Tuesday 120515

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AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
12 Box Jumps, 24"/20"
9 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
6 Pull ups
1 Double Under
12 Box Jumps
9 Wall Balls
6 Pull ups
2 Double Unders
12 Box Jumps
9 Wall Balls
6 Pull ups
3 Double Unders
12 Box Jumps
9 Wall Balls
6 Pull ups
4 Double Unders
12 Box Jumps
9 Wall Balls
6 Pull ups
5 Double Unders

And so on, increasing double unders by 1 rep each time you make it through the 12-9-6 triplet until the 20 minutes is up. To which number of double under reps can you make it?

Post highest number of double unders reached (not how many total double unders) to comments/Logwod.

Our secret weapon for the North Central Regional this weekend. I think there will be two of them. Who's excited?

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8 Responses to "Tuesday 120515"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. 12 DU's short of 12 rounds. I made it through 12th round of pullups with :03 left. All wall balls and pullups unbroken. I don't pogo style box jumps very well, but I kept moving on these with no extra "hop". Rest came from walking from one station to the next, and in later rounds, I took a couple extra breaths before starting pullups. I'm actually pretty stoked about getting through that many pullups unbroken, and they felt good/strong even at the end.

    Good work 6 a.m.!!!
  3. Jen Says:
  4. 12 rnds. All movements unbroken. Felt good today. Finished the 12th rnd with 6 sec left.

    Lovely 9:00am class.
  5. Lauren F. Says:
  6. Did ring rows instead of pullups for 8 completed rounds, plus 12 box jumps. Despite the jelly legs that quickly set in, I liked this wod a lot. Thanks Amanda for the pointers on my box jumps...helped a lot! Fun 9am group this morning!
  7. paul Says:
  8. Whew. 11 rds rx'ed, but I had to SUFFER to get the last 10 rds (so roughly 18.5 min of pain). Lower back was killing me today, and I just. couldn't. breathe.

    Nice to see Jake today, who blasted through this one, injuries and all.
  9. Kristina Nash Says:
  10. Felt like LEAD today. 9 dreaded rounds. Perhaps my weekend of graduation celebration is catching up to me.

    Small but mighty 5 am class!
  11. Eric C Says:
  12. 12 Rounds rx'd. I hate wallballs and I better not be so sore I can't workout this week! (Those things destroy my quads!)
  13. Blair Tice Says:
  14. 8 rounds rx'd. Stepped down the box jumps and went unbroken on pull ups. Amanda thanks for the tips on my wall balls. Made a HUGE difference

    Way to grind 9am!
  15. JennG Says:
  16. 8 rounds + 6 box jumps. Ring rows for the pull-ups.
    All my DU were unbroken, so I'm putting today in the "win" column.

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