Press 5-5-5 reps
Warm-up with the following scheme: x5, x5, x3, x2 then follow that up with 3x5 at the same weight or as close as you can. I would say that you are within 5 to 10 pounds for all three sets if they aren't the same weight. This is not a 5 rep max.
Post weights to comments/Logwod.
No picture today, just lots of links in the hopes that you realize that the same situations exist elsewhere. What say you?
We Need To Talk, by C.J. Martin - CrossFit Invictus
The First Ten Pounds - CrossFit Epiphany
Why the Kids Don't Blog and Grandma's on Facebook, by David Zax - Fast Company
"Burpee Penalties" for infractions (being late to class, dropping KBs, etc.) -- what's your opinion? And should the penalty be assessed on the entire class or just the offender? - This was the question that the CrossFit Affiliate page asked and here are the answers.
Read these and post your thoughts to comments. If not, then at least think about them.
On the topic of folks not commenting much on the blog anymore:
I am guilty of this, super guilty if you will. I can't think of one reason in particular for why I stopped commenting on the blog. I used to every day, if I had come into the gym, or not. I think it was a gradual thing, where it became every other day, then every 3 or 4 days, and so on... I have a few things that may, or may not, help the situation, and are possible causes of the limited commenting (I stress the word "Possible"). It is definitely not an exhaustive list, just a few things that come to mind.
1) I think the Coaches should interact a bit more on the blog, it makes it feel more like a community if we can get you guys posting too, and I think it's obvious the Coach's opinions carry some weight.
2) Post more "Accomplishment photos" for people to comment on, for example: a photo collage of a bunch of folks PRing on a lift. Not that you guys don't post great photos, keep in mind these are just suggestions.
3) More random community events will hopefully get people excited and talking, for example: a potluck at the gym, where everyone brings a paleo and/or zone item in ready to share the food AND the recipe! :-)
On the topic of the "Burpee Laws":
I do not care for them personally, and here are a few reasons (keep in mind, these are OPINIONS):
1) Should I have to do extra work (burpees) if I drop say, a kettlebell, accidentally when there isn't even enough time for me to work on any weaknesses after the scheduled programming for the day?
2) I haven't heard any "Burpee Laws" for the coaches, if they happen to start class late, run late, etc... Not that this happens much at all, but it has happened, and while I don't consider it even noteworthy, it is usable for this topic of discussion.
3) I don't think there should be a penalty for doing something accidentally in the gym (within reason). I thought most folks were following the rules pretty well without the burpee penalty to keep them in line. While I understand the penalties are not really a big deal, I don't necessarily agree with them, but I will do what it takes (again, within reason... HA!) to stay a part of this awesome community that is CrossFit Omaha.
If any of this is incorrect, I will gladly admit my mistake and eat crow. I really hope this post doesn't earn me burpees... :-)
2. As a client, I don't like the burpee laws. They make me feel a tad bit like a grade school kid running for the bell...I believe people generally try to be on time, and if you continue to start and end classes on time you will organically create a climate of punctuality :)
Good Job 6AM!
I quit commenting when I started the strenght classes. I didn't see much point when what we were doing was completely different than the daily WOD's. Still read them everyday and was disappointed when they dropped off. I agree that coaches should comment too. That way we know you are reading them.
Reba, burpee laws, if read correctly, show that they are not created for tardiness. In fact, the one for tardiness is written last and with the least amount of burpees. We have had no problem with anyone doing 10 burpees. I take that back, we did once. With you. Anyways, I digress, the biggest one, and it has taken care of the problem immensely, is to have the community cheer for their brethren before putting their equipment away and for everyone to take the health of our equipment into their own hands.
For Joe and I, these two things have been the most important needed changes. It has literally changed the way workouts end and helped us to take care of the equipment we do have. I don't care if you drop equipment, I only care if you do it purposely or ignorantly. Now that we have created (or trying to create) a culture of cheering at the end of workouts, it bodes well for everyone.
