Monday 120514

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Power Cleans - 176#/121#

Complete as many reps as possible in 10 seconds, rest for 50 seconds for 5 rounds. You may not touch and go. You must drop from the top each rep (please control your bar all the way down). Scale loads if you must but stay relatively heavy. The lightest should be 132#/87# (unless newer to program).


Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
12 Perfect Push ups

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

Thank you so much to the Paleo Baking Co. (Hannah Bretz) for baking this awesome cake for our 5 year anniversary. Yes, CFO has been around that long. Not only are we Omaha's original CrossFit gym, we are a second to none community.

Thanks also to everyone one of you that made it out to our watch party and to Varsity Sports Cafe for kindly hosting our group. Very courteous and prompt service.

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13 Responses to "Monday 120514"

  1. svioli Says:
  2. Great class this morning (even with the running...) Did 99# on the power cleans - could only get 2 per 10 seconds as I was focusing on proper technique.

    Finished the conditioning in 11:08 using a trainer. Running (for me) sucks, so I wanted to focus on getting better at that, instead of goign heavier on the KB swings. And of course, my push ups were most certainly perfect!
  3. Kristina Nash Says:
  4. 121 for power cleans with 2/round for a grand total of 10.

    My goal for the CWOD was to do all pushups as perfect as possible without dropping to my knees. I failed with 3 pushups left. So disappointing. My time was crappy but I have to keep in mind that I got stronger even though I failed. Ugh, so frustrating.
  5. Kristina Nash Says:
  6. 121 for power cleans with 2/round for a grand total of 10.

    My goal for the CWOD was to do all pushups as perfect as possible without dropping to my knees. I failed with 3 pushups left. So disappointing. My time was crappy but I have to keep in mind that I got stronger even though I failed. Ugh, so frustrating.
  7. Lauren F. Says:
  8. Started with 99# on rounds 1 and 2 of the cleans and my technique felt terrible and I failed to get it up on round 3 so I dropped down to 77 for the rest and got 3 reps in round 4 and 5 with what felt like much better form. Really need to work on these :-/.

    12:30 on the CWOD scaling the run to 300m and tried pushups using a raised bar. Great work 9am peeps! :)
  9. Jen Says:
  10. 121 for PCs 3 per rnd for all but the 1st rnd, which I did 2. 14 total.

    10:06 RX'd for CWOD. All swings were unbroken.
  11. paul Says:
  12. 176 for power cleans and got 3/rd.

    9:29 for the metcon. Didn't have my breath today--got a little slower each rd. I liked hollow-position pushups, though.
  13. Blair Tice Says:
  14. 121# for PCs 3 for all five rounds. 15 total

    12:(and change) for the conditioning wod. Went unbroken on my kb swings, but my pushups took forever to make them perfect! Lots of room for improvement.

    Great way to start the week 9am! See you tomorrow!
  15. Paula Says:
  16. PC-109# for 2 each round. Some not so pretty.

    13:48 (?) -Rx'd. The running killed me. Surprise! Went unbroken for all KB swings. Pushups were 6/6, then 4's for round 2 and the 3rd rd was something like 3/3/2/2/1/1- the last pushup took forever! I got half way up and couldn't lock out. Thanks to everyone cheering me on that last set. I just love you all!

    Thanks Stacie for taking pics and for all your encouragement during the WOD!

    Dan, great job on your first class! You did awesome!
  17. Shelley Says:
  18. 121# for PC's; 2 each round, these felt light, and my form felt good; did a better job of making contact higher on my thighs.

    9:34 Rx'd on metcon; Pushups were unbroken first round but broken up after that. Swings all unbroken, and runs felt pretty good. Still need to work on pushups.

    Great job 6:30!!!

    Nice first class Dan!
  19. JennG Says:
  20. 109# for power cleans. 2 each round. Hate having my pic taken, but the ones Paula took last week of the cleans highlighted where I think my biggest problem is. Concentrated on catching with hips back. Coaches have been telling me until they're blue in the face, but SEEING showed how bad it is & something clicked. Consequently, they felt really good today. Huh... imagine that.

    13:18 Pushups on knees. Swings unbroken. Runs sucked.

    Really having a hard time wanting to be at the gym the last few days. Thank you, Egan, for reminding these are the times it's most important to be there.
  21. Stacie Says:
  22. 121 - 3 each round
    8:08 rxd
  23. Addi Says:
  24. Did this with Reba at 7.
    121 - 3 per round

    Didn't time the conditioning - staggered our starts and tried to not let the other catch up with us. Finished just under 9 min or so. Running felt better than I expected, considering how little of it I've been doing. (Read: as little as I can get away with...)
  25. Addi Says:
  26. Did this with Reba at 7.
    121 - 3 per round

    Didn't time the conditioning - staggered our starts and tried to not let the other catch up with us. Finished just under 9 min or so. Running felt better than I expected, considering how little of it I've been doing. (Read: as little as I can get away with...)

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