Tuesday 110125

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Press 5-5-5 reps

Warm-up: x5, x5, x3, x2. We pressed for 3x5 on December 21st. The goal, this time, is to be at least 2.5 to 5 pounds heavier for all three sets. We had 45 comments on that day, let's do it again, at least for posting your press results.

Post weight to comments/Logwod.

Compare to 101221.

Press Grip - Coach Rippetoe

The gym is hosting a mock competition this Saturday starting at 10AM. It will consist of 3 workouts. These workouts will bleed into the 11'o clock hour. You do not have to stay for all three but you are welcome to. There will be no open gym, to accommodate those interested in competing. This event is open to anyone and everyone. Scaling is allowed and encouraged if you need it. Don't worry about class size. If you want to partake, get on the wait list. I will see what the interest is and add spots accordingly. It would be best to sign up immediately.

Hope you can make it.

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35 Responses to "Tuesday 110125"

  1. GregP Says:
  2. 1st of 45 comments for today.

    #108 3x5 except I missed the very last rep.

    Great Job 6am !
  3. Mark Says:
  4. Apparently I was wrong, I thought I did 154 last time and got 5,5,3 but I actually did 137#x5, 142x5 then 152x3.

    I tried 154# today and only got 4 on the first set, then dropped to 142 and did 5 and then tried 152 and got 4.

    Didn't judge my weights correctly this time... oops! But I did get 1 more rep at 152#.
  5. Mark Says:
  6. Wish I could make it to the mock competition on Saturday but stupid work keeps getting in the way. I am still crossing my fingers that I can get off work on the 4th for the Summit!!
  7. Ricky Frausto Says:
  8. Hey guys,

    If you read this, do me a huge favor and try your hardest not to go for a 5RM. There is a huge difference between a 5RM and 3x5. A huge difference. You have to denote that in your mind and not let your ego get the best of you.

    A 5RM is where you take as many sets as needed (strategically) to try and set the maximum amount of weight for 5 reps. Its not developmental but rather display of strength. Show me what you can do for 5 reps right now.

    On the other hand, 3x5 is developmental. It's about trying to improve your strength for the next time a 5RM shows up. If you want to make it a rep max then treat it as a 3x5RM where you want to show the coach and yourself what is the most amount of weight you can get for 3x5.

    In a 3x5 rep scheme, the reps are the most important variable. Not the weight. The weight comes second. Consider it missing the boat if you don't get all 15 reps. Then consider how much weight, next.

    Not to call Mark or Greg out but they are prime examples and just happened to post first. (I hope they take this as a learning experience) If we wanted x5/x5/x4 or x4/x5/x4, we would have posted it that way. I think Greg had a better grasp of what the goal was but nevertheless.

    This is why it is so important to track, at least, your strength movements. I'm serious. You should know what your last press was, exactly. For example, Mark posted that last time, he got 137x5, 142x5, and 152x3. He should of went 142#x5 for all three sets and this week 147#x5 for all 3 sets and then the next time 152#x5 for 3 sets. That is developmental.

    Since he went 137#, 142#, and 152# last time, this week he should have went 142#x5 for all 3 sets or at the most 147#x5 for all 3 sets. Because he didn't do any of this, it is now a toss up on what he should do next time. I can make a pretty good guess and probably be right but we shouldn't have to guess.

    See where I am going with this? This is strength training. It has to progress in a stair like fashion. It has to be planned. Remember, 3x5, 5x3, 7x1, etc is to be seen as going to work whereas 1RM, 3RM, or 5RM is seen as show the boss what you can do right this minute (because the work above is preparation).

    What about you guys who don't like strength days? It would seem that when we have strength days, attendance falls off. If you are one that doesn't really care for strength days, let me ask you a question, do you like weight loss? Do you like losing body-fat? If you do, you better not missing strength days and better yet, you should be lifting heavy on your own such as during rest days.

    Here's another thought for you. Doing 12 minute met-cons with little to no weight will do nothing for your weight loss goals or body-fat goals. I'm serious. Take for example yesterday's workout. The prescribed weights were 176#/126# and the cut-off was 8-10 minutes. If you used anything under 120#/100# for the power cleans, it really did nothing for weight loss or body-fat goals. It was too light a weight. Yes, you may have sweated, but that is it. It was only relatively intense. The weight must match the time domain.

