Zone Seminar

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
A reminder to everyone out there, I will be hosting a seminar on the Zone diet this weekend following the 10am class. It starts at 11:30 and will go until I feel that everyone has a good understanding of what this whole thing is about. You have to understand, like CrossFit, that it is so much more than just eating different. It's about super health and avoiding disease. Why do you CrossFit? Is it because you are tired of seeing overweight individuals everywhere you go? Is it because you see it in your family? Is it because you are tired of being weak, both mentally and physically? The same has to go with every part of your life, not just working out. How do you treat people? Do you work hard at your job? How do you eat? CrossFit is a fitness revolution and with that the need to change our nutritional habits is a must. During this seminar, I will discuss what the Zone actually is, what chronically elevated levels of insulin is doing to your body and those around you, how to at least change your habits to a way that will help you avoid metabolic disease, and if you want or have the ability to really commit, how to take your performance to a new level, change your body unbelievably, and avoid sickness at all costs. I will be covering a lot of information so make sure and come with pen and paper as well as questions.

In the meantime, I want everyone to read this article that is in the lastest issue of the CrossFit journal. It is call "The Hard Routine" and it is a pretty cool piece of writing. I don't want you to come to this seminar if you are not ready to make the same kind of change you made when you chose CrossFit. I am not asking you to weigh and measure everything but at the very least change what you put into your body. Joe and I know a lot about nutrition from living it and experimenting with different ways of eating. Don't be afraid of what we will say and trust that what we will talk about we have already tried ourselves. IT WORKS!!!! but only if you follow it to a T. Follow it half-ass and you will get half-ass results. Make the decision.

The Hard Routine, part 1
The Hard Routine, part 2
The Hard Routine, part 3

CrossFit Omaha - Zone Semiar Flier

Weighted Pullups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

If you can't do weighted pullups, shoot for 10x2-5 strict pullups. If you can't do strict pullups, shoot for 10x5-7 kipping pullups. If you can't do kipping pullups, shoot for 10x10-15 band pullups. It's been an awesome week of getting stronger so let's not stop now.

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18 Responses to "Zone Seminar"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. You guys have fun with this one tonight, I will be jimmyriggin some sort of pullup tonight with my pullup bar at home - reba
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I got 12.5 once and came sooooo close to 15 like 4 times. I really wanted to. Then I did 10 strict pull-ups with the red band.
    Awesome job Kylie! You kicked ass tonight!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Weighted Pull up: 100 lbs on last set. Went for 110 and failed.

    Strict reps body weight pull-ups: 15(PR)

    I don't know why, but I am having the best week ever...See you all on Friday.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I did weighted pull ups and got 15. Tried 17.5 twice and just couldn't get my chin over the bar. Looks like everyone in the 5:30 class was moving some great weight. Awesome job Kylie!! Great work 6:30 class. Lisa, you did a geat job and keep up the hard work! See ya'll friday.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Made it to #50 today. That's a lot better than I thought I'd do. Also got to 6 strict pull ups with the tan band. I can't wait til Friday!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Worked my way up to using an 18 pound vest and a 45# DB. In between sets of pullups I did yesterdays workout of front squats. Got 218 3 times and 228 twice. Felt really good today.

    11 Strict BW Pullups
  13. Nick Says:
  14. got up to 90 pounds once. tried 95 and failed.

    13 strict pullups at the end. great job everyone!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Wish I could have seen you guys do weighted pullups!! Dang!!! - I am still working towards strict and kipping pullups.....tonight I did pushups and pullups ( and figured out how to do a horizontal pullup using my squat rack ) it worked because I could barely finish my last reps....reba

    Crystal - I gotta give ya props!! Nice work posted there!
  17. Steve Says:
  18. weighted - 40#
    strict- 8.5

    i'm interested in how this is going to feel tomorrow.
  19. zj Says:
  20. One 75lb pullup and 18 strict.

    174 x 3 on the front squats.

    Jeff, who are you? You are killing it this week!
  21. Dave Paladino Says:
  22. Darn, pull ups are fast becomeing my favorite CF workout sorry I missed it. I will be there Friday
  23. A Says:
  24. One word: awesome! I LOVED LOVED LOVED this tonight. And you all know I hate strength days (used to). Ricky is correct...the strength is so quick to go, and the hardest to re-acquire. Endurance and speed are much easier to attain. Even back when I did well on strength days, I could not do weighted pullups. Got to 10lbs (with the kip). Did 2 strict pullups, but did my max of 5 with the red band. It's a work in progress, and I am nothing but motivated by those around me! You guys rock! Way to go Kylie, with the INSANE weighted strict pullups! My new hero. :-)
  25. paul Says:
  26. these are incredible numbers, people. awesome! i got 1 rep at 90 (strict), and failed at 100. 13 strict pullups afterward. loved every second of it!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. i got 30, with 8 reps at the end. i'll be in tomorrow, because i'm taking off friday and sat to go home to visit the family. see you tomorrow!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. youguys are amazing! those are some awesome weights. i will not be in till saturday, but have fun in there for me!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. I got 12.5, that crazy 15 owned me!! I did get my first EVER strict pull up, so that was nice.

    Sorry I couldn't stick around for whatever you did after....barely made it to my meeting.

    Nice work everyone!! Kylie you are a SUPER WOMEN!!

    See you all Friday for a brutal work out I'm sure!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. I got 12.5, that crazy 15 owned me!! I did get my first EVER strict pull up, so that was nice.

    Sorry I couldn't stick around for whatever you did after....barely made it to my meeting.

    Nice work everyone!! Kylie you are a SUPER WOMEN!!

    See you all Friday for a brutal work out I'm sure!
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. I got 12.5, that crazy 15 owned me!! I did get my first EVER strict pull up, so that was nice.

    Sorry I couldn't stick around for whatever you did after....barely made it to my meeting.

    Nice work everyone!! Kylie you are a SUPER WOMEN!!

    See you all Friday for a brutal work out I'm sure!

Thanks For Visiting!