matt and I stopped at 10 rounds but Steve powered through to 12. Good job Steve!
  35. zj Says:
  36. Pull-ups: 65x3, 70x2
    Push-ups: Red+Yellow x 3, Red+Blue+1

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