For time, in heats of 5-6:
Row 2000 meters (9 minute cut-off)
Run 1200 meters (around the block)
40 Sumo Dead-lift High Pulls, 132#/99#
Total cut-off time is 20 minutes but you are allowed only 9 minutes to row before having to start the run. If you do not row at least 1750 meters within the cut-off, you must also scale the run to 800 meters.
For the sdlhp's, scale the load to 110#/77#, 88#/53#, and/or the reps to 27.
Post time to comments/Logwod.
Pick'em up while they last. Get your name on the store list prior to the end of the day Friday and your cost for one in each color (blue w/ maroon trim) is $50. After that, they'll run $30 for one or $52 for two.
You should've received an email but a reminder that our Fathers Only Day Event happens this Sunday morning. From 8-11 we're opening the gym for all CFO (present and past) fathers, only. We'll then head on over to Granite City for their amazing brunch from 11:30-12:30pm.
Just a some dads working out, having some prime rib, bacon, eggs, cheesy potatoes, waffles, and bottomless mimosas. R.S.V.P. to if you'll be joining us.
Row took 8:20 and wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I came in from run at 15:25 mark. I broke up SDLHP's in sets of 5 from beginning to end.
Good work 6 am!!!
Rest day for me tomorrow after 4 days in a row. Quads, hams and glutes were sore coming in to today, and I'm sure I'll be feeling it more tomorrow.
10 rds:
1 strict pullup w/15#
2 strict ring dips
5 30" box jumps
:30 rest
Surprisingly, the jumps were the hardest part for me. My hamstrings/CNS are a little shot from yesterday. (Also, from biking to work last night. After DLs. With my brake pads rubbing. DUMB.) Should have gone heavier/more reps for both the pullups and dips. Fun one, though!
Tabata DU after
Or thereabouts. Either way, I only peed a little, so I feel like a winner. #blackshortsonly
I have to agree, kegels girl! Hit up Carrie's pilates class...she has workouts titled "pussy control" that might be able to help with your DU/bladder issue ;-)
by the way if you haven't checked your warrior dash time they are up!
pretty cool to see all the CFO names throughout!
Theresa Thibodeau had the fastest CFO female time that I could find 31:59!! WAY TO GO LADY! haven't looked up dudes yet!
17:43 rx'ed today. Not as bad as I was expecting--I paced pretty well and got through the SDLHP reasonably quickly: 8-4-8-5-5-6-4.
Disappointed in myself today. Held back too much on the rowing and running (I have so little faith in my oxidative system). Thought it'd pay off on the sdhps, which it did...lots left in the tank when I started those. But at rep 35 Ricky called time and I was shocked, I wasn't even looking at the clock. Have to learn to push harder at the right time on these longer ones.
Happy with the row, disappointed with the run...guess it all evens out in the end.
as for this workout...I kinda loved the row. really appreciated the coaching & encouragement from josh & jimbo to hold 2min pace. finished row at 8:15 tho...still happy with that.
but I did not love the run! I had some killer burns & aches in my shins...was slow as hell in this!
high pulls I scaled to 77# did two sets of ten then broke into smaller sets, was 6 away from finishing them!
great work today guys & gals! always a pleasure!
as for this workout...I kinda loved the row. really appreciated the coaching & encouragement from josh & jimbo to hold 2min pace. finished row at 8:15 tho...still happy with that.
but I did not love the run! I had some killer burns & aches in my shins...was slow as hell in this!
high pulls I scaled to 77# did two sets of ten then broke into smaller sets, was 6 away from finishing them!
great work today guys & gals! always a pleasure!
as for this workout...I kinda loved the row. really appreciated the coaching & encouragement from josh & jimbo to hold 2min pace. finished row at 8:15 tho...still happy with that.
but I did not love the run! I had some killer burns & aches in my shins...was slow as hell in this!
high pulls I scaled to 77# did two sets of ten then broke into smaller sets, was 6 away from finishing them!
great work today guys & gals! always a pleasure!
as for this workout...I kinda loved the row. really appreciated the coaching & encouragement from josh & jimbo to hold 2min pace. finished row at 8:15 tho...still happy with that.
but I did not love the run! I had some killer burns & aches in my shins...was slow as hell in this!
high pulls I scaled to 77# did two sets of ten then broke into smaller sets, was 6 away from finishing them!
great work today guys & gals! always a pleasure!
as for this workout...I kinda loved the row. really appreciated the coaching & encouragement from josh & jimbo to hold 2min pace. finished row at 8:15 tho...still happy with that.
but I did not love the run! I had some killer burns & aches in my shins...was slow as hell in this!
high pulls I scaled to 77# did two sets of ten then broke into smaller sets, was 6 away from finishing them!
great work today guys & gals! always a pleasure!
as for this workout...I kinda loved the row. really appreciated the coaching & encouragement from josh & jimbo to hold 2min pace. finished row at 8:15 tho...still happy with that.
but I did not love the run! I had some killer burns & aches in my shins...was slow as hell in this!
high pulls I scaled to 77# did two sets of ten then broke into smaller sets, was 6 away from finishing them!
great work today guys & gals! always a pleasure!
log and blogging has picked up though guys, good work!