Sep 2012

Tuesday 120918

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Bench Press 5-5-5 reps

After a thorough warm-up, complete 3 sets of 5 bench presses, increasing in weight each set. Complete these on a 3 minute clock. Compare to 120727.


Three rounds for time of:
Pinch Grip Farmer's Carry, 200 meters
50 Air Squats

For the farmer's carry, guys use yellow bumpers while ladies use green bumpers. No penalty for having to put bumpers down so long as you don't continue to advance.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Pre Corporate Cup run. There were many more CFO'ers in attendance that ran for different companies. Did you run? What was your time? If you ran last year or in the past, was it a PR? Post to comments.

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11 Responses to "Tuesday 120918"

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. Bench Press: 79-84-89 which was 9# heavier than the last time we did this.

    Finished the workout in 8:35. The 6AM class had to shorten the distance because we ran out of time. So, I think it was around 125ish meters instead of 200.
  3. Jess @ Blonde Ponytail Says:
  4. Missed the photo op with the CFO group! :/ Ran 45:19. Today, 6 am class was rocking Kristina, Gina, Jen & I benched together and they were great coaches! 98#-98#-103#
    Shortened WOD due to time constraints only carried plates to "the rock" and back. 6:51
  5. Eric C Says:
  6. Nice change of pace today. 191# BP. Shockingly hard MetCon with the carries. 12:12.
    Be careful if you are prone to medial or lateral epicondylitis. This could fire that stuff up.
  7. Paul Says:
  8. Tough shoulder day for me. 174 first set then dropped to 154. 8:08 for the metcon. But as Shannon said we did short carries at 6.
  9. Kristina Nash Says:
  10. So excited to have hit triple digits on the bench press...finally! 98-103-103 today. Last time I failed at 98-93-93, and prior to that I was at 82-87, so I'm considering this a 16# PR. Jen, Jess, and Gina were great workout friends today! Thanks girls.

    Conditioning was fun, a forearm burn for sure. I finished around 7:30 with the rock distance at 6 am.

  11. Steve Says:
  12. 208 bench, 3 of 5 on 220.

    13:00 conditioning, rx'd.

    49:31 for the 10km.
  13. Shelley Says:
  14. 125, 135, 3 @ 145 on bench. I got stuck on my 4th rep in last set. Last time I did 120,130,140 successfully.

    11:34 Rx'd on metcon. I think my forearms were as big as my thighs after that one!
  15. JennG Says:
  16. 98, 108 & 2 @ 118.

    16:15 I think - Rx'd on the met-con. Originally worried about the air squats, but the farmers carries were no bueno.
  17. Paula Says:
  18. BP- 98,108,118 x 5 - felt good.

    Metcon- 16:00 even.

    Great job 6:30. It was a fun class tonight. Sorry guys...I really had the giggles.

    The corporate cup- 1:15 (12min/mile)...ugh! It is not a good time, but I'm just happy I finished. You all know how I feel about running and believe it or not I actually had a good time. I will definitely do it again next year. I thought the 10K in a grand scheme of things was easier on the lungs than a running CrossFit WOD.
  19. Gdawg Says:
  20. good times great oldies at 630 class!you don't have to miss many classes to feel like the new kids anymore, good to see new faces!

    bp: failed my 3rd rep at 118...must have been the twix I ate today ;-)

    16 something for the WOD, defintely spent more time giggling with classmates than putting in work, 200m of pinch grip carries makes for a great social workout haha! had a good time!
  21. Gdawg Says:
  22. good times great oldies at 630 class!you don't have to miss many classes to feel like the new kids anymore, good to see new faces!

    bp: failed my 3rd rep at 118...must have been the twix I ate today ;-)

    16 something for the WOD, defintely spent more time giggling with classmates than putting in work, 200m of pinch grip carries makes for a great social workout haha! had a good time!

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