Wednesday 110126

Ricky Frausto Filed Under: Labels: ,
3 rounds for time of:
10 Dead-lifts, 274#/185#
50 Double Unders

Post time to comments/Logwod.

New Balance's Minimus in available for sale in March.  These shoes have a 4mm drop (toe from heel) compared to the 3mm drop in Inov-8's. Optimally, we would like a shoe with a zero differential but at least a big name has jumped into the mix. It's a start.

Read more about them HERE.

Read this blog entry by my good friend BMack from CrossFit Endurance (which you should be following if you're a distance athlete) on SHOES.

Here is the CFO Baseline Strength - Level 1 sheet for you to print off. These are the strength goals you should shoot for as the minimum. You should place all of your focus on trying to achieve these. Track every step along the way on these sheets. Something from these sheets should be addressed every day.

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32 Responses to "Wednesday 110126"

  1. paul Says:
  2. This is my dream WOD. Too bad I won't be doing it!
  3. Nate Says:
  4. great post on the minimus, more information to gather and research.

    Paul, i can see this being your dream wod, now that you know of it i am sure youll be enjoying it some where down the road.
  5. Nate Says:
  6. The blog entry that Bmack shared on CFE was full of great information. I read quite a few of what he posts. I did find myself questioning some of his information leading me away from my school work and into the realm of reliable zero drop shoes. He was a strong advocate for the skateboard shoe, more specifically DC. DC does make a great shoe with a strong and sturdy sole, great for lifting heavy objects. It almost made me want to go purchase a pair of DC's and start busting out some WOD's. However, as steadfast as they are, running in a pair of DC's is equivalent to strapping a pair of bricks to ones feet.

    I may be wrong in why I would like a light minimalistic shoe and please correct me if I am wrong. Multiple WOD's that occur in the gym, a flat sole is nice as it allows our feet to be firmly planted on the ground for multiple movements. We also want to move quickly between our movements with out worrying about the shoe we have on. The shoe we choose to wear needs to be sturdy yet flexible allowing it to provide a multitude of uses, to include but not limited to running, Olympic lifting, and body weight movements. I see where the DC shoe covers some areas such as a solid base for lifting but the weight and stiffness prevents it from being the "total" shoe. Running and switching directions in DC shoes can be a nightmare.
    That leads us to question, well what shoe does provide the all around needs of a crossfitter. I have no solid answer to that, but as i covered above, I do have my own ideas on what is a well balanced shoe as I am sure you have an idea too. The decision then comes down to, well what type of shoe should I get. Each person has their own opinion on shoes and how they fit. Everyone's feet are different, everyone has a different running and lifting style. The shoe that should be chosen is the shoe that feels comfortable and trustworthy when placed on your foot.

    I came across a informational website that compares multiple minimalistic shoes and can help answer questions for those looking at entering the BF shoe world.
  7. Brandon Says:
  8. Gotta agree with you Nate, I'm looking forward to some more info, and close ups on the NB Minimus.

    Don't worry Paul, with deadlifts this heavy, you know the coaches will program this WOD in again in the future. ha!

  9. Jess Says:
  10. 8:50 using 132# for deadlifts. DUs slowed me down a bit since I haven't done them in a while.

    Great job 6am peeps

    P.S. Sorry for picking on you this morning, Gina. But your dad is right. ;u)

  11. Iron Nerd Says:
  12. The shoe thing really is interesting. When I started at CFO, it took me less than a month to dump my tennis shoes in favor of Chucks. I still like wearing those, as they are great for lifting and acceptable for a lot of other activities. They don't tend to do well for quick foot movements though (shuttle runs being a good example) as they sit a little too loose on my foot.

    Regardless, I need some new shoes, so I'm going to do some more digging on these minimalist things...
  13. GregP Says:
  14. 8:23 @ #198, struggled getting the last set of DU's done.

    Nice work 6 am!
  15. Mark Says:
  16. 5:35 Rx'd. Heavy DLs were pretty tough and I had to break them up for the last 2 rounds. DUs were more of a mind game and I messed up too many times on the final round. These WODs are my favorite though, heavy and fast!
  17. Paula Says:
  18. I did my first 1:1 with Joe 2 years ago today!! Holy crap... time flies!! It's been quite a ride!!!
  19. Gina Says:
  20. Finished in 9? Something. I used 154# and did double unders and attempts. These were really slow and frustrating, definitely something I need to keep working on.
  21. Shane Says:
  22. Ricky, what's your take on the Five Fingers? I know a lot of people (including several CFOers) who swear by them. If "minimal" is the goal, aren't they about as minimal as you can get? Or are there drawbacks?
  23. Ricky Frausto Says:
  24. Besides how horrible they look? I put them right alongside team jerseys. Only kids should be allowed to wear them. I'm not even kidding. Ha.

