Wednesday 111207

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Perform 3 front squats, increasing in weight each time if you can, for 5 sets on a 3 minute clock.


AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
15 Air Squats
Alternating Split Squat Jumps, 10 total
5 Kettlebell Swings, 2 pood

Rest 1 minute. Repeat cycle 4 times. Scale as necessary.

Post all results to comments/Logwod.

Momma to be trying to encourage that little one to come out. We're all excited for you Jess and that little girl.

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14 Responses to "Wednesday 111207"

  1. svioli Says:
  2. 126# PR on the Front Squats
    305 Reps on Conditioning.

    My legs hurt. :)
  3. Jen Says:
  4. 149 for front squats and 378 for the metcon. That killed my quads.

    Great pic Jess.
  5. BigD Says:
  6. Went 155/175/185/195/205 on Front squat sets on base. All successful, and my left knee isn't hurting too bad.
    393 reps on the metcon. Legs are a burnin'!

    Awesome pic Jess!
  7. Paula Says:
  8. Front squats-114#...definitely a weakness.

    Metcon-324 reps. Holy hell that was brutal on the quads. I'll be surprised if I'm able to walk tomorrow.

    Nice work 9am!

    Sweet pic Jess. You should be proud of yourself doing a crossfit WOD the week of your due date! I'm sure there are women 9 months pregnant that would try to find every excuse in the book to even walk on the treadmill. You go girl!
  9. Natalie Says:
  10. Loved how the times were left on the board this morning! Since I'm a 6am'er I only get to see the first 2 classes times/weights. Being able to see the other classes times/weights from the day before is really great--can we keep this??
  11. paul Says:
  12. Very excited to do this tomorrow. Love me some front squats.
  13. Erica Says:
  14. Two words.... Can't. Walk.
    That was a quad burner...I'm afraid for my drive to KC tomorrow!
    121 on the front squats- this is a weakness for me..but still getting better
    258 on the WOD...again, ouch

    Great pic Jess! So Close!!!
  15. Jess Says:
  16. Thank you everyone for your kind words. If only this baby girl wasn't so stubborn (she must take after her father)! I also want to thank Joe, Ricky, Amanda and Jon Day for always being so helpful and so willing to work with me and help me scale the workouts. It has meant so much to me to be able to continue working out. I only wish I was sleeping better so I could come in more often. Now, here's hoping that she will be with all of us soon!
  17. BC Says:
  18. 220# (or 100kg for our metric system friends) on the front squats. Definitely exceeded my own expectations there.

    297 reps rx'd on the metcon. My legs are completely destrominated.

    Nice work 5:30 crew!
  19. ZachR Says:
  20. 242# for 3...barely

    281 reps on the metcon with lunges in place instead of alternating split squat jumps.
  21. Stacie Says:
  22. Front Squat 5 x 3:
    137, 152, 172, 188, 198

    Great job Vanessa - way to push yourself!

    392 reps

    Come out of there Baby Christ!!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. This was a fun day.....

    I like front squat because I enjoy it and I need to work on it.

    220, 240, 264, 269, 274f, that last set on 274 I only got one rep, but it felt good, so I don't know what happened on that second rep Joe said it looked like I could of done about 7! Thanks Joe!

    The metcon was tough, I scaled to eye level swings to let my shoulder heal up.... Got 437 reps total through four rounds.

    Kids at school are asking me why I can barely walk today, they just don't understand!

    It was fun at 6:30, but where are you Dustin?
  25. Shelley Says:
  26. Front squat 5x3:

    154, 164, 174, 184, 198. These felt pretty good.

    405 reps Rx'd on metcon.

    Rounds as follows:

    3 plus 15 squats, 7 split squat jumps
    3 plus 13 squats
    3 plus 5 squats
    3 plus 3 squats

    Split squat jumps were the worst. I think this is the first time I've used 2 pd KB for a WOD also.
  27. Shelley Says:
  28. 403 reps Rx'd on metcon. My addition was off the first time.

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