As many rounds/rep as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 Dead-lifts, bodyweight
10 Pull ups
Run 800 meters
If your 800 run time surpasses 4 minutes, you should consider scaling to lesser distance. If a body-weight dead-lift is not in the cards, scale to a percentage of your weight that is closest to 100% (maybe 85%BW or 75%BW)
Post total reps/rounds to comments/Logwod.

Anyone ever question this? Ha.
I did 4 rounds + 5 DL at bodyweight today. Runs as follows: 800/800/600/400. I need to step up my running game.
Thanks for pushing me, Foster! Every rep after the 4th 800 was just me making sure I maintained my narrow lead.
I got 4 rounds at 20:22...had to finish with a 400m run versus 800m
Went with 198 on DLs.
Pullups are getting better - but for how long I've been doing this stuff....I should consistently get 10 reps unbroken.
Anyways - keeping PUs on my 'To get better at list'
I went all rouge on the scaling today... whatever...I do what I want!
I was really sore after the Corporate Cup, so I decided to just come in, go light & easy just to loosen up a little.
I did 65% on the deadlifts, jumping pull-ups from a stack of plates & did 200 meter runs, after the first round which was about 600 meters. I left for the run on the 6th round with about 15 seconds left on the clock. I'm really pretty happy with this as I didn't want to make this into a running WOD & it would have been had I not seriously scaled the runs. This way, I got a full mile in plus 60 DL & 60 PU.
Thank you, Egan, for the best birthday present I got all day!
I do what I can to make a fool of myself for your enjoyment!!