Wednesday 111214

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Overhead Squat 5-5-5 reps

After a thorough warm-up, complete three sets of 5 reps trying to increase weight each time. The clock will be set to 3.5 minutes.


Five rounds for time of:
10 Dead-lifts, 330#/241#
10 Slapping Push ups (hands slap chest)
Wall Sit, 30 seconds unbroken (keep your own time)

Scale as needed.

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

I hope you are coming out to our charity competition this weekend whether competing or not. This is a great time to help out children in need this Christmas season. Thanks in advance.

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10 Responses to "Wednesday 111214"

  1. Kristina Nash Says:
  2. Perfect pre-final workout!

    Have fun this weekend! I won't be able to make it as it is my weekend to work. I'll be cheering everyone on in spirit!
  3. jakeH Says:
  4. What do you think Paul? 50 @ 330#. I may have trouble sleeping.
  5. paul Says:
  6. I wish, Jake--maybe on a good day. Today I did 220, which felt good. My back hasn't been my friend lately. 11:02 on that bad boy. 137# for OHS (one ugly set of 5 followed by one solid set of 5).
  7. BigD Says:
  8. Knocked this one out on base this morning.
    OHS started rocky. Knee was hurting a bit in the warmup and shoulders were shaky. Probably all the wallballs from yesterday. But, by the time I got to the work sets all was good.
    Went 145/155/160.

    Went 280 on the DL for the metcon. 8:30
    Feel beat up from this week. Might have to actually take a rest day tomorrow and skip the heavy Fran that Steve, Shelley, and Megan were planning.
    Sorry guys!
  9. Jen Says:
  10. 10:23 for the metcon- only used 143 for DL, but was able to do all the slap push ups!

    Only 87 on overhead squats. I was late and ran out of time to go up in weight.
  11. Crystal Says:
  12. 73# for OHS. missed 87# on last rep of last 2 sets.

    DNF metcon. 143# for DL and stared with slap pushups and changed to clapping. had 2 pushups and wall sit left of last round when time ran out.

    very disappointing day.

    great job 9am. our class has greatly grown smaller this week.
  13. Kayla Says:
  14. 73 for OHS...probably could have gone heeavier but my shoulders were angry.

    8:45 used 132# for DL (should have gone heavier) scaled PU to up on the knees and really tried to focus on where my elbows were.

    Sorry 9am, I had to finish a silly paper.
  15. jakeH Says:
  16. 176 x 5 for OHS. I am very pleased with this number as I had been having shoulder issues. Zero pain today. Next week were going heavier.

    8:06 for WOD. Warmed up to 330#, but decided it was in my best interest to not attempt that, so I used 264. For me it was very challenging coming out of the wall sit and into the dead-lift. The push-ups seemed to be the least taxing.
  17. ZachR Says:
  18. OHS 5-5-5 reps

    Metcon - 11:56 w/ 264# DL
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Cant do OHS because of my shoulder, so I was bummed about that. Did FS instead as per JonD.
    200, 225, 240, all sets of 5 and all felt good, feel like my FS is getting better.

    Metcon, I went with 264# and it felt A LOT better than I thought it would, felt like I could of gone heavier, but not 330. Finished in 7:50, rested a little too much on the push ups, but was happy to do the DL's unbroken.

    Nice work on OHS 198 x 5 Zach, thats solid.

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