    How do you accomplish this? Yep, that's right, strength days. Set goals. I think, for a crossfitter, baseline strength goals should be:

    Squat: 264#M/185#F
    DL: 300#M/210#F
    Press: 115#M/77#

    Want more lifts? Post here asking for more and I'll give you more baseline loads for lifts.
  9. paul Says:
  10. failed to snatch 154 this morning (I have gotten 164 before). Oh well. Some good practice. It felt easy, i just kept catching it too far forward and couldn't stand up with it.

    then did a whole mess of L-pullups (and various scaled versions) and scaled pistols. lots of reps over about 20 min. nice change from running and burpees yesterday, though!
  11. Nick.M Says:
  12. Unfortunately it looks like I fall into Mark and Greg's category as well, but I won't let the embarrassment stop me from posting. I got 179 last time, I didn't think it was quite a 5RM so I tried to add a little today.

    164x5, 174x5, and 184x3.

    After reading the explanation I probably should have just done 169 or 174 for all 3 sets.
  13. Shelley Says:
  14. Did 6 a.m press:

    1x5 at 88#
    2x5 at 93#

    7 a.m.

    Snatch: 87#; couldn't get 99#; I need to work on these (understatement)

    21 strict pullups/20 pistols

    strict pullups scaled from L pullups; I did my first pullup with knees up but couldn't get another so went to strict after that. Pistols as Rx'd

    I broke up pullups and pistols in each round going back and forth until completing all reps and moving on to next round.

    1st round: 6:00
    2nd round: 5:50
    3rd round: 5:03
    4th round: 3:07 plus

    DNF: Cut off was 20 minutes; had 3 pullups left at 20 minute mark so finished them; pistols went well( have to have something positive in a workout).
  15. Natalie Says:
  16. Under the weather took the day off from the gym. Planning to be back at it tomorrow morning.
  17. Hilg Says:
  18. Good Lord, it's good to be back!

    147# X5 Started with 132, then 142.

    Felt like I improved form each got that going for me....which is nice.
  19. Teresa Says:
  20. Ricky, I would like more baseline goals for additional lifts. Thanks!
  21. Ricky Frausto Says:
  22. If the workout says 2 rounds of: 2 push ups, 4 pull ups, and 6 air squats, what would you do? I would hope exactly what is printed above.

    Don't be embarrassed by not doing today's workout right, be embarrassed by not doing it right again, the next time 3x5 shows up. This means, the next time you see 3x5, try for the heaviest weight you can do for 3x5 and not the heaviest weight you can do for 1x5. That's not the workout, per the above example.

    I am not trying to point people out, I want everyone to learn from this experience. I believe it to be more of a misunderstanding of the rules. Showing me what you can do will not improve your strength. You need to develop it.

    I'll tell you what, let's use Brian's example above. He got 147# for 5 one time. He started out with 132#. If after successfully completing 5 reps at 132#, he felt he could make a jump, we would then just refer to that previous set at 132# as an additional warm-up set and start with the next weight as his first work set. If again, he felt he could make a jump, then again, he would make that jump but it would then be his first set of 5 in which he would try to complete 2 more sets of 5 reps with that weight.

    So if you haven't made it into class yet, follow the advice I've given and try to achieve the most amount of weight you can get for 15 reps separated into 3 sets of 5. This weight will be a somewhat under what you can do for 1 all out set of 5 reps (5RM) since you are trying to maintain it for 2 more sets. If you use a weight for your first work set and it turns out to be too light, don't fret. Increase it and start over at set 1.

    Let's see how many can get all 15 reps with the heaviest weight they can muster from here on out, starting at noon.
  23. GregP Says:
  24. Ricky, Thanks for writing that all up. I should have stuck with what I did last time.

    BTW - I tried to get on the wait list for Saturday competition and even that is full. Do you still have room?
  25. Ricky Frausto Says:
  26. Greg, I added more people to the actual class, so that opened more wait list spots (5 to be exact).

    I suspect some will cancel in the days leading up to Saturday. Things come up.

    Remember, this Saturday is not an open gym. Those signed in for 10AM will be doing mock competition WODs. You do have the choice to do one, two, or all three though. Don't worry though, this is not for the elite. This is just a regular ol class with a couple of extra workouts is all. Ask others, it's really fun and a great way to test your capacity.

