Friday 110204

Ricky Frausto Filed Under: Labels:
21-15-9 rep rounds for time of:
Thrusters, 93#/63#
Pull ups

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Compare to 100813.

Olympic Weightlifting Highlights. Gotta love them.

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20 Responses to "Friday 110204"

  1. GregP Says:
  2. 6:34 at #64 8 minute cutoff so I scaled the weight instead of the reps. didn't breakup any of the thrusters and split pull-ups in 1/2 each round.

    Great Job 6AM!
  3. Hilg Says:
  4. No longer a Fran virgin. 7:19 Rx'd. Felt like my form was a C- on Thrusters today. I shouldn't have trouble with that weight but I was rushing the squats even tho that was a big message in the setup. Tough going on the last few pull-ups. Maybe scale this one down on a rest day to improve.

    Nice big crew at 6am....had to break it up in two groups!

  5. Mark Says:
  6. A little disappointed today after a great day yesterday. Did Fran in 5:09 today, which is 30 seconds slower than my PR last August. I should have pushed a little harder and not broken up my second round of thrusters.
  7. paul Says:
  8. Oh yeah, Fran kicked the $h!t out of me. 5:21 rx'ed. Thrusters actually felt great, but (a) i couldn't breathe, and (b) i couldn't hang on to the pullup bar. at the end of this, my forearms hurt like HELL. not fun. took about 15 minutes before i could either open or close my hands without pain.

    I'm taking a long weekend so i can get after it again on Monday.

    Great work, 6am!
  9. Gina Says:
  10. 6:27 I used prescribed weight for the thrusters and did all 21-15-9. Blue band for pull ups 9-6-3 reps. I was disappointed in how much I had to break up the thrusters, but my shoulders were really tired from isabel yesterday. Great class this morning, nice to see so many people up early.
  11. J Andresen Says:
  12. 4:26 Rxd. Good work 5am. I figured if I can get through the first two sets, the last 9 would be easy to get through, but I was wrong.
  13. Jess Says:
  14. 5:26 using 33# for thrusters and 15-12-9 reps...for pullups I did 9-6-3 without a band. I didn't have to break up any thrusters which I was surprised. The pullups were slow and one rep at a time.

    Great job 6am peeps.

    P.S. Jon, I am FINALLY gonna log this WOD. Shame on me.
  15. JennG Says:
  16. 4:50 21-15-9 33# & jumping pull-ups

    After my epic failure on Wednesday night, didn't want to shoot too high & suffer another tantrum... shoulda shot a little higher.

    Fun class @ 6am with so many!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. My grandmother died last night so I wasnt exactly focused today... but did this anyway...

    Push Jerk - 3X2RM - Trying to get into the 250's
    154, 198, 220, 241, 250X1, 256X2 out of 3

    Isabel - Best is 2:49 I think
    30 135# Snatches
    - 2:40

    Bent Over DB Row - 55# 3X10
    Weighted GH Raises 3X5 (10-15#)

    Barefoot Treadmill Run
    2X800m with 2:00 Walk between
    1- Gradually increased speed from 8 to 11mph - 3:15
    2- Started at 9.0 and finished at 11.5 - 2:55

    Off tomorrow... Hope everyone's training is going good... about a month to go...
  19. Allison H :) Says:
  20. 5:24
    53#, scaled reps to 12-9-6

    thrusters felt heavy enough but was able to do them all without stopping. Pull ups broke into 5, 4, 3, 2s at a time and then those very last ones with my arms all cramped up did 1 at a time...

    Didn't want to put on a second showing of Flying Fran :) lol

    thanks Jon and Amanda for the tips on weight and rep scheme I should go for! It was perfect for me!

    Have a great weekend everyone! :)
  21. Addi Says:
  22. 5:15 rx'd
    :41 PR

    Was hoping for sub-5:00, but I'll take a PR any day. Thrusters were unbroken, but just plain slow, and my pullup stamina could be a lot better. The forearms burned out on the 15 pullups. Love that round of 9, though.

    Took me twice as long as it should have to eat lunch. I kept taking breaks to cough. Damn you, Fran.
  23. Shelley Says:
  24. Did 7 am. WOD:
    3 RDS:
    30 hang cleans (63#)
    30 burpees
    30 KTE's

    DNF: 20:30; had 2 burpees and 30 KTE's left; KTE's are sloooowwwww for me. Again, that is an understatement. I had a couple sets that felt much easier or somewhat "right", but this is another skill I need to work on.

    FRAN: PR "I'm a big fat attention whore"

    4:59 Rx'd

    Thrusters all unbroken and pullups I broke up a lot (4 sets every round I believe). I wasn't sure if this would hurt or help, but the last time I did this with DB's, I didn't break the pullups up as much and it seemed a lot harder then. Thrusters feel so much easier than I ever remembered them being too.
  25. paul Says:
  26. Sorry to hear about your grandmother, Justin.

    Addi and Shelley--nice PRs!

    I have been coughing all day, and wanting to tell people why. But I decided it wasn't appropriate to make an announcement to my classes. I probably would have for a sub-4, though...
  27. Eric C Says:

    Fran = 4:11 Rx'd (1:12 PR)

    I'm personally very proud of that time. I've been trying to break 5 mins for a year.

    Hilg, you finally popped your cherry! Do you feel dirty now?

    Nice Job to the other attention whores: Shelley and Addi. : )

    Justin, sorry to hear about your grandmother.

    Good job 4:30 pm!
  29. Kelli Says:
  30. 6:16 53# rep scheme of 15-12-9
  31. Tovar Says:
  32. I guess im gonna be an attention whore too bc I finally pr'd after like 3 years of trying. And I too am super excited! Fran (one mean bitch) = 2:46

    This morning did 3 rounds of 30 hang cleans @ 94lbs, 30 burpees, and 30 knees to elbows. 18:?? Took a toll on the grip, which had me worried about fran.

    Yesterday morning worked on split jerk. Got 232lbs. Also did 3 rounds of 274lb deadlifts and 50 du's. 5:??

    Last night worked on muscle ups,wall balls, and an assortment of things with the weighted vest on.
  33. BC Says:
  34. 6:06 (:40 pr) scaled to 64#.
  35. Stacie Says:
  36. Morning- 19:54 rxd

    Fran- 3:41 rxd
  37. Paula Says:
  38. Congrats to Shelley, Addi, Eric, Tovar, and BC on their PR's....attention whores...I love it!

    Justin, I'm sorry to hear about your Grandma.

    Can't wait to see everyone tomorrow! It's been a while and I've missed you!
  39. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  40. Fran 630 rx'd. Last time I did 44# @ 443 so idk if this is an improvement. I was the last one to finish in my heat....that did suck. Thanks Jimbo for helping me out!!

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