Jul 2012

Friday 120727

Unknown Filed Under:

Bench Press 5-5-5 reps

Complete these on a 3 minute clock.


21-18-15-12-9 reps for time of:
Box Jumps, 20 inch box
DB Push Press, 40#/25#

Post weights and times to comments/Logwod.

Where the Cornhusker State Games resume for Saturday's events.

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5 Responses to "Friday 120727"

  1. Stacie Says:
  2. We'll be out of town this weekend for the Wemhoff family reunion and my niece's 5th birthday party otherwise you all know we'd be one of the first couples to cheer you all on! Good luck to everybody competing and stay cool out there!!
  3. Tovar Says:
  4. Good luck to all those competing at the Cornhusker State Games this weekend! I hope you all have a ton of fun and enjoy the experience. Remember it's just another WOD and the same thing you do every single day back home at CFO. As Stacie mentioned above we'd love to be there but we'll be out of town. Can't wait to hear all about it!
  5. Gdawg Says:
  6. this obstacle course looks CRAAAAAAZY FUN!!!! good luck to everyone today!
  7. paul Says:
  8. agreed--that obstacle course is awesome!! i want to run it!!

    good luck to all our competitors!!

    fun day at CFO today. 206# bench and 5:10 rx'ed for the metcon.

    Great work, 9am!
  9. Shelley Says:
  10. 120x5, 130x5 and 140x5; I think 140 was the right weight to end with as the last 2 reps were tough

    4:57 Rx'd for metcon

    Good luck to all the competitors this weekend!!!

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