    The workouts will be created to handle the amount of people we have sign up.
  27. JonD Says:
  28. Well to catch up on posting my workouts.

    100 Ball Slams for time

    30 Box Jumps
    30 PC 176
    30 Box Jumps

    Not sure yet probably either the run from yesterday or one of the pull up workouts from today. Keep ya posted.

    Great knowledge being thrown around in the blog today. People should read it and have a game plan when they come in today. This is a great opportunity get better, and understand better as well.
  29. Gina Says:
  30. I used 84# for all three sets today. Last time I did 79, so I was happy with today's weights. Nice job Jillian on finally using the men's bar.
  31. Ricky Frausto Says:
  32. Yes Gina, I knew I could count on you. Great example.
  33. Eric C Says:
  34. 120# 2 x 5
    125# 1 x 5

    Is that how you want it posted Ricky??? HAHAHA! J/K!!!

    Next time it will be 120# 3x5 Or maybe even 125# 3x5 if I'm hulking out like I'm planning. : )
  35. Ricky Frausto Says:
  36. Do I have to write it all down again, Eric? Hahahaha.

    Hey guys, I probably should have been doing something else but I was motivated so I acted on it.

    Here is a link to a PDF I just created for baseline strength goals. These aren't crazy numbers by any means. They are minimums I think all of you should strive to attain as quickly as possible. Once there, continue to pass them further.

    I even left spaces for dates and actual so you could track all of it on your way to reaching these baseline goals. Everyone should have a folder in the gym and if you don't, let me know and I'll make you one. Keep this sheet in that folder and refer to it everyday. Do something everyday towards reaching each baseline.

    Have fun.

    CFO Baseline Strength - Level 1

    Let me know what you think?
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. Finally being a little smarter about my strength work... Taking things to maximal effort only works so long... probably not the smartest way to go about things but used what worked until it stopped working...

    So every 3 2on/1off cycles I'll have three lifts where I'm going max effort on (ascending sets) and two where I'm going developmental (straight sets)

    Power Clean - 3X3 (Hit 237 for a max so kept it at 220-225 for all three sets)

    Crossfit Football Metcon
    3 Push Jerks (185#)
    6 CTB Pull Ups
    9 Hand Release Clapping Push Ups
    6 ROUNDS (5:42) - Missed 1 Jerk right at the end.. Stupid.. Cost me 10 secs I bet...

    Post Work-
    Heavy DB Row (50#'s) X 3X10
    GH Sit Ups 3x10 (Fast As Possible)

    Might the main site WOD from a few days back... 3X800m run tonight or tomorrow
  39. JonD Says:
  40. 3 Push Jerks 186
    6 C2B Pull ups
    9 Clapping Push ups
    6 rounds

    Nice time Justin!

    Missed last rep of jerks on my 5th and 6th rounds. Clapping push ups slowed me down, Push ups used to be one of my strengths. Well just got to keep workin!
  41. Allison H :) Says:
  42. 54# for 3x5 today

    between sets used trainer pood for single arm rows

    after this went to 24hour and rowed 2k and ran a bit - my running is way down. I have SO SO much to work on with all aspects of my fitness. But it's good, because I know I can be where I was before - just need to work at it all and be patient with myself and my body.

    Thanks for being my buddy today Karen
  43. Pastor Justin Says:
  44. Ricky... your obsessive!

    Haha, but at least were getting our moneys worth!

    Thanks for being a STUD!

    See ya at 4:30, where I won't do a 5RM.
  45. Addi Says:
  46. 1RM snatch - 114#

    Failed once at 119 - caught it out front a bit and couldn't quite pull it back. Decided that with 2 more metcons and the press left today, I should call it quits. Focused on getting faster under the bar - still a ways to go, but improving! PR is 130 at regionals last year, but that was a beyond-sloppy power "snatch", and this was a legit, good technique, full squat snatch.


    Scaled to tuck pullups and did about half the pistols with an 8# DB counterweight. Gave myself 2:30 for each set of each exercise. Got all the pistols and the last set of pullups in the allotted time. Finished the 2nd to last round with :43 seconds to spare, so waited :13 and started early... then finished my last pistols with 2:25 to spare, giving me a total time of 17:something or other...

