For time:
150 Wall Balls, 20#/14#
Post time to comments/LogWod.

The world annual CrossFit Fight Gone Bad fundraiser is right around the corner. This is the fifth one and we're hoping it is the biggest and baddest one yet.
The date is September 25th so mark it in your calendars. We plan to have over 50 working out on that day to raise money for some super great causes.
Some of you have already signed up at www.fgb5.org and started your donation pages and some of you are new and have no idea what I am talking about. Mosey on over to www.fgb5.org and read all about it. Read how the fundraiser started and how it's grown by leaps and bounds every year. If you are so inclined, start a donation page and see if you can't get friends and family to donate.
As the date approaches, I will let you know more and more information. Until then, start a page and get ready for one bada**s Fight Gone Bad.
Great job 6am!
Nice work, 4:30--way to push through the suffering!