Strongman Day (30-40 minutes)
We'll break up into groups and play around with (teach) tire flips, farmer's walks, and........ wait for it...... STONES. Yes, we'll bring out the stones and teach some technique.
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Double Unders
Sit ups
Post results to comments/Logwod.
Compare to 110622.

Got a craving for pancakes? These I'll allow...
Recipe (depending on how many you want to make):
2-4 bananas
1-2 eggs
1-2 heaping spoonfuls of almond butter
Some coconut oil for the pan/griddle
Mix all ingredients in food processor and pour and brown in a pan/griddle greased with the coconut oil just as you would regular pancakes. Don't ruin by adding high sugared syrup. Add fruit and/or butter as a topping or even include a scoop or two of Progenex or your favorite protein powder to the recipe for a nice all around meal. Enjoy.
Loved the workout today...it was fun! Good job 5 a.m.
6:43 for Annie. Would have been a better time, but I sat there for a bit until Addi reminded me that I still had 10 sit ups left. Good lord. Thanks Addi.
Did first round:
10 stone cleans (used middle weight stone
farmers walk 120 yards w/ 1.5 pd KB's
15 tire flips (used medium weight tire)
Second round:
5 stone cleans (middle weight stone)
farmers walk 80 yards w/ 2.0 pd KB's
8 tire flips (medium weight tire)
First time using the stones; definitely technique driven as my second round was easier; lots of hip needed
Tire flips felt great and seemed much easier than I remember
Annie: 8:08 Rx'd; previous best is 6:53
I suck at situps and when Ricky comes around at rep 22 in round of 50 and points out that you need to touch floor on other side of DB, that made it suck more (I had been touching top of DB's for first 22)
DU's unbroken.
Good job nooners! Fun times with pics with tires afterwards!! Good to see you Allison!!
I love stone cleans!!! I love tire flips!!! Not so much love for farmer walks but it was definitely a FUN DAY!!!
Annie 9:53 rxd.
Now how could I have any more fun today after this? ;)
thanks Shelley! it's great to be back if only for a little while!! :)
Annie...10 sit-ups from finishing. Dangit. But is was definitely a huge PR for me.
Stayed after to row a 5K with JennG and MeganG.
Great job 6:30!! Good, good times!!!!
Thank goodness today is a 'rest' day as I hope to be able to move tomorrow for class. Great job 6:30!