Hope this helps and you're right Brandon, I think I need to get involved with more feedback but if I do, everyone else needs to comment as well. There is no reason we can't have 40 comments on average 3-4 times a week. Word to your mother.
About the receiving an automatic email every time someone posts to the blog, would anyone like to be added to the list? I can add your email to the list and you too can get an automatic email. The only stipulation is that you gotta comment regularly. If you will and want to see what everyone else is saying without having to visit the blog 20 times a day, text me your email (315-8101).
And to you that have only known the building at 90th and L , start a new tradition. Don't let CrossFit Omaha be just where you workout and only at your one class time. Say something. You guys all have wonderful personalities. How about I call some people out here:
Paula Miller
Chris Baldwin
Kyle Rooney
Alicia Qualset
Aaron Olsterholm
Tessa Wyborny
Pete Nordlund
Adam Brock
Nichole Beran
Karen Wattier
Jen Thomas
Crystal Frausto
Shelley Buchholz
Megan McNamara
John Kinney
Bob Sidzyik
Libby DiBiase
Amanda Brei
Jon Day
Justin Andresen
Jeff or Jen Shannon
Ben Brown
Andy Gomel
Brian Christiansen (used to)
Jess Christiansen
Chad Cox
Mark Petersen (used to)
Jen Feyerherm
Laura Feyerherm
Jillian Kinzer
Zack Johnson
Josh Kahrs
Gina Petersen
Greg O'Kief
And so many more. I love you people. I've developed some pretty remarkable relationships with all of you mentioned plus many more. I want to hear what you have to say. Even if its only to say today was a fun workout or I had fun in class today or whatever. Just create a habit and let's see where we can take this thing.
I don't believe anyone will post just because I'm calling you out but maybe you will.
Have a very Merry Christmas everyone. I'm looking forward to a bigger and better 2011.
Press: 142x5, 142x5, 152x5
Nice work 6am!!!
Today. 5 and 6 am did very well. I tried to emphasize a few details of the press and I like to think it helped. Everyone did really well. Strength days are great days. I hope no one ever feels that workouts such as these are worthless, boring, or not a real workout. Strength is so vital to health for every single person! I love strength days!!
Great to see a big group at 6am. And a warm welcome to our visitors! Thanks guys!
My last comment has to do with "The First Ten Pounds". I think that we, especially women, get hung up on a number sometimes. I've been guilty of it too. If I see the scale go up a couple pounds, I think wait a second, what the hell is happening?! We should be much more concerned with how we perform and how we look (scales don't tell the whole story), and I personally think women look better with some muscle. Men of course do too!!
I am really sore today from the Monday WOD and had myself talked into taking the day off. However, I thought of all of the people that are probably just as sore as I am that will be busting their asses I got there..and I did it..and I'm so glad I did.
Nice Job 6am-ers! What will you be able to do tomorrow that you thought you could not do today??
As for Shelley, what can I say? I always give you a hard time but you have a lot of drive and determination to be better than yesterday. Gotta love that.
Thank you both for your input. Especially about the ten pounds article Shelley. That hits home for a lot of people.
Anyway, I'm fine with burpee laws. Encouraging people to stick around and cheer others on is essential for me, and is probably the biggest reason I'm part of CFO. I guarantee I wouldn't have finished the workout last night without everyone's help...
Its actually quite cool. Keep the comments coming guys and please read the links too. It doesn't really help if you don't read all the info first.
I had to miss my 4:30 time last night to solve a client problem that blew up at 3:30. I couldn't cancel - and on my drive to the gym I felt like I was crashing the 5:30 class, spitting on the coaches and the sign up process. I contemplated skipping the wod.
On the flip side, my plans for lunch today have been moved and instead of grabbing my bag and hitting the noon wod I'm rolling the dice my previously scheduled 4:30 slot won't be snuffed out by another work obligation. And my guess is that the noon class isn't full and if the sign up was open right now I'd lock it in and head over.