    Another reason is, our society wears shows. Whether that's right or wrong, its a fact. Five-fingers are not shoes. Our feet are not conditioned to handle the roughness of barefoot living. That doesn't mean we shouldn't, from time to time, walk barefoot. It just means you can really mess your feet up (bone structure and skin) if you don't progress this soundly. This is why I posted on this topic. I think Inov-8's are legit. I think these New Balance's can be legit as well. I also agree with Nate, they are both not the greatest shoe for CrossFitters. You know what though, Crossfit HQ is working with Reebok to try and design such a shoe. We'll see what the prototype will look like before we judge.

    We need a shoe that is sturdy enough for lifting yet flexible enough for locomotion. Right now, the best shoe I've tested for lifting that has the potential, with a few modifications, to be a good shoe for running is the Adidas Adistar. The black and silver lifting shoes that I and a few others have. Its light, flexible, and has a smaller drop than most lifting shoes. Change the sole to something that can withstand outdoor terrain, change the heel from wood to hard plastic, and maybe drop the heel another half inch and we might have something to work with. I use those shoes for everything but running. Even box jumps.

    I'm optimistic about the future though.
  25. Natalie Says:
  26. 8:59 with 88#. I counted my DUs and attempts. 8 consecutive DUs was my record--sad!
  27. Pastor Justin Says:
  28. Ricky,
    You think high socks, cutt off sweat pants, and lifting shoes actually looks cool? Haha, I love my vibrams but never wear them outside of the gym.

    As for " society wears shoes" they also eat like sh@t and don't live active lifestyles. Lets not take our cues from the masses.

    I agree, vibrams are tough on your feet at first but your body adjusts and compensates. I used to have t-band issues and haven't had a problem since switching and running in them. They force you to run without heel striking.

    They do look dumb, but I love em!
  29. Pastor Justin Says:
  30. Oh yeah 6:15 @ 220# my DU's were off at 6 am!
  31. Mark Says:
  32. I used to wear Vibrams and I quit wearing thenm mainly cause I sweat a lot and I couldn't keep them from smelling terrible. I also hated running in them.

    However, I originally switched to them because I was having a lot of arch pain and all the stretching, rolling and foot strengthening wasn't making it go away. Then, after a couple weeks of wearing the Vibrams when I worked out, the arch pain was gone.

    I currently wear the Nike Free Sparq shoe which is a hybrid minimalist shoe. It has much better stability than any running shoe I have Crossfitted in but is very light and flexible. It is also the only shoe that I have found so far that helps prevent my arch pain. Not completely though.

    I have thought about going back to Vibrams cause the pain comes and goes. Like today, those DUs killed my arches and they are still a little sore 6 hours later. That never happened when I wore the Vibrams.
  33. Shane Says:
  34. I'm going to compromise, buy some Vibrams, and wear them underneath a pair of Inov-8s. Then, I'll don my favorite team jersey, coordinate with some knee-high socks, and see you all at 4:30.
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Holy Legs... Ha

    Deadlift - 3RM Test (324# is my best - Sad right?
    154, 220, 265, 308, 330, 340, 350 - Nope - But hey progress is progress... Even though I did 330 for TEN at this time last year...

    Snatch Technical Work (3 Position)
    - Power, Transition, Knee
    88, 109, 129, 129, 129

    Played off of OPT's Posting for the day... Wanted something longer and higher volume
    OH Squats (99#)
    Gh Sit Ups
    Box Jumps (30")
    - 14:02 -
    ** Wow My Abs are going to be ripped up tomorrow but GH sit ups felt great... My lower back doesnt hurt at all..

    2nd WOD tonight
  37. Ricky Frausto Says:
  38. Justin,

    My rebuttal to my clothing selection is that you either look good or finish first. I just choose to finish first. Ha.

    Second, to both you and Mark, Vibrams are like taking aspirin or any medication for inflammation, you are treating the symptoms and not getting to the root of the problem. Foot problems and/or mobility issues may alleviate by using Vibrams but it doesn't change the fact that when the shoes go back on, a person still doesn't know how to run or walk correctly. For example, people think pose running is all about heel strike but when you run correctly, the heel must touch the ground just not first. There is also the aspect of negative leverage you have to take into consideration when running. If you haven't read the blog post by BMack, here is an important snippet:
    "This brings me to the barefoot debate. I DO NOT STAND ALONE on this either. If you think running barefoot is going to solve your running issues or foot issues you are incorrect. I have video taped at least 100 people who chose to run barefoot or in vibrams and felt they did themselves a favor where in fact the video tape shows they either created more or made their form worse (#1 on that list is people start running with their hip flexors when they make this switch). I have even seen people heel strike barefoot or in the goofy little slippers. You need to reprogram your feet kids, and doing that is a process. There are several ways to do this and yes walking around or even running or jump roping barefoot can help (it will not solve) the issue. Scrunching up a pillow sheet with your toes, picking up objects with your feet, working the range of motion of the ankle and feet, stretching the calves and feet all play a large roll. The deal is you need to start re-wiring the foot and start using it the way it was designed. I have personally worked with several folks who had “flat feet” and we actually re-built the arch of the foot. It is a process but can be done if you are adamant about this stuff and your shoe choices."
    The same goes for jumping, jump roping, and all other movements. This is why I like the idea of the Minimus shoe. You can wear it anywhere, not just the gym.