    Came back an hour later for 3x5 press at noon.


    Did 84# last time, and remember it feeling pretty damn good. My arms are shot today, so 79# felt hard. I was looking forward to moving up to 88#, but as Reba had to remind me repeatedly, I have to have realistic expectations with the increased volume this week. It's boring being reasonable.
  47. Ricky Frausto Says:
  48. I know this. Now if I could just figure out how to be obsessive about the rest of the things that are important in my life. #passion #hustle #grit

    As for money's worth, you better believe it. Wouldn't have it any other way.
  49. Addi Says:
  50. 6 rds
    3 chest to overhead 131#
    6 chest-to-bar pullups
    9 clapping pushups

    Just made it under my goal of 12 min. Holy shoulders. This didn't really tire them out - just showed every grindy little bit of impingement... Definitely looking forward to tomorrow's rest day. Also, got a bonus night off at work. Early to bed for me tonight!
  51. Eric C Says:
  52. I would like to recognize the passing of Jack Lalanne. The infamous fitness guru of the 60's and 70's who used to say, "if God didn’t make it, man shouldn’t eat it"

    He also warned generations that they were killing themselves with the knife and fork, white flour and sugar, insecticides and pesticides long before it was the fashion.

    He was the man.
  53. Addi Says:
  54. Ladies, if you haven't read Ricky's last blog post (, do it now. Then eat a steak, preferably wrapped in bacon. I wish I'd read it 3 1/2 years ago. I also wish I had a bacon-wrapped steak in the house.

    Seriously, though. Read it. It's important.

    Good stuff, Ricky.
  55. JennG Says:
  56. 64# for all three sets. Tried 69#, but couldn't even get 3...I know it's all mental. Next time.
  57. Chip Says:
  58. 137# press, felt pretty good. Games WOD in 8:46 using 132#, pretty humbling to use the girls weight, but I'm pretty new to the push jerk. It was cool to workout with all you beasts.

    Ricky, what do you suggest doing if you have all the strength numbers and still struggle with WODs?
  59. Tovar Says:
  60. 1RM Snatch-132. Took the grip an inch wider and shoulder felt it. But, I got it and Ricky is right... it does kinda just go up there with more ease. Not sure if my right side is sold yet, time will tell.

    L PullUps/Pistols-20:38. Slight bend in the legs due to hammie issues. Serious issues.

    Press 3x5-79. My form improved so much and my last set felt the best. Ill take it. Thanks Jon!

    OH/C2B/ClapPUs-8:17. Ready for bed.

  61. BigD Says:
  62. Got a nice ass-kicking in the Games WOD tonight. DNF. Even scaled back to 176 on the overhead anywhichway. That lasted for two sets. Tweaked the back and had to drop to 154. The pushups were actually a nice resting part for me. Got two of the last set of 3 overheads before time was called. Shitty, shittty, shitty.....
    Gonna try to avoid under-recovery with a big steak and then sleep.
    Once again, all you in the Games prep are my heroes....
  63. Tovar Says:
  64. Tough day of training starting this morning with snatch. All I could throw up this morning was 159lbs. I was close to getting 164lbs but couldn't quite make the catch. I think I need to make some adjustments to the technique. Also worked on Lpullups and pistols this morning.

    Pressed tonight at 6:30 and used 142lbs for my 3 sets. Felt pretty good.

    As for the games workout at 7:30 it was extremely heavy and the clapping pushups were no joke. It didn't help that I did too many pushup reps on the first 3 rounds either. Finished in 8:43.
  65. Kat Says:
  66. press 84# 3x5.
    6 rnds:
    3 oh 131#
    6 c2b
    9 clap push ups
    10:52 rx'd

    the 131 wasn't as bad as I though it would be, it was a toughy though! much would have rather done KB swings vs stupid clapping pushups.....damn boys
  67. Shelley Says:
  68. 6 rds:
    3 OH 131#
    6 CTB
    9 clapping pushups
    13:52 Rx'd

    This went very slow after first 3 rounds for me; missed my last OH of last set and had to redo a few CTB and pushups along the way too.

    Surprisingly, I'm not as sore as I expected to be this a.m. after the last couple days. Thanks to Jess and foam rollers:)

    I am looking forward to rest day today!!
  69. hannah eileen Says:
  70. 53# press

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