It appears most classes are being limited at 20 athletes. Couldn't the sign up be kept open until class time allowing for last minute adds/drops? This would still allow for coaches to prep knowing they'd never have more than the max?
Some of the WODs can be pretty scary for a new person. When I first started I went to 5:30 or 6:30 class and I read the blog to see how other people did. What they did for scaling, what parts were hard, or how they strategized how to do it. It was easier to go after that because I had an idea what to do.
I have almost all WODs that I have done written down or entered to logwod. logwod is a great tool to track your progress. USE it!
I try to comment consistently, even though sometimes I wonder if anyone cares what I've been doing (especially when I'm away from the gym--like now--and doing my own thing). I do it partly just to keep myself in line. I also try to read everyone's comments. I definitely like to see what other people are doing, how they felt about the workouts, etc.
10 walking lunges (40# DBs)
12 pushups
15 kb swings (1.5 pd)
really got my heart pounding, but did everything unbroken. I felt like a pushup king today--had way more in the tank on those, even after ring dips yesterday.
Until we get the right mix of sign-in and cancel going try and do your best to make do with the current system as we know you are. It was a tough change for all of us but a scary change for Joe and I as we had to make the decision and implement and enforce it. these kinds of decisions either break or make great businesses.
Thanks and just know that we love you all and care very much about you as people. Your enjoyment, fitness, and this community are our top priority.
Regarding the burpee laws, I do like the rules. I have seen positive changes in the gym since the rules have been in place. As for enforcing them with burpees, I’m going to agree with Reba in that it does have a bit of a childish tone. As for me personally, I really don’t care. I haven’t had to do any and I don’t see a situation where I’d have to.
And yes Ricky, I am only partially posting because I’ve been called out, but mostly because of CJ’s article. I spend way too much time working with our marketing department and have spent countless hours discussing and researching the “social web”.
I’ve read the blog every day since I started CrossFit. I’ve also read every comment.
I'm starting to learn this whole customer interaction thing as can be seen with today's posting.
Thanks for your input Chad. And for the move to the new website . You guys are gonna love it.
Sign Ins: I think I'm kind of in the same boat as Chad B. Since I'm still in college my schedule changes from day to day and can easily change hour by hour. Between school and 2 part time jobs there is a lot of variability to my schedule. I feel like I can't just drop into the next class if I suddenly have some free time because it's too close to the start time and I'd hate to be the one that messes up the dynamic.
Comments: I try and get a comment in most days, especially the days I make it into the gym. But I am guilty of avoiding making a post if I don't feel like I did very well with the WOD. I do think that getting a discussion of sorts helps get people more involved, especially if it's something actually happening in our gym. Getting the coaches involved will help with that too I think.
With that being said, I love the fact that the gym is growing and because it it I know there is no way to know everyone that belongs like we used to. However, if we can cultivate a sense of community on the blog using discussions like these then one day when I meet someone at the gym that I haven't before, I can be like, oh you're so and so that comments all the time. This blog needs to be the tool that bridges that gap among all the class times.
These felt just about right - heavy enough that my form always faltered a bit on the 4th rep, but definitely not my 5-rep max. Which is great, because 88 was my last 3-rep max and 93 is my current 1-rep. Maybe I'll crack into the triple digits yet.
Zack - the only thing I've ever seen Joe do on a computer is watch SNL skits on youtube.
I'm definitely looking forward to a more active blog. More coach interaction should help a lot.
Re: The first ten pounds...
THROW. AWAY. YOUR SCALE. Better yet, trade it in for a rack of ribs and some lifting shoes. If you're eating well (and ENOUGH), training smart, and getting a decent amount of sleep, it's scary how well your body knows what to do.
In conclusion, I love strength days, commenting on the blog, picking on Joe, and ribs. Not necessarily in that order.
