Tuesday 080624

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

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Compare to 080514

This is how they do it at 7:30!

"CrossFit: The workout sweeping the fleet" by Bryan Mitchell - Navy Times

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21 Responses to "Tuesday 080624"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I was happy...I finally saw red! My goal was at least 160--my 3 rep max was 143lbs. Today I reached 181.5lbs, I think I did 8 reps to reach it.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. My first time doing heavy weight on deadlift, I did 203lbs.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. this was my first 1 RM dl day. i got 185. i couuld have gone heavier, but my back hurt from a lift around 160. now i have a goal to reach for next time! it was great to be back at the 6am class.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 377 (PR)

    My goal was 375 as my previous 1 RM was 362. It wasn't pretty and it took about 10 seconds to lift it from the floor to lock out but I got it. Congrats to everyone at 6am for each hitting a PR.
  9. zj Says:
  10. 328(PR) Got that on number four and missed until I dropped back down to 308.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I did 218(3 reps) awhile back so I was hoping to lift more this time. I only got to 223(PR)(disappointing) before dropping the weight back to practice technique. Nice work 6am.
  13. paul Says:
  14. 406, not a PR. My lower back wasn't feeling too strong today, so I didn't want to push my luck.
  15. paul Says:
  16. actually, now that I think about it it was 416...
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. My first attempt at 1RM for deadlift, finished at 264. Nice work nooners.

    Brian C
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. i got 250 X 1. PR by 20 lbs, so that made me happy! i feel a little nervous pushing weights too hard because i don't have anyone correcting my technique constantly. i also moved a morbidly obese patient...the training's got to carry over....
  21. Addi Says:
  22. 262 - PR by 20 pounds.. Tried 272 on rep 8, but it wasn't moving. Time to reward myself with some Jimmy Johns. With BREAD. Jealous?
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. It felt so good to be back at Crossfit. Loved the energy tonight at the 7:30 class. Got 265.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. "Addi...that's a real sexy starting position."

  27. Nick Says:
  28. felt pretty good today and felt like my technique was getting better.

    460 (PR)!!
  29. Courtney Says:
  30. new PR 208, it didn't look very pretty but I was determined to get it.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. I will be back at Crossfit tomorrow either at the 6am or 7:30pm class...depending on my work schedule...and I can't wait to be able to come to Crossfit every day now!

    Melissa C
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. 225lb - PR - thanks to miscounting again.....I had to go over and over in my head to make sure it was right - and I am still questioning?? 3X175 was the last time we did deadlift....

    Addi: So this is what I remember....I know we had reds w/greens, plus the 10s and plus the 5 for me when you started busting out yellows ( nice work btw )....then instead of just adding another five to each side, we took it all off and added the yellow - - but I thought it was only that is why I added the 2 1/2s on each side to try and break 200.....when low and behold, apparently that had already when I missed at 208, I missed at 230....hmmmmm still not sure my math adds right - next time I am bringing a calculator.

    Tonight everyone was doing some serious lifting and having fun :)
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. and just to clarify yesterdays post of mine - I added my TOTAL weight for bench press, I did not use 45LB in each arm - - - but that would have been cool if I had ;)
  37. paul Says:
  38. sounds like everyone had some real success with the DL! congrats on the PRs, everyone!
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. Way to go everyone! We pushed some crazy weight (as ususal). Cuz Crossfit Omaha is the BEST!!

    218 Not a new PR, but didn't want to push it any heavier so i didn't do the last set. Back in May I did 218x2.

    Oh, and by the way my Due date is February 3rd!!!
  41. BC Says:
  42. DNF. After 11 of the worst burpees in the history of mankind time mercifully ran out. Holy hell, talk about filthy! I can think of a few other things this could be called and they all start with "f" as well. Great job by the 7:30 crew!

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