Monday 080623

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time:
800 meter run (campus x 2)
7 rounds of:
12 DB Bench Press (50#/30#)
12 Med Ball Cleans (20#/15#)

Like Father, Like Son!

"Those who do not recognize the physiological import of CrossFit - unprecedented increases in work capacity across broad time and modal domains - are left with no rational explanation of CrossFit's popularity and reach. For these people I am typically seen as a marketing savant whose marketing strategies curiously won't replicate. It's like a blind guy wondering why everyone hangs out under lights at night." - Greg Glassman

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12 Responses to "Monday 080623"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Ahhh...... I miss my dog!!
  3. Nick Says:
  4. First time dragging my ass out of bed and making the 6 am class. gotta say, I liked it! Finished in 12:53 as prescribed. great work everyone!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 19:31

    Did not have my A game this morning. I used 50# for the first 4 rounds before dropping down to 45#. The run and cleans felt great but the bench press just killed me today. Good work 6am class.
  7. Steve Says:
  8. Of course, whenever there's a workout that incorporates 2 things I like AND I'm good at, odds are I'll be stuck working or studying. Like tonight.
  9. zj Says:
  10. 18:something. Had to switch to 40lbs in the middle of the 3rd round and the presses still took a while.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. What a great Monday clean out... Gotta love it! Prescribed 12:40
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. 13:37 45lbs/dropped to 40lbs - prescribed cleans....

    i liked working the med ball cleans....starting to feel less awkward..
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Holy sh*t! I just read the post to check out main cf site - nice work Ricky!!! Making Omaha NE proud!
  17. kahrs Says:
  18. 19:00 Even as prescribed the presses were tough, I had two of them that I didn't get locked out. The cleans felt good too. These two movements complement each other, it was fun. Great work everyone. Reba, whats up with going over the prescribed weight, nice job.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. This workout kicked my A$$! Started with 25lb DB for the first 2 or 3 rounds then dropped to 22.5lb. It was ugly, but I finished with 47 seconds left. The medicine ball was only 13lbs. I was disappointed with my effort though, I just didn't have it in me tonight.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I started with 50# but had to drop to 45# after the 4th round. Unfortunately, I think I wore myself out too much during the first 4 rounds that I couldn't finish before time was called. I got through 9 presses on round 7... so close :)
  23. Addi Says:
  24. 14:52 with 20s. (The 22.5s and 25s were all gone, and 30 wasn't happening.. so my excuse goes...) I think I could have pushed a little harder on the 800, but the rest felt really good. The DB weight was just right for me to crank them out but still have to push.

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