Oh, and did Deadlifts for "15" today on base. Last set with 325# for 3.
As far as sign in's go, I'm with Chad B and some others. So far this hasn't been too much of an issue with me, but I am about to start my long day rotations in January, and I should theoretically be done at the hospital by 5, but that being said, I have no idea if I will have to admit a patient at 4:30 and I won't get out of the hospital till 6 or later. I have no way of canceling a class 3 hours ahead of time because at 2:30, I still have full intentions of going to the 5:30 class. This actually did happen to me two weeks ago when I got stuck in surgery. I hope that you all realize that if I'm signed up for a class, I have full intentions of going, but sometimes (and hopefully not more this coming January) I will have stuff come up and get stuck at the hospital and not be able to cancel in time. And believe me, I'd rather be at the gym!
So I guess my biggest issue with this is I don't want to get in trouble for not being able to cancel a class when I have full intentions of going, I just get stuck at the hospital.
I also have a funny story- so I DNF'd yesterdays workout and was super pissed about it cuz I felt like a slacker since I still had a whole round left. Well I realized today in the gym that I did 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 wall balls instead of 40, 30, 20, 10...whoops! No wonder I was dying and didn't finish, I did 30 extra wall balls! So yea, moral of that story, make sure you read the workout! :)
I have loved reading everyone's thoughts and suggestions and questions. I think this is what this gym community needs to thrive. You should never be afraid to comment no matter how old or young you are. I think that for those of us that have been around since the beginning need to really step back up to the plate (myself included). Its especially important for those of us that attend the same classes everyday and don't always get to meet the new members who attend other classes. Sure, there is the new member board with pics but by blog posting you can start to know that person a little more.
I would however, like to put a face to some of the names....I ask myself; Is that the Chad I think it is....took me a while to figure out BigD was LeClaire! ;-) Much smaller "D" now with Paleo! LOL
Anyway, it would be cool if more of you had a picture on your Blogger profile so we could see your paleo changed faces! Might also help in building the community to Mark's point above???
No workout today for me.....caught caught up in a work emergency and did a "late cancel" online and sent Amanda an email. There WILL be those situations with me and I'll do my best to meet the needs of the gym. Is there a method beyond "late cancel" or email the gym would prefer for those last minute cancelations?
I have some concerns with the suggestion that classes may fill up. Unlimited isn’t really unlimited if that happens. I wonder what people will resort to. I had kind of the same issue getting in for haircuts. Now I make a whole year’s worth of appointments at a time, then cancel as needed. Maybe that is an option here?
Also, as I've told many others and have been used already, text me, call me, shoot me an email and I'll be happy to sign you in or cancel you so long as you don't rely or become dependent on me. I don't want anyone to miss classes because something unexpectedly came up. I know you all have super busy lives and things come up so holler at me and I'll take care of you.
Hope this helps.
Shelley, I too am shocked at the few number of people that use logwod. Ricky is giving us tools to help us succeed and track our progress. Use it people! I know it may be embarrassing to log your time or weights but we are all there for different reasons. We are all at different levels. If you are 50yrs old and new to strength exercises or never lifted a bar, it is hard to gage yourself against a 21 year old athlete out of college. But, it is always good to have those that push you to your limits and it's good that you want to beat their time. Just be the best that you can be!! Knowing that you tried your best and left everything at the the gym you should leave that gym with your head held high and be proud.
As far as the sign-ins....I may have just a few issue if I get called in to work at 3-4am and unable to cancel, but will just have to deal with it when the time comes. I know you guys have to do what you have to do.
I love the idea to the coaches blogging as well. It's good to have their feedback with classes and thoughts on issues going on at the gym.
On another note....I've been on a little break from CFO just trying to heal my shoulders and back. Been going to PT for a few weeks now and I HOPE to be back in the middle of February. I have missed crossfit tremendously and miss you all even more.
