Monday 110124

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
30 Box Jumps, 24 inch box
30 Power Cleans, 176#/126#
30 Box Jumps, 24 inch box

Post time to comments/Logwod.

Have you visited the 11th CrossFit Skill yet? It's a site put together by the crew over at Fit2Fight. Here is their Libby outfit. Libby, you agree? What about the rest of CFO?

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17 Responses to "Monday 110124"

  1. BigD Says:
  2. 9:48 RX'd. Cleans were rough!
    Nice showing at 5AM!
  3. Gina Says:
  4. 8:16 with 53# and a 20" box
    The cleans were really light, but I didn't think I could get 30 done quick enough with the next higher weight. I was pretty happy with the box jumps, I was able to do the first 10 in a row for the first time ever. Great class this morning!
  5. paul Says:
  6. Nice work on the box jumps, Gina!

    5 rds
    400m run
    20 burpees
    15 bent over DB rows (50#)

    wasn't sure i could even do this today, and it was pretty rough, but i was just happy to finish.

    great work, 7am! you guys amaze me.
  7. Shelley Says:
  8. The 7 am WOD was tough.

    21:55 Rx'd (35# on bent over DB rows)

    I saw this WOD on Xfit mainsite from 1-19-11 with some impressive times posted.

    Congrats Gina on the BJ's! That's awesome!!
  9. J Andresen Says:
  10. 7:57 Rx'd. I didn't know if I'd finish the cleans until JaRule came on and powered me through it. Good work 5am.

    Today was a great way to get me back in the groove with metcon's. I just finished 8 weeks of strength class and had a great experience. I highly encourage it. It's a great way to meet some new members and get into even more detail on certain lifts.
    For me personally it's giving me something to work on during the "off" days (Thurs,Sat).
  11. GregP Says:
  12. 6:06 with #88. Warmed up to #132 but did not think I could get under 10 minutes with that weight. I might have to try this on a rest day again with #132

    Great Job 6AM !

    is the WOD on logwod yet?
  13. Mark Says:
  14. 7:36 with 154#. Power cleans and high rep high box jumps = two of my bigger weaknesses. Great work for 6AM on Monday morning!!
  15. Allison H :) Says:
  16. 8:12 w/22" bx jumps alternating jumps & step ups. Used 53# cleans

    need to work on form, strength, and getting faster. need to get back where I was before.

    great work nooners
  17. Eric C Says:
  18. 6:49 Rx'd

    Nice and heavy....

    Mark, I think you must have finished at 6:36. I think you were ahead of me.

    Good work Morning Monsters!
  19. Jess Says:
  20. 4:57 using 77# and 3 reds for box jumps. I am sick of rowing so I was determined to do box jumps even if it re-broke my toe. I wish I would had stepped outside of my comfort zone and tried 99# even if it meant not finishing. Next time.

    Great job noon peeps!


    P.S. Like I told Libby today, very flattering that they posted that about her. So very true.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Is Saturday's mock competition open to everyone?
  23. Nick.M Says:
  24. 8:50 Rx'd

    Felt good overall today, just got a little gassed and had to slow down. One of my better days stringing together some continuous box jumps instead of stepping down everytime.
  25. Addi Says:
  26. 400m run
    20 burpees
    15 bent over rows 35#

    3 rds - 15:37

    Had to do this at work over my lunch break, and only had time for 3 rounds. The runs were okay, the rows were decent in sets of 10-5, and burpees were worse than usual. My goal each round was to pass the running club at least once... the last round, one of them passed me. Boo.

    30 box jumps
    30 power cleans
    30 box jumps


    Goal after looking at the times on the board was sub-6:00, so happy with that. Box jumps left a lot to be desired today. I missed twice. The second set was one at a time, stepping down. I never do that. Frustrating, but it kept me moving. I know I could take 15-20 seconds off this if I had even just a little life left in my hamstrings.
  27. Shelley Says:
  28. 6:19 Rx'd.

    I need to work on box jumps so I can string many together. Cleans felt pretty good, and I just tried to keep moving. The second set of box jumps started out shaky as my legs felt heavy.

    Afterwards, I did manage to get 2 sets of 2 strict HSPU's and a couple headtaps. Addi showed Reba and me what those were all about. I didn't attempt shoulder taps or hip taps. (You've got to be able to walk before you can run, right?) I heard Jen T. has those mastered!! I was happy to be able to get the strict HSPU's because I struggled last Thursday when doing these on a rest day.

    Good work 4:30!!
  29. Kat Says:
  30. 7:39 rx'd. I took me longer to do the first 10 cleans than the last 20......go figure, guess I just had to get over the weight and just keep pickin up the bar! I'm gunna do the games prep wod at my apt later after my class...not sorry about missin the run outside :)
  31. Brandon Says:
  32. This WOD was nice and heavy, but nasty on the legs. I hit it at 6:30pm and it was rough, but fun! As for the pic of the day... I think Libby's shorts might be even shorter than those. ha! :-)

    Time = 6:28 RX'd

  33. Tovar Says:
  34. Tough work in 5:30 class. Cleans were stinking heavy! Finished in 5:29.

    Also worked out this morning with the Gamers. Running in the cold is no fun.... but i guess its never enjoyable for me anyway. Definitely need to improve in this area.

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