Monday 111205

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Push Jerk 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps

Perform 2 push jerks (no split jerks or push presses allowed), increasing in weight every set, for 7 sets on a two minute clock. This will be performed out of a rack.


Every 30 seconds for 8 minutes, perform:
1 Push Jerk, 70-75% of heaviest 2 rep from above
5 Pull ups

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

The newly dedicated strength area. A big thanks to Andy Gomel for the help, we got the place looking nice and redesigned. Nothing like the CFO gym. Some great things happen here.

 The only things I ask are for you to take pride in our facility by keeping the place as clean as possible (trash, re-stack plates properly in their proper place, chalk kept in buckets, remove tape and wipe down pull up bars) and supporting your teammates during and after the workout. You get done, you get your @$$ to the closest person and motivate them to the finish. It's the supreme rule.

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11 Responses to "Monday 111205"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Good stuff. 198 for the jerks, which is a PR 2RM (though there might've been a slight press-out on the 2nd rep). Felt strong!

    Tough metcon: 15 rds with 154# and 5 kipping pullups.

    Nice work, 6am, and Eric and John Carter in particular!
  3. BigD Says:
  4. Did this one up on base this morning.
    Got 185 successfully for two. About two sets back, realized I wasn't holding my elbows high enough and was putting too much on the shoulders. Switched it more to a front squat hold and weight felt much better. Missed 195.
    Dropped to 135 for the metcon with doing kipping pullups. 30 seconds goes by QUICK!
  5. ZachR Says:
  6. 203 for 2 on final set

    My left elbow was bothering me a bit so I only went 70% for the metcon.

    16 rounds with 142#
  7. Jen Says:
  8. 143 for 2 on the final set. Could have gone heavier. This felt pretty easy.

    16 rounds at 99 for the metcon.
  9. Eric C Says:
  10. 198. It's amazing how much more weight you can lift using split jerk compared to the push jerk.

    142# for the metcon Rx'd on the pullups. 13 or 14 rounds.

    Way to push the weight up there Paul! Nice working with you and Big John.

    I like the new 'weight room'. And I like it when you guys move stuff around. It makes me feel like when I was a kid and I cleaned and moved my room around, it made everything seem a lot more interesting. Like my toys were suddenly a lot cooler.
  11. Crystal Says:
  12. 104# for Push Jerk.

    77# at 3 pullups for metcon. did 5 pullups for first 3 rounds then dropped to 3 for remaining rounds. missed 3 or 4 30 sec rounds.
  13. Steve Says:
  14. This one was tough on the shoulders. Like Dan said, "Who knew lowering weight would be the hardest part?"

    Had to get to 203 to beat Paul. First attempt was easy, but the reload took a lot of effort. Second attempt went up and over.

    142 for the metcon, and still missed 2 rounds.
  15. paul Says:
  16. Well played, Steve.

    Eric, I agree completely--the new format of the gym is awesome and the change does make the toys seem cooler.
  17. Kristina Nash Says:
  18. I just wanted to say that I like the new set up. I think it makes for a very cool atmosphere while lifting. Everyone is right there together. I see some insane PR's to soon be set in this environment by ALL!

    Took it easy on this shoulder day, but did get some good movement in.
    78# on the strength section, followed by 58# for the metcon.

    Thanks Amanda for reminding me to keep my chest up on the dip part of the movement. Stellar coaching!! It's the little adjustments like that, that make a huge difference.
  19. jakeH Says:
  20. Worked with Jon D on the push jerk today. He makes it look so easy. Got up to 218x2. Although I know my technique needs much improving, I feel like today was a success weight wise.

    Used 154# on the met-con (right around 70%) and focused on form. With a relatively low number of pull ups per round I decided to practice butterfly pull ups as well. They are still nonexistent.

    Good times either way. Thanks for the suggestions Jon and Amanda.
  21. BC Says:
  22. 169# for heaviest 2 jerks - weak sauce.

    15/16 rounds on the metcon Rx'd @ 120#.

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