Tuesday 080701

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
12 Wall Balls (20#/15#)
12 KB Swings (1.5 pood/1 pood)

Post rounds completed to comments.

Born from the marriage of the old-school "deck of cards PT" and the traditional CrossFit concept of the "hopper" workout, an amazing team of artists and CrossFitters has, working closely with Coach Glassman and other CrossFit principals, developed the perfect tool for your travel workouts, your "I need a change of pace" workouts, your affiliate challenge workouts... the Hopper Deck.

Featuring the Heroes, the Girls, and many other workouts.

Enhanced by bad-ass graphics.

These will be available 7 July, and at the Games. Get yours!


Read the Psychology Today article: "A Nation of Wimps" regarding the overprotective nature of some modern American parents and the developmental issues that arise as a result in the children effected.

Post thoughts to comments.

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20 Responses to "Tuesday 080701"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. today was fun. i got 11 rounds even. i was about to start on my wall balls when the buzzer went. o well. i didn't break up any wallballs, but started breaking up swings in about the 3rd round. lindsay, thanks for pushing me that whole damn time! great job this morning guys! it was fabulous to get back in at 6. see you tomorrow.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 14 rounds

    My unrealistic goal was 20 rounds which quickly turned in to...I would be happy with 12 rounds. I didn't break up the wall balls or the swings only because i took plenty of rest in the later rounds. Everyone was working very hard this morning. It was also good to see some new faces at the 6am class.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. i got 11 rounds and 12 wall balls, I broke up the wall balls 6 rest a little then 6, but I didn't break up the KB swings. great job hannah! welcome to crossfit, amy!
  7. Greg MO Says:
  8. Changed it up a little bit...
    CrossFit Santa Cruz WOD...

    For time:
    25 Dead Lifts (BW=!98lbs)
    50 Knees to Elbows
    25 Squat Clean (98lbs)
    50 GH sit ups
    25 Squat Snatch (65lbs)

  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 14 rounds plus 7 wall balls...
    It sucked!
  11. paul Says:
  12. i did a brutal one i missed a couple months back. 10 rounds: 4 30m shuttles, 10 135# DLs, 21 situps. 19:54. I barely finished in under 20. hard one to do alone, but i tried to limit rest to 10 breaths between shuttles and DLs.
  13. paul Says:
  14. d'oh! it was supposed to be 12 DLs! what a disgrace.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. At least you are working out Paul... you could never be a disgrace! Any by the way- the noon class isn't the same without you!
  17. paul Says:
  18. Aw, thanks Ang!
  19. BC Says:
  20. 12 full rounds, not horrible for my first time but my KB swings still need some work. Something to work on for next time.
  21. A Says:
  22. Paul, you crack me up!
    Got tied up at work. Ran on Keystone. Maybe do a k-bell workout after I teach.
    Will be in tomorrow. Can't wait for the brutality.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Joe made the 3PM class do last nights WOD. So I did:

    4 Rounds Total (before the last round we got to rest for 3 mins instead of two mins-ahhh thanks Joe)

    6 tire flips
    10 pushups
    25 box jumps
    200 meter sprint

    Total Time 20:02 - 7 mins of total rest -

    Those tire flips on the last round were brutal - I think CF finally got a good old grunt out of me ;) ha!~

    How heavy are those freaking tires anyways??

    Its awesome to see how many rounds you guys are getting!!!
  25. Melissa B Says:
  26. 12 rounds +6 wall balls...when will I learn to workout when I leave :) Great job Melissa C and Carrie!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. i got 11 rounds and 9 wallballs, i think. i may have been off a round. i had to break up the wallballs, but didn't have to break up the KBs at all.
  29. Cari Says:
  30. 10 rounds + 12 wallballs + 10 swings ... so close to 11; ahh! Thanks Melissa C and Melissa B for your encouragement and great job to you both!!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. I was special today and did 10 rounds of shuttle run 2x, 10 lunges, 10 pushups, 10 box jumps with 30 seconds rest. I think the clock was set at 20 minutes so I think it took 22 minutes.

    The Crossfit Omaha website is the bomb dot com!! Except for the two dorks on the TV, could I be a bigger NERD!! :) It really does look nice.

    Nice work Crystal and Courtney...we were special together.
  33. kahrs Says:
  34. So I am pretty sure I got 13 rounds, didn't break up any of the reps though.

    Paul are you working out at a gym or just lifting large logs from your parents place? Way to keep it going while out of town.
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. I'm not entirely sure of how many rounds I got in tonight...but I'll tell you was brutal. I loved every second of it! Mel B and guys are awesome! Keep pushing me because I don't want to be a pu**y anymore! As for Joe and Ricky...I love you guys yelling at me the entire time...keeps me going! Thanks guys!

    Melissa C
  37. paul Says:
  38. Kahrs--i have some weights up here, but there are also lots of logs. one of these days I will have to move a bunch and that will be omy WOD. Maybe I can send in a pic of my setup. If my shoulder is ever better, I'll set up my rings!
  39. zj Says:
  40. 13 and 11 swings.

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