Monday 080616

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


21-15-9 reps for time
95 pound Thrusters

Ladies use 65 pounds.

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Compare to 080331

Danielle & Crystal

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27 Responses to "Monday 080616"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Rx = 6:24 It feels good to have my first Fran behind me.

    We missed you today Zach R! You better crush Fran this that you got your extra beauty rest!

    Nice job Megs, Kev, Chrystal, Greg and Zach.
  3. paul Says:
  4. it is going to be painful not doing this, but my arm will fall off if i do.
  5. zj Says:
  6. 6:18. Great job everybody. Crystal, it's pretty bad-ass to watch a pregnant woman workout so hard.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Ok, so i did what i'll call "Pregnant Fran". I scaled using 43lbs and it took 9:22. Just don't have the engery these days and i love always feeling like i'm gonna throw up!!! LOL!

    Thanks, Zach!! You all did a great job! Greg you kicked some a** today, keep up the awesome work.
  9. Melissa B Says:
  10. 5:57 Rx (65#) with butterfly kips which i'm getting better at but this was slower than last time and I felt way more like sh** this time. Awesome job Ang in taking like 2 min off your Fran time!!!!!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 7:07 I think is what Ricky said...
    PR'd by over 2 minutes and did kipping pull-ups instead of using a band!!!!!
    I am pretty excited about it!
    Everyone looked great at noon
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Also at 65#
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. My first time doing Fran 5:39, I did jumping pullups and 55# for the first 21 and dropped down to 45# for the rest of the workout.
  17. A Says:
  18. Way to go Angela!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I'm an idiot and can't do math properly.... I'm blaming it on Fran. I PR'd by like 1 minute and some change...
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Angela - you freakin rock!!! NICE PR! I am excited/anxious to give Fran a whirl tonight - - as long as I don't see the bottom of a toilet bowl when I am finished, I will consider it a success :)

    Mel - way to work the butterfly kips - )
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Thanks for the link. I appreciate it. Keep up the great work. You guys rock!

  25. paul Says:
  26. I did a modified version of the wod from the main site. 13:40-something. i thought i had seen my last tuck jump, until i had to do 50 of them today. such is life.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. i hate fran, just so you know.

    but i'm going to the gym to do it anyway...that alone should be a success to joe and ricky!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 4:26 Rx'd

    I shaved over 4 minutes off my Fran time. Granted I had only done Fran once before today and it was close to 5 months ago. My goal was to break 5 minutes and was very happy to break 4:30.

    Congrats to Hannah for stringing 3 kipping pullups together and congrats to everyone who completed their first Fran today.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. This was my first attempt at Fran. My grandma's name was Fran so I thought that might give me some karmic luck but apparently grandma hated me because this Fran sucked! 12:18, I did round 1 at 85# and rounds 2 and 3 at 75#, but I did all kipping pu's - they weren't all pretty but I did them. If I hadn't skipped lunch I might've lost it, but I still had fun.

    Brian C
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. well...i forgot my stopwatch, so i just used the wall clock and i think i got 6:30, but that can't be right, because last time i had 7:44, so maybe i was a minute off. even so, it felt good and i was able to do 65#. i definitly feel like i'm getting stronger, my biggest weakness is the arobic workouts with lots of running/burpees. something to work on!
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Great work 7:30 class! I am extremely p*ssed at myself - Fran kicked my *ss. I could not hold my left grip for the life of me after the first 21 kipping and I really had to break those up, so i ended up scaling down to jumping pullups for the last 15 and freaking wrist is throbbing and I feel like a big whino about it - so next time I am going to have to mentally prepare for this one....9:17 scaled version with 65lb thrusters....

    Nice work Lisa!!!
  37. Steve Says:
  38. fran is a cold-hearted b*tch! 8:44, scaled at 85 lbs. congrats to all- especially lisa.

    on an additional note- is anyone up for the taco ride this thursday?
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. i didn't hate fran as much as i thought. i did 53# and finished in 7:28 i think.
    thanks zachr, i was pretty excited about the 3 kips. great job to the nooners with most of us doing fran for the first time!
    ang, way to be! i am so proud!
  41. Courtney Says:
  42. did 7rnds of 100m row and 10 front squats. Started out at 75# and dropped to 65# durring the third round because me shoulder hurt like h*ll. Finished in 15 something. Awesome work 7:30 class.
  43. JimmyG Says:
  44. 8:01 RX'd. I feel like I was really slow today even though this is a PR. I know I've made a lot of progress since I started working out with you guys, but I have a long way to go still.

    The 7:30 class was Inspirational tonight! You guys rock!
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. I'm so excited, my first Fran as prescribed! Now I have a starting point, 11:08. Beforehand I said I didn't care about the time, I just wanted to finish as prescribed; but I already feel the "bug"--can't wait to beat that time. I could never have done it without the cheers of the 7:30 class. You guys are awesome! I was really motivated tonight, can't thank you enough!
  47. kahrs Says:
  48. 6:54 Rx'd felt surprisingly good tonight, I really got psyched out right before hand and didn't know how I was going to do. DJ thanks for the encouragement not sure if I would have kept pushing as hard. Everyone did great at 7:30.
  49. Anonymous Says:
  50. 9:49, Rx'd

    This was my first go with Fran and she kicked my a$$. I think my attempts at learning the butterfly kip have messed up my timing on my kipping pull-ups.

    Great work every one at the 7:30 class!!
  51. paul Says:
  52. Sounds like everyone did really well (even those of you being hard on yourselves)! Nice times, people!
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. Didn't get this one, played softball instead, but will do on off day on Wednesday.

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