For time:
150 Wall Ball Shots, 20#/14#
Post time to comments/Logwod.
Compare to 100809.
The kinds of parks Omaha needs (Muscle Beach, LA).
If you haven't already, please still consider registering for the CrossFit Games. Each week's workout will be programmed into classes for Wednesday, meaning you will do them anyways. Thanks for your support.
Don't forget, Beer and Burpees is still on for this Friday at 6:30pm. You'll need a team of two guys and two ladies to participate. The cost is $20 per team. Please sign up your team by Friday morning. It's gonna be a blast.
SO excited to do a wod rx'd that I had to post it. Was going to shoot for 100, but had lots of time left when I got there, so just kept going.
Didn't hurt to have Dr. E as my wall ball neighbor, either.
Can someone post here who to contact and how?
Timothy Clare
Howard Hawks
Chuck Hassebrook
Bob Whitehouse
Jim McClurg
Kent Schroeder
Bob Phares
Randolph Ferlic
Here is a website you should visit that has a letter you can copy, paste, and send to the regents listed above. Add your own flair to it, please.
This website shows you the care that people have for wrestling as a sport. It will also show what the school will look like once these sports have been removed.
Thanks for all your support. It is very much appreciated as our family gets through this terrible time.
be sure to add extra comments and concerns to it people in your own words to make this more effective...get it done!
By the way, ZachR, Zack, and I need another girl for the Beer and Burpee wod. If anyone wants in, just let one of us know. Thanks!
Sign up for the Games open people! Represent.
aimed for space above lettering - below top red line
Mark, I did the same thing this morning. My legs about collapsed under me as I was walking down the stairs at work. I'm sure they will be sore tomorrow!
Let's continue to sign up to Sectionals people! It has been said before....you are doing the workout anyway! So, why not support and represent CFO??
EVERYONE needs to do this!!! Even if you have just started! It will be a blast!
I wish I could do the St Pattys workout, but I'm on call and couldn't find anyone to cover. I was so much fun last year!!
23 seconds slower than last August.
7:53 thats a PR for me. Last time was 8:13 I think.
Originally was aiming for 100 but saw I had extra time so I went for the 125. Almost had it! Next time, Karen.