When I get home from work, it is usually 10 hours after I leave the gym. I usually don't think about the blog until the following morning when I check for the WOD.
Like Reba said, I could post on my phone, but I get little reception at my job and it is not safe to blog while I am on the way to work (driving).
I will try to do better about posting, especially in the next two weeks while I am on break.
I need to get back to posting on here and my personal blog. I have neglected that for way too long. I will for sure at least start posting on here and hopefully I can put my efforts and thoughts on a wider scale on my blog.
I want to tell everyone that everything we do here at the gym is only to improve the culture and make the experience more enjoyable.
Burpee laws - are supposed to be fun everyone knows being late happens and when it doesn't happen to you, its awesome to get on that person! Then it happens to you and people get on you. Its not a personal assault on your character its just a little ZING (Seinfeld anyone). As the coaches doing burpees, I am for that! If everyone else is doing it I have no problem. So if everyone of you jumps off a bridge, just as any good coach would, I will be jumping with you.
Signing in - We love to make the programming not only the best we can but enjoyable too. Couplets and triplets are only fun for so long. Creative programming with chippers, time domains, and many other ways, can only be done if we get a good estimate on how many people. I know adding one more thing can be a pain (trust me). We will always come to a conclusion that is in the best interest of the gym, maybe not making everyone happy but hopefully most.
Lastly this is my life and I have a love for everyone and treat everyone like you are my family. I will always tell you how it is but I will always listen to your concerns as if they are my own.
You guys are the best and I have met some amazing people, you guys have no idea how much my life has changed since I have been here. Thanks to everyone and happy holidays.
Did something quick at home.. Done it once before..
100 burpees in 459 probably 2 years ago.. Kept a pretty good pace the whole time... 502 this time..
I love this gym! I love the workouts, the people and the sense of pride I get when I tell people I BELONG to CrossFit Omaha! I hope you all feel the same way. I want to Thank everyone that belongs to the gym you are all the reason that I can say and feel this way! With that being said I like the idea of more CrossFit Omaha community events. I want to get to know more of you!
I am not really sure why I quit blogging either. I guess life just got in the way and then everyone else kinda faded out as well so I lost interest.
I do miss the days of Brian and Addi battling it out on the blog and Paul's zombie stories.
CFO is an amazing gym to be apart of and have made some life long friends. Plus, it is a huge part of why Brian and I got together in the first place. Awwwhhhh! ;u)
Did 154, 169, 179. Last set was tough, but felt like I really got the volume work the WOD was intended for, even though I made bigger jumps than what was posted. Also a little humbling when Big Ron makes a 30 pound jump from set 2 to 3 and put up 198 like it was cake!
Great to see all the comments! Hopefully this continues.
I do have to say I like the burpee laws. I have been tried and convicted by them several times but its all good. The only thing that gets me is those that show up late and then don't do them. Just like with your workout and counting your reps you should be accountable for doing your burpees if you break the laws. It becomes childish if you don't. And shows poor sportsmanship. Especially when we all (the class) see you walk in late and you don't do them!
I have to say that the first couple of work outs it would scare the sh*t out of me when someone or everyone was cheering me to finish. I sure wasn't used to that (and still sometimes amazes me). When I was at 24 Hour Fitness my old trainer never stood next to me on the treadmill screaming," Run Tara, Run..." (Personally I am not sure he could formulate that much of a sentence...) But I've came to like that and enjoyed cheering someone else on. And I have come to enjoy a good scream from Addi (actually I look forward to them!) I also realized along the way it stopped happening. When you see people putting away equipment and you are still trying to finish your workout it is a little demoralizing. I am truly glad Joe, Ricky, Jon and Amanda have put there foot down on that.
Lastly, I love our little get togethers. I can't always make them but when I do I have a super fantastic time! I do wish we'd do more but for those of you that have never been to one of gyms activities I totally encourage you to do it. Fun times are always had!
And that's all I got to say about that... Night!