Power Clean 5x3 (sets across)
Warm-up 5, 3, 1. This workout is 5 sets of 3 reps all at the same weight. The challenge is to find a weight that is tough but doable for all 5 sets. You are missing the point if you increase weight each set.
Post weight used for all 5 sets to comments/Logwod.
Shane Thomas doing some air squats.
If you get a chance and you have a true interest in these programs and the young men they mold, please take the time to send an email to all the Nebraska board of regents, who, by the way, are elected officials, about saving UNO Football and Wrestling. This is a very serious matter. In fact, I've learned that Coach and Mrs. Denney have been receiving phone calls non-stop from media outlets all over the country concerning this matter.
A chain of events, at least for myself, are a result of Coach Denney and the UNO wrestling program. Moving from Amarillo, Texas to Omaha to attend school and have the opportunity to play a collegiate sport, meeting my wife of almost 9 years, two beautiful children, getting a job as a strength coach with the university, meeting Joe Westerlin, who is one of my best friends, starting a small business in the great state of Nebraska, meeting everyone of you. All this possible because an unbelievably awesome human being, who is like a second dad, took a chance on me.
If you would like to help, there are many important people you can contact, voicing your opinion. I have listed their names and emails below. You can also contact our state senators. Keep messages clean and concise. No need to bash anyone. Thanks for all your support.
Nebraska Board of Regents:
Timothy Clare
Howard Hawks
Chuck Hassebrook
Bob Whitehouse
Jim McClurg
Kent Schroeder
Bob Phares
Randolph Ferlic
Here is a website you should visit that has a letter you can copy, paste, and send to the regents listed above. Add your own flair to it, please.
On a separate note, how many of you out there are still on the fence about doing the CrossFit Open? Do it people! Every single one of our members has what it takes to compete. You all come to class, right? Doing the WODs for the Open is no different. Spread the word to folks in the classes who don't check the blog site. Of those who haven't signed up yet, I guarantee at least one of you will surprise yourself and do well enough to qualify for the Regionals. Guarantee it.
Right now, I think we have right under 50 members registered. The top box has around 120-130 registered, I think.
With as many hard-working folks we have as members, I think we could easily have the most folks registered from one box. Who's with me?
Also, welcome back to 5AM Paula! See you there in a couple weeks when Barbell 2 is done.
Nice working with you, Mark!
Shout out to 5:00am. EVERYONE did EXTREMELY well!! I'm so proud.
If you haven't signed up for the open yet, do it!! Support CrossFit Omaha! It supports you.
Used 252 for the first 3 sets but form was slipping badly so I dropped ten pounds to finish it out.
On the UNO issue. The football program has remained a huge part of my life even after my career ending. It was the biggest reason I came to Omaha. I fell in love with the program, the city, and the people here. The athletes at UNO are like a family. It doesn't matter what sport you play, everybody always hung out together in their free time. My brothers are hurting and need all the thoughts and prayers anyone is willing to give. If it wasn't for football I wouldn't even know what crossfit was, and because of that program I'm blessed enough to be part of the wonderful CFO community. The theme for the athletic department the last couple years has been "Omaha's Team.' If we allow this to happen quietly, that becomes a gimmick, and countless young men feel like the school the worked so hard for them was all for nothing. Show the regents that football and wrestling really are OMAHA'S TEAMs!!
Great job this morning, Celeste.
Please take a minute to write the regents and explain your displeasure.
I was an athlete at UNO and because of my experiences there I have enjoyed a lot of the success in my life. I also made alot friends that I still have today while I was there. I never would have come to Omaha otherwise, and never been introduced to all of you in the crossfit community. Something else to consider is that many of the leaders of the community have come from UNO athletics. These people would have never come here with the opportunity that athletics offers.
Again please take a minute if you feel strongly and write the regents.
So Today...
Band Resisted Back Squat - 3RM
(Minis Double Wrapped) - Best is 185
Hit 190 but still having knees in issues...
** Also did sets of 5 HSPU's between BS sets so ended up getting 30 reps in
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 SA DB Snatches (5EA - Not Alternated)
15 DB Swings (55#)
* RDS in 3 Mins with 1 Min Rest *
3RDS - Trying to stay as consistent as possible
1st - 2 1/3 RDS + 5 Snatches
2nd - 2 1/3 RDS
3rd - 2 1/3 + 3 Snatches