Friday 120622

Unknown Filed Under:

Press 5-5-5 reps (sets across)

Complete on a 3 minute clock. Compare to 120203.


Four rounds for time of:
100 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps, 24 inch box
30 Wall Balls, 20#/14#

There is a 20 minute cut-off. Scale double under reps if needed.

Post results to comments/Logwod.

Eric Jarecki

Next Thursday, June 28th, will mark the 3 year anniversary of a lost friend and loved one. You never think it will happen to you but yes, we lost a wonderful gym member.

Since next Thursday is a rest day, we will be commemorating Eric by completing his workout on Friday, June 29th during all classes.

Please consider taking the time to make it to the gym to help us remember someone Joe, Chris, and I really admired.

Read more about Eric after the jump.

(Taken from our original post on June 30th, 2009)

Eric Jarecki, 32, a wonderful father of 3 (and one on the way), of La Vista, passed away this past Sunday while doing one of the things he loved most, fishing.

Eric had only been a member of CrossFit Omaha for a short time but his presence at the 6AM class was quickly felt. He always had a smile on his face and enjoyed working his butt off. A very strong man, who least liked running workouts, was a very approachable individual who Joe and I really admired.

We extend our deepest thoughts and prayers to his wife, Cori, and their 3 beautiful children, Mia, 6, Ali, 20 months, and Josh, 8.

We also would like to honor Eric by bestowing upon him, the highest honor we CrossFitters can, a workout in his name. The above workout, appropriately named "Eric", will be put onto the benchmark board in the gym and become a staple in our programming.

Eric will not be forgotten.

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4 Responses to "Friday 120622"

  1. Tovar Says:
  2. Hey CFO if you haven't seen it yet, be sure and check out our very own Stacie Tovar on the Games site. There's a nice little write-up on her. Keep up the good work Stacie!

    Also, can't wait to do the wod next Friday in memory of Eric.
  3. paul Says:
  4. 3 rds, 3 min rest b/t rds:

    12 back squats (185)
    12 push press (35# DBs)

    This would normally be pretty light for me, but I found this exhausting today.
  5. Troy Says:
  6. This was a great workout, in that horrible sense of the word great.

    I scaled the WOD to 50 double unders, 20 box jumps and 20 wall balls, finished the 4 rounds in 19:35.
  7. JennG Says:
  8. I second Troy on this one.

    I got super excited when my first set of DU, I got 39 in a row. Of course, it took about 30 sec to get #40, so took a deep breath & regrouped and did 60 the first round. After that I did 50 DU, 20 box jumps (18" stack-o-plates) and 20 wall balls with 14# ball. Finished all four rounds in 19:49.

    Even though this was super scaled, I am really proud of getting this finished...knowing I pushed hard all the way through & got a great workout. Plus, double unders just make me happy. Finally.

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