Pause Squat 5-5-5 reps (sets across +/- 10#)
Warm-up w/ x5, x3, x2. You have the choice of either going with a front squat or high bar back squat for this lift. Either way, pause for a three count at the bottom most part of the movement. Use a 3.5 minute clock. Compare to 120111.
Five rounds for time of:
Dead-lift, 274#/187#
10 Burpees
Bars may not be dropped from the top or that rep WILL NOT COUNT. Also, if you do not legitimately leave the ground for your burpees, you will also be no repped. Compare to 110107.
Post all results to comments/Logwod.

Now, this is one hell of a set up for an Olympic pull. We are not dead-lifting but rather setting ourselves up for a precise second pull or double knee bend. Ninety percent of the movement is a proper set up. If this doesn't make sense to you, no problem. Just try to look like this before you begin your clean or snatch reps.
BTW, you guys meet Hannah Sacco yet? Oh man, you'll want to. I like this person. She's got a sweet smile and is a go getter. I've told her already that if she sticks with it, she'll be a great Olympic lifter. Just look at that set up.
B) Hannah is awesome. Her movements are squeaky clean. Gorgeous form.
That is all.
4:53 RX'd CWOD
Lovely 9:00am class as always.
Jen sorry for spitting out my gum at you!
5:34 at 163# for CWOD
Great work everyone!
The metcon was brutal: 4:42 rx'ed, 14s slower than my PR of 4:28. Oh well. DL felt fairly strong, but my midline stability is not what it used to be.
Great work by the noon class, as always!
I got 198# 8 times (doc's orders on the rep count) so I'm pretty happy since I maxed out on LBB Squat on April 5th at 198#.
Finished with 6:02 on the metcon. That bar did not come off the ground as easily as I was hoping for.
-old intern
Metcon- 5:24. DL @ 154#. Did both DL and burpees unbroken and rested before I started the DL.
Fun class tonight...full of energy!! Great job to everyone at 630!
Can't wait to cheer on CFO at Regionals!
Did the CWOD w/ 121 and finished in 6:35. Great job 9am! Now to finish packing for the epic road trip tomorrow morning!! Can't wait to see CFO kill it this weekend!
CWOD finished in 6:18 with 154#
Crazy excited for Regionals this weekend! Good luck to our competitors...even though luck has nothing to do with it.