Midwest CrossFit Challenge

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
This Saturday is the first day of the Midwest CrossFit Challenge. We will be hosting a team from Boystown, CrossFit Results (Leavenworth, Kansas), as well as a few other competitors from the area. It should be a lot of fun with food and fellowship after the final event. If you would like to join in on the fun, donate prizes and/or awards, or at least lend a helping hand with judging and/or counting reps the day of the event, please contact Joe, Candice, or I at either or at 402-554-3197. See you Saturday.



Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster

Post time to comments. Compare to 080314

Prescribed weight for women is 65#. Scale where necessary but not intensity.

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14 Responses to "Midwest CrossFit Challenge"

  1. Melissa B Says:
  2. 5:36 with 63lb...we need a break from Fran!!!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. FRAN 2:58

  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 8:21 with 63 lbs and I used the tan band, which was basically just strict pull-ups.
    Great job to everyone- especially Paul, Mel and Tovar! You guys are awesome!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. everyone looked awesome today! 7:44 with 60 lbs. see you all tomorrow!
  9. paul Says:
  10. Tovar--that's just sick. Saw lots of hard work--nice intensity, everyone.

    PRed with 4:34.
  11. kahrs Says:
  12. Cut 35 seconds off the last time 8:35. Pullup are my downfall I need to get better at higher rep pullups. Everyone did a great job, Tovar that is awesome wish I could have saw it.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. You guys a freaking crazy!!- the last 9 pullups were tough for me - I think i had my feet about as wide as they could go and I still felt my chicken wings shaking!! Lots to work up to, but that is the whole point - - - you guys have some serious intensity in your workouts - love it!! Reba 8:37 or something like that.....scaled on the thrusters with less weight
  15. Courtney Says:
  16. 5 rounds
    250 row
    20 back extensions
    20 situps
    20 squats

    not sure what my time was, whatever it was it was it should have been faster. I lost my momentum after I got whipped in the face with a jump rope during the back extensions (no hard feelings Dave) and that set me back.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 14:35, first time as Rx'd.. got my ass kicked. Everyone in the 6:30 class was awesome.. Crystal, Tovar and Blahs were all impressive
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 12:08, as Rx'd (63lbs).

    You all rocked tonight!!

    I was dreading Fran, but i was soooo happy w/myself. I just did Fran for the 1st time on 3-17-08 and got 13:51 and only did 55lbs for Thrusters. Tonight i had almost a 2 min difference in only 2 weeks!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Great work everyone! I PR'd at 7:24...or 7:42 I can't remember now. Either way I took minutes off of my time from 2 weeks ago. Next time will be sub 7. I love Fran but she treats me so bad!
  23. zj Says:
  24. 6:38 as prescribed. Chopped two minutes of old Fran and am pretty happy. Nicework everyone!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 7:25, I think, did with 50 lbs, and the purple band.

    Nice work everyone!! Oh I did have one of the highest bowling scores I have ever had last night, must be because of Fran :)
  27. Blas Says:
  28. I had a personal best of 5:34, 20 seconds faster than my last time. I know I can break 5 minutes if I come in on a regular basis.

    Great Job Everyone!

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