Wednesday 110914

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
75 Double Unders
5 rounds of:
5 Strict Handstand Push ups (facing wall only)
10 Push ups w/ Hand Release
15 Burpees
75 Double Unders

Scale hspu first with kipping (still facing wall) then with an assisted hspu using a box. The key to the assisted hspu is making sure you touch the head to a point on the floor that is directly underneath your hips and not out in front.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

How's your bed treating you?


The fun starts at 7pm, show up a bit early to get situated and some grub ordered. There will be some food specials and the Norcal margaritas will be on special too. We're expecting quite a bit of you so the joint is prepared to handle some fitters. Thanks for your support of this weekend's FGB6 fundraiser. It means a lot to this gym that we'll have some of our best friends working out with us. You are appreciated.

Visit their website for directions. There is parking in the back if the front lot is full. We'll see you there.

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6 Responses to "Wednesday 110914"

  1. Eric C Says:
  2. 17:55

    There will be some fried shoulders after this. I would take a straw with you to Goldeez in case you can't get your drink up to your lips.

    Nice work 6am.
  3. jakeH Says:
  4. So true Eric.

    16:06 Rx'd

    The HSPU were challenging because I haven't had much of exposure to them. They definitely need improving.

    Fun class today. Everyone worked really hard.
  5. paul Says:
  6. hated to miss this because i really need to work on all these things.

    i'm going to have to miss stink-n-drink, too--it conflicts with my bowling league.
  7. Danny Says:
  8. 50 du's + 5 rds + 14 du's

    Came back in the afternoon and did

    2000m row - 7:29

    5:00 rest

    500m row x 4 - 1:45, 1:45, 1:45, 1:40 (1:30 rest in between sets)

    Challenging day followed by a good time at the stink and drink!
  9. Kristina Nash Says:
  10. Ran a 5K 26:47

    Then did the 530 class.

    Scaled hand stand push ups to push ups from shins on the box 5
    7 push ups
    10 burpees

    I think my time was 18:15.

    I have alot to work on in terms of the hand stand push ups. Learning the scaling options is nice, so I can have something to do at home.

    The stink and drink was fun! If you weren't there you missed out!
    Don't miss Saturday's festivities! You MUST be there...that is all.
  11. tina Says:
  12. DNF only 3 rounds 5,10,15 but knees on box HSPU and knee PU. Got one last scaled HSPU before buzz.

Thanks For Visiting!