    As for society wears shoes being compared to eating like shit. Its not a fair argument. Eating like shit comes from what's cheaper and what people can afford. A lot of that stuff is subsidized by the government and therefore available in mass quantities whereas shoes, people actually pay more money for what they believe to be cool and fashionable. And the activity part, being inactive doesn't lead to being obese or sick. It only supplements correct nutrition. In fact, you would be super fit only sprinting every now and then, picking up something heavy every now and then, and playing all wrapped around controlling insulin and maximizing nutrient absorbency.

    I know I am a nerd with this stuff but I'm serious and passionate about it. Sometimes, CrossFit is overkill.

    Man, I write too much. I'll stop now.
  39. Iron Nerd Says:
  40. Don't worry about writing too much Ricky. I'm a sponge for information, and it's nice to read the opinions of someone I know and trust.

    I've been digging around on the shoe topic today, and (as with everything) there tends to be a lot of opinions. The only thing I know is what I've tried, tennis shoes and Chucks, and although Chucks are far superior, they aren't perfect. This minimalist shoe thing sounds pretty good to me, honestly, as who doesn't love being barefoot. I might give them a shot...

    Regardless, when is the next running seminar, I know I could use the help...
  41. Eric C Says:
  42. Dudes and shoes... funny...

    I'm right there with you guys. I've bought more, weird workout shoes since I've join than I care to admit. I'm shocked to say that it does make a difference.

    4:53 with 220#. 274 would have likely killed me. Hindsight says I should have tried it. I blame Amanda.
  43. Mark Says:
  44. Ricky,

    I comepletely agree with the article about running barefoot or with Vibrams. When I ran in my vibrams I could tell a difference and it wasn't a good difference. That is why I stayed away from running in them if possible.

    When I was having pretty severe foot problems a while back I was strecthing constantly, doing towel scrunches and toe pointing and all that. I even had a couple ART sessions done done on my foot. Maybe I didn't stick with it long enough for it to fix my issues and since the vibrams made the pain go away, I thought that was the reason. Perhaps I will get back to foot exercises and see what happens.
  45. Allison H :) Says:
  46. choose sleep between night shifts - will make up tomorrow :)

    congrats Paula on your 2 years! I think mine is in March or April :) Time does fly!
  47. hannah eileen Says:
  48. I think I finished somewhere between 8:28-8:48. I know it started and ended in an 8. I used 132# for the DL. Double unders are tough after a year of not doing them.

    I currently own Chucks, weightlifting shoes, 5 fingers, and tennis shoes. I only wear my 5 finger after I wear heels all day to get my feet back to normal. I only wear my tennis shoes when I run, which doesn't happen a lot. The weightlifting shoes are only for snatch and cleans. I wear Chucks every day. They are great for short distance runs, lifting, and look way less nerdy than 5 fingers. (Although, I have worn my 5fingers in public and love seeing some of the looks I get.)
  49. BigD Says:
  50. I've become a big fan of chucks. Good for most every WOD. But if Reebok comes out with a CrossFit shoe, I may give it a long as they make one to match my Ohio State jersey....
  51. Dan Kim Says:
  52. This comment has been removed by the author.
  53. Dan Kim Says:
  54. Today's workout is my very first WOD I finished on time. Scaled, yes. (I had to do 25 double under instead of 50). Next goal - finish a workout without scaling.
  55. Erica Says:
  56. 120# and finished in 7:27

    As far as shoes are concerned...I haven't bought any since joining a year and a half ago...but, I do have my mom's weightlifting shoes I wear for cleans and snatch and my normal tennis shoes that I wear for everything else. I've wanted to buy Nike Free's forever...but have decided I'm not spending $90 on a shoe if I can't get a color I like...and well, they are all sold out of the purple ones!! Maybe these new balances will come in some good colors :)
  57. Anonymous Says:
  58. 2nd workout.. Well sort of.. Wanted to get done quick..

    2 min rows X 5 rds .. Going for consistent pacing..

    1st .. 150 pace
    2nd .. 145 pace
    3rd .. 200 pace
    4th .. 140 pace
    5th .. 137 pace
  59. Stacie Says:
  60. Congrats Dan!
  61. Nate Says:
  62. That is awesome Dan, and your not even in the hospital. EPIC.
  63. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  64. 5:28 with 154. I liked this one :)

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