Tuesday 080617

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time:
50 Situps
50 Double Unders
50 Situps
Walking Lunges, 50 Steps
50 Situps
50 Burpees
50 Situps

Post time to comments.

"Pregnant Fran" - Crystal performs an exceptional thruster here, yet for optimal efficiency, thus minimizing energy waste, she could balance the load a little more towards the back of the foot. Notice the the bar a tad forward of the red line.

Rippetoe Tells the Truth
- Mark Rippetoe
Classic Rippetoe - Mark Rippetoe

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20 Responses to "Tuesday 080617"

  1. Melissa B Says:
  2. usual burpees killed me. Great to see the 6am crowd! I'm going home for a week so I'll see y'all when I get back.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 10:40

    For once situps did not slow me down that much. As always though, the burpees were much slower after yesterday's Fran. It was good to get back to the 6am class.
  5. paul Says:
  6. i love the rippetoe quotes. speaking of fitness myths, i feel like tearing my hair out (so to speak) when i see a commercial about ab training for a flatter stomach. we need to make a deadlift infomercial!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 15:08

    Not my best effort. The Papio Duathlon on Sunday and Fran yesterday has take a lot out of me. I am looking forward to a rest day on Thursday!!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Not sure what schedule you are on Jeff but tomorrow is a scheduled rest day. Unless you are not counting the duathlon as Sunday's WOD, you crazy bastard:)
  11. paul Says:
  12. I did a crazy variation of Christine today. Ricky has a very keen sense of how to cause pain. It was awesome, though.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. 14:48 (did tucks instead of double unders) Did 10 sets of 5 burpees...seemed to really help breaking them up into sets.
    Great work NOON crowd!
  15. Addi Says:
  16. This made me hate life. A lot.

    19:29, I think. Basically designed solely to torture me - everything I hate the most packed into one WOD. :) Those last few months of work taking priority over CrossFit are rearing their ugly heads.

    On the plus side, I had parked down at Elmwood just for fun, and the walk back to my car was GORGEOUS. Restored just a tiny slice of my will to live. :)
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. I think I am saving this one for tomorrow.... I packed a U-Haul today and walked up and down stairs like a thousand times while doing it.
    Looking forward to this after sitting in a car for 12 hours, maybe...
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. have a great ride angela!
    since i still have yet to get a double under, i decided to sub those with 50 single unders and 50 tuck jumps. i finished in 16:13. this kicked my ass, especially being in a basement and doing it solo. i need to get back into the habit of 6am! great times today guys! see you tomorrow!
  21. paul Says:
  22. addi, you're hilarious. i'm still convinced you finished in the 19s and not the 14s.
  23. Mel C Says:
  24. This was torture. Finished in 19:06. I agree Hannah...I need to get back to the 6:00am class! 7:30 was awesome tonight guys!
  25. Steve Says:
  26. 19:00 flat. paced myself through-out on the sit-ups. and i'll say this again, i need to learn du's. congrats to reba- apparently you're better at du's than you thought.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. 15:25 - I'm getting better at double unders but they still take a lot out of me, and as usual the burpees kicked my ass. Good work out though and awesome job everyone, especially Jim - I think he said he got through 42 burpees, awesome!!
  29. Nick Says:
  30. 13:04. Add situps to the list of things i hate (which already contains push ups). This one was good but my back and abs are going to be sore. Can't wait to see what Fran has in store for me tomorrow!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 12:47 - thanks Steve, I got 2DU (thought Oh Sh*T) then 10DU, then 23in a row, I was freaking out when I was counting past 15!! I admit I was so excited - so that helped A TON on my time :) and made up for Fran sucking so much last night....

    Thanks Joe and Ricky for showing the other Burpee form, I always tried to make every thing a separate movement and land perfectly in a plank, so that helped alot to make it more fluid...

    Nice Job Everyone!
  33. kahrs Says:
  34. 15:30

    Sit ups slowed me down the foam roller half kept moving around on me, had to fix it every other rep. DU's still frustrate me to no end.
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Scaled it and still didn't finish, but gave it a try.
    35 situps
    250 single jumps
    35 situps
    50 walking lunges
    35 situps
    42 burpees
    20:00 unfinished but still have faith I will get there. Being born with some rhythm with a jump rope would have helped. Oh well. Thanks for the support everyone.
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. My goal was 15 minutes, boy was I way off. I had to scale DU's and now I have more incentive to learn them more then ever. Reba has inspired me, she did awesome with them. Then burpee's took every last bit of energy. I missed the cutoff by 15 situps. Today I am feeling this week's workout. Today's rest day is much appreciated.
  39. zj Says:
  40. 13:30

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