3 Rounds for Max Reps of:
Strokes on the Rower, 75 seconds
30 inch Box Jumps, 75 seconds
1.5/1 Pood Kettle Bell Wood Chops, 75 seconds
Rest 75 seconds
Post total reps to comments/Logwod.
Rowing, do you know how or do you just pull? Do you think there is merit to learning how to do it correctly or do you just think, "get in more shape?"
If you would like to learn more about rowing, click HERE to watch some Concept2 technique videos.
Post thoughts to comments.
Rack Jerk... Havent done it for a while so figured why not... 1RM... Took a lot of time building up to a max attempt so was looking for more training volume then to get a new max... but got close anyway..
45, 110, 154, 198... All Doubles
220, 235, 245, 258, 265, 270.. Singles
.. Tried 280 for a new current PR but just missed it out front...
Dynmaic Effort Work... 6X3 @ 50% of my 3 rep band resisted max... Every 60 secs.... Minis + 95#... Felt good
Main Site WOD from yesterday... First time I think I've ever had to scale a movement.. My L pull ups need to be developed under controlled conditions before I throw them into a metcon environment so I used a "Z" pull ups... Just a bent leg raise pull ups
21 Z Pull Ups
20 Pistols
18 Z Pull Ups
16 Pistols
15 Z Pull Ups
12 Pistols
12 Z Pull Ups
8 Pistols
** 9:59 **
- Pull Ups got hard fast! Was doing a lot of single then drop single then drop...
5 MIN Treadmill Run... Each Min make a appreciable jump in speed...
Started at 8MPH, then 9, 10, 11, and did the last min at 12MPH... Covered .81 Miles... Didnt feel bad at all...
500m ROW SPRINT... Stupid rower kept messing up and the timer would pause... rowed to the finish but the clock showed a 2 min finish but was holding a sub 1:35 500m pace the whole time so would have easily been under that so I guess...
- Best ever... 1:27.8
500m Row - 1:29... Dammit!
Band Resisted Tall Snatch (25# Bar + Minis single wrapped around the bar)
Bar, 5's, 10's.. Just working 3rd Pull Speed...
Front Squat - 3X3 (88-90%)
- Straight Sets with 247#
Main Site WOD that I wanted to do about 10 days ago... Rough.. Well Just The HSPU's... :(
6 Muscle Ups
30 Wall Ball
12 HSPU's (Kipping)
15 Power Cleans (135#)
** 14:50 **
- All Wall Ball Unbroken and No Misses on Muscle Ups (FINALLY) but HSPU's were a struggle...