Thursday 080703

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


6 Fifty yard shuttle sprints (25 yards & back)
25 Double Unders
4 Fifty yard shuttle sprints
50 Double Unders
2 Fifty yard shuttle sprints
75 Double Unders

Measure out a distance of 25 yards where you will run there and back for the specified number above.

Post total time to comments.

Great job on the floor press yesterday Hannah!

If you want to know what Joe, Libby, and I will be doing at the games this weekend visit the CrossFit Games Website. They posted the workouts, standards of movement, and organization of the whole weekend there.

As mentioned previously, classes will run as scheduled today but all classes tomorrow and Saturday are cancelled for the holiday so spend time with the family and rest any injuries.

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13 Responses to "Thursday 080703"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. 13:29 i think. today was the first day i did all double unders, and i have plenty of welts to prove it. thanks 6am'ers for cheering me on and not leaving since you all finished 5 minutes ahead of me! great job zachr, you tore it up this morning!
    have a great 4th everybody. be safe. see you next week.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Hannah - nice job!!! I am going to be there all night doing double unders if they look anything like my last Saturday morning ones did!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 4:53

    I really enjoyed this workout. The shuttle runs were not as bad as I was thinking they were going to be. The last set of 75 DUs were pretty challenging though. Good work 6am class and thank you Ichiro for running class today.
  7. paul Says:
  8. Didn't enough sleep or anywhere near enough breakfast, but worked on pistols and then ran about a mile, followed by a 400, followed by 2 200s. It sucked. I'd rather be deadlifting.
  9. BC Says:
  10. Took today off from work for what was supposed to be a nice leisurely start to the holiday weekend and ended up spending a good portion of the day helping a friend re-shingle a storm damaged roof. Up and down the ladder with bundles of shingles makes for a good workout. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. My DU's still suck. Did the workout just under 9 min. Thanks Ich for running the class today, and for showing us triple unders!

    6AM tomorrow down at the track, a couple of us will be doing the CF endurance WOD. If your still buzzing on Red Bull, stop by on your way to breakfast!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. My DU's still suck. Did the workout just under 9 min. Thanks Ich for running the class today, and for showing us triple unders!

    6AM tomorrow down at the track, a couple of us will be doing the CF endurance WOD. If your still buzzing on Red Bull, stop by on your way to breakfast!
  15. Bruce VM Says:
  16. Joe,Ricky and everyone else I've had the chance to work out with since I've started. I love reading the comments and following the workouts. Hope to get back at it when I get back from my tennis tournaments. I miss it. But am feeling much stronger and in better condition in my matches. Thanks for helping get tha "old guy" in shape!! Can't wait to improve even more!!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. thanks reba! ich you did a great job. jeff, your du's are still better than mine...and after class im going to look at 5finger shoes.
    depending on how much i drink tonight, i might plan on coming @ 6 to not suck at endurance.
    does carrying/watching children for a couple hours count as a second work out?
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Nice to see all new and old faces today!! It's really great to be a part of this crossfit.
    I did the workout with 5:30 class to beat Zach's time, but only got 5:04... Zach, you really set the hurdle high!!
    Anyways, I'd say great work to all of you who came in today!!!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 7:19
    I was going to say 4:52 just to piss ZachR off, but I can't lie on the comment page.... but I don't want to disrespect it.
    I will be running at 6 with the boys.
    And Hannah- if that counts as two workouts I would be working out way too much.
  23. A Says:
  24. Biked 20 miles. Sorry to miss the workout today. If I can drag my sorry self out of bed, I would like to attend the CF Endurance workout @ 6:00am! Can't promise...
  25. zj Says:
  26. 7:09. If the kid thing counts as a second WOD then I am dropping down to one day a week.

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