Wednesday 080625

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time:
50 Box Jumps, 24 inch box
50 Jumping Pullups
50 Kettlebell Swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press, 45 pounds
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders

Post time to comments.

Have you checked out the CrossFit Omaha website lately? It's a work in progress but it's coming along nicely. Post your thoughts to comments.

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28 Responses to "Wednesday 080625"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. For anyone that hasn't figured it out on their own...this workout is known as the "Filthy Fifty"

    Apparently Ricky forgot to post it. Don't worry though, its not nearly as bad as it looks :)
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I am so excited to do this WOD!!! I missed out on it last time.... can't wait!
  5. A Says:
  6. Awwwwww! I LOVE this! Can't wait!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Looking forward to getting "filthy" tomorrow, though I may regret saying that. The new website looks great!

  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. not sure i am looking forward to this one - i don't know about anyone else, but i am having a hard time making my legs follow my mind today ;)
  11. Anonymous Says:

    link to the last time some of us did the Filthy Fifty workout.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. My first time doing the "Filthy Fifty", it sure is filthy. I pushed myself, but I did not finish - 37 wall balls was my stopping point at the 30 min mark. Nice work everyone this morning! Ricky and Joe, the website looks awesome!
  15. Melissa B Says:
  16. So this was another DNF...well I did but not under the 30 minute time limit...I was on 40 burpees. On the upside, i did all 50 du's in a row :) Great job 6amers...Nick and Zach you guys are amazing and possibly super-human!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. OH I am so sad when I read what you all are doing :( My tailbone and foot are still in pain and waking me up at 4am, so I think resting for a while is the best thing for me. It is really hard to not work out and cheer you all on. Looks like everyone is kicking serious arse!!

    Hope to see you all soon :)
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. DNF
    This WOD smoked me. I made it to 47 Burpees. I am not even sure if the last few were even burpees...I basically would drop to the floor..lay there for a second...get up very slowly and finish with a pathetic little Larry Bird style jump. I'm going to take some more rest days. See everyone on Monday. Good to have Nick at 6AM!!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I LOVE the new website...see you guys tonight at 7:30 to get Filthy!

    Melissa C
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 25:29

    This is around a 7 minute improvement from the first filthy fifty a couple months ago. I finally figured out how to do back extensions correctly which greatly improved my time. And with my shoulder feeling better the push presses went much quicker. The wall balls and burpees still kicked my butt though. It was good to have a big crowd at 6am for this filthy workout. Everyone was really working hard.
  25. zj Says:
  26. Finally popped my cherry on this "filthy" WOD and it felt better than I expected. 32:19, which didn't make the time limit but I did make it through the burpees in time. I really need to work on pushing myself through without taking rests.
  27. Nick Says:
  28. 25:29 or 25:30. Finished right with Zach. This was rediculous! Great to have Zach right ahead of me the whole time pushing me. wall balls weren't too bad but wow did burpees kill me! great job 6am!
  29. paul Says:
  30. 26:50 with tabata rowing instead of burpees. i don't know if that's really as bad as 50 burpees, but it was AWFUL. finished that right at the 25 mark. at that point, i could barely jump high enough to get a DU.

    great work, noon crew! Angela and Alison, you guys were SMOKIN!
  31. A Says:
  32. 24:45ish Rx'd. Well, had some kip with those stupid KTEs, so whatever. Felt GREAT! Burpees were much more brutal than I imagined. Kept tripping on the last freaking DU's. Maddening! I actually used a bit of strategy in this workout, and I think it helped my time. Didn't wipe out so early.
    Was totally impressed with Jim! Way to go on those last burpees, man!

    Noon class ROCKED! Paul, I hope you got your chicken. And your pillowtop.
  33. paul Says:
  34. I did, Alison--which is the only reason i'm still kicking.
  35. Greg MO Says:
  36. 23:20 RXd...

  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. so i'm totally planning on doing this one, but it will have to be tomorrow because trying to do this at the gym's prime time would be murder...people always take my shit and use it. they should know that i have 20 pieces of equipment reserved for me!!! i have tomorrow off and no one else is there during the day. great job to everyone who got through this!!!
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. 26:10
    Loved it! Thanks Libby- I would not have finished burpees if you weren't there.
    Paul- I'm glad you got your chicken!
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. DNF. Scaled the hell out of it and it still sucked. 50 Box Jumps 18 inch box, 50 Jumping Pullups 35 Kettlebell Swings, 1 pood Walking Lunge, 50 steps
    35 Knees to Elbows 50 Push Press, 45 pounds 25 Wall Ball shots, ? pound ball 6 Burpees 0 Double Unders
    Frustration isn't the best word for it. I wasn't too proud, but I sure liked to see everyone else do so well at noon. Good job.
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. today was a big DNF. i got through 17 burpees in either 25 or 30 minutes. i have no idea how long joe made us go. i had no grip for my test at 5. we'll see how that grade comes out...great job today 3pm! dj, thanks for pushing me the whole time. see you tomorrow.
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. What a challenging workout..... 24:27
  47. Anonymous Says:
  48. That was a big DNF! I made it through 24 burpees when time was called. If it wasn't for the knees to elbows then I would have finished with time to spare but I swear it took me all of 7 - 8 minutes to do the KTE's alone. Great work everyone at 7:30, this was definitely a filthy WOD.
  49. BC Says:
  50. DNF. After 11 of the worst burpees in the history of mankind time mercifully ran out. Filthy is a good name for this, but I can think of a few other names that also start with "f." The 7:30 crew rocked it tonight, Tovar you're my hero.
  51. kahrs Says:
  52. Hoping to come in tomorrow and do this. Sounds like everyone survived at least.
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. 4 burpees left, and all 50 double unders....the wall balls murdered me! I got through them, but I bet that took me 7 mins! I couldn't get my ball all the way up to the x, so I had to do them in sets of 5, and once I threw it up and it almost came down on my head, missed the wall entirely!

    Mikala - you were awesome!!!
  55. Anonymous Says:
  56. i got 29:40, but i skipped the wall balls because we don't have med balls and i figured i wouldn't get through the whole thing, and choose to get through the burpees and DU instead of the wall-balls. cheating? yes. still kicked my a**, yes.

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