Two cycles of the following, back to back, for time of:
3 rounds of:
3 Weighted Pull ups
5 Strict Pull ups
7 Kipping Pull ups
1 round of:
15 Turkish Get ups
Post time and weights used for pull ups, get ups to comments/Logwod.
In the middle of a double under, Vanessa shows us, both, an inefficient pull of the legs and the more desired full extension of the legs, pushing the ground away.
Pulling the legs to avoid the rope causes a number of problems including a harder land which may be injurious to the delicate bones and joints of the foot and lower leg as well as the increased difficulty in getting off the ground again for the next rope pass-through. The more efficient leg extension allows for a safer landing as well as the proper use of the stretch-reflex in the Achilles heel that would make consecutive double-unders easier to acquire and less taxing on the cardio-respiratory system in general.
HUGE 6am class--nice work, everyone!
Grat Job 6AM !
Press (Best I think is 175 lately)
Push Press (214 for 3)
Push Jerk (231 for 5)
Only hit 165 on the press... 175 was close to clearing but just couldnt get my head through
Push Press... 219 for 2 then missed the record breaking rep... reracked it and got my third rep anyway
Push Jerk.. 236... for FIVE... Thank you! Finally, at least one PR
Stability Ball Leg Curls... 3X15
- Trainers did an eval yesterday and my hamstrings are no where to be found so
Bent Over Barbell Row (Underhand)
- Big focus on depressing and pulling together 3X12
Second WOD tonight hopefully...
Scaled to 3 strict with blue+red band, 5 kipping, 7 jumping pull ups. Used 15# for TGUs.
MY ARMS are SHAKING still! I really hope tomorrow has little to do with using my arms! They will fall off!
And Hannah you can always count on my estrogen! lol!
I still can't stop laughing about Joe's wide legged attacker!! lol! "Could you please attack me with a wide stance?"
was 7 getups (trainer pood) short of finishing wod rx'd.
Did games wod after.
126 reps for the burpees/run and box jumps/k2e
16 presses at 77#
11 15# weighted pullups
87# both snatches
92# power full squat snatch.
Total reps: 153
btw...loved this wod! could have done without the snatches at the end ;)