Tuesday 111206

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
60 Burpees (hand release)

Compare to 100802.

Double Unders, 2 minutes
Sit ups, 2 minutes
Double Unders, 90 seconds
Sit ups, 90 seconds
Double Unders, 1 minute
Sit ups, 1 minute
Double Unders, 30 seconds
Sit ups, 30 seconds

Workout #2 begins exactly 5 minutes after workout 1 begins. Obviously, this means workout #1 has a 5 minute cut-off.

Compare to 091023.

Post burpee time and total du/sit up reps to comments/Logwod.

Some of you posted yesterday about the rearranging but what about the rest of you? Like, dislike? Are the racks too close? Would you like them separated another width of a mat or are they pretty cool where they are at? What about the GH developers and rowers? Let us know. Thanks in advance.

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21 Responses to "Tuesday 111206"

  1. Jen Says:
  2. I like the new arrangement, but would like the racks to be seperated one more mat. Just felt a bit close today, especially when people have to bail or drop the weight. Everything else is great.
  3. Paula Says:
  4. No one kill me for suggesting this, but maybe instead of doing the 50 burpees we should do the WOD we did on Aug. 2 2010 - "CFO" which is 60 burpees for time. I think it is a perfect way to celebrate the new arrangement at CFO! Just a thought!
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. You're over-thinking this Paula :)
  7. Steve Says:
  8. Agree with Jen- one more mat. And since that back area is being used now, we need to insulate or seal up that unused garage door.
  9. Paula Says:
  10. Shelley, it's only 10 extra could easily do this in 20 sec or less.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I'm anxious to see the new set up, looks really organized! I like the way the GHD's and the rowers are more easily accessible.

    I bet Addi is sad she is missing this one..... On the other hand, this is probaly the coolest workout ever, and functional too :), thank you for whoever made this one!

    I liked the 50 burpees better though, but I looooove those DU's!
  13. Addi Says:
  14. Pat, I knew you'd have something smart to say. I've never been happier to be in strength class. I'd rather do those stupid air squats and jumping lunges from Friday again. :)

    Re: the new arrangement of the gym. Love it! Jerk boxes, rowers, and GHD are actually usable. AND, most importantly, the dumbbells are in numerical order!! Welcome to preschool math skills, kids. Nothing makes me happier than well-organized dumbbells. It's an action-packed life I lead...
  15. Addi Says:
  16. But I agree that the racks should maybe be a bit farther apart. It's a little tight.
  17. Kristina Nash Says:
  18. I agree, one more mat apart would be great. And, I LOVE GHD! So having them accessible is stellar.

    Burpees, ugga. Let's attack them to day peeps! Good thing they are followed by some fun DU's!
  19. Shelley Says:
  20. CFO: 3:30 Rx'd

    WOD #2: 353 reps Rx'd.

    Good work 6 a.m.!!
  21. Jen Says:
  22. CFO- 3:50
    WOD #2 434

    My shoulders and mega biceps are sore today, which equals sucky, sucky burpees.
  23. BigD Says:
  24. CFO - 3:00

    WOD #2 - 355

    Had a good string of doubleunders going for the first two minutes, but ran into a snag on the 90 second round. Still, good workout!

    I'm in agreeance on the new set up. Love the open space, but would like a little extra room between racks to save everyone else from my clumsiness.
  25. Kristina Nash Says:
  26. 3:37 for burpees

    I lost count on the double unders/sit ups. I tried to focus on how long I could go without a slip up. I started out struggling for the first 2 min of DU's, the burpees got me. I think my longest string of DUs was 20-23 seconds or so.

    Good time 9am!
  27. Crystal Says:
  28. #1- 4:07 for burpees. ended up doing
    40. my technique has improved greatly however at about 15-20 i hit a huge wall.

    #2- 419 total reps rx'd. did 304 DU's and 115 situps. thought my arms were going to fall off on DU's. whew.

    great job 9am.
  29. Erica Says:
  30. I agree with everyone else about the squat more matt apart would make me feel a bit better about not killing the person behind me if I have to drop the bar backwards. Otherwise love the new arrangement!!!

    CFO- 4:45 Rx'd...which is almost 2 minutes faster then the last time we did this Aug 2010...I'm super excited about that!! Progress :)
    DU/Situps- arms were wrecked on DU's which made it super hard to do a bunch of reps, but I think I still did okay here

    6am kicked some serious butt today! Great Job everyone!
  31. Dave Paladino Says:
  32. Big day today I got a muscle up with a band. Actually several, I think a muscle up might be possible
  33. Paula Says:
  34. CFO- 4:03 Rx'd...47sec better than last time! Very happy about that!

    DU/Situp- 251 reps rx'd- DU's - 115 reps -strung together 8-9 consecutive few times than 2-3's than every other. They were all over the place. But feeling much better about them. Situps- 136 reps

    I actually enjoyed today!!

    Great job 5am'ers!!!!!
  35. paul Says:
  36. Attaboy, Dino! I'm SURE you can get a muscle-up.

    3:25 for the burpees, 489 DUs and situps (317 DU, 172 SU). I was all set to pace myself and then Joe said the whole point of this was to ignore the voice that tells you to rest. Pretty happy with how that went for me today--I pushed pretty hard. Got the black lung from this bad boy, too.

    Nice work 4:30 ppl!
  37. paul Says:
  38. Just looked at LogWod--big PR on burpees, but 5 reps short on DU/SU. D'oh!
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. Tried to go at a good pace for burpees so I wasn't too terribly tired for the DU's SU's.

    Burpees (*invisible hand release to be put here) in 3:27, even did 1 extra :)

    Goal for DU's was 500, got 477, messed up twice I think, tried to go unbroken, but didn't take a second of rest the whole time, so thats good.

    SU's were pretty good, just tried to keep a good pace and get perpendicular with the ground, (little geometry there!), and ended up with 156.

    Grand total of 633 reps, pretty happy with that. If I could ever have a workout to choose, it would be this one! LOOOVED it!
  41. paul Says:
  42. Pat you so-and-so. 477 DU, huh? Whatever, you're better than me. I can deal with it.

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