Seven rounds for time of:
15 Goodmornings, 63#/43#
L-Sit, 60 seconds
Use as many sets as necessary to accumulate 60 seconds in the L-sit position. The prescription is same size bumper plates underneath the hands and heels.
Post time to comments/Logwod.

The proper L-sit for this workout. Bryce has his feet pulled high but as long as the heels remain above the surface of the plates, he can accumulate time. Ideally, the legs must also remain fully extended.
I like both of the movements in this one, but as a workout, not so great. I'd go into this one with the mindset of Skill Development as opposed to developing work capacity. I'd like to hear everyone else's experience with it though.
It was a great combination of skills - just the right amount of grumbling from the masses.
Couch stretch and posterior chain flossing tomorrow, kids!!! Do it!
Today's wod was a lot tougher than expected. I used the 44# bar for good mornings and 1 foot elevated for L-sits. Just finished the good mornings of 6th rd. These felt good and strong....surprisingly. Hamstrings are still very sore from run and yesterdays AS didn't help.
Nice job 4:30!