Ricky Frausto
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About Saturday classes this weekend. There are currently 16 spots filled at 9am. If anyone wants to get in, I will open up 4 additional spots at 9am to be fair. Get on it quick though as they may go fast. I promise, if the demand remains high for Saturday classes, the available spots will go permanently. And a reminder, if you aren't coming, don't be that guy that doesn't cancel and keeps another member from coming in your place. Thanks.WOD2008 CrossFit Games WOD #15 rounds for time of:
5 Dead-lifts, 274#/187#
10 Burpees
Can't drop the last dead-lift or you have to re-do it.
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Karen Wattier
We did this on 12/26/08. I did #154 then, but I did not write the time down.
I think we may have done it another time. Does anyone know when?
I think making goals for yourself is important and they just don't have to be new years ones because most of those don't last more than a week or two. At work we write goals SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Revelant, and Timely. My fitness goals were all in the "get in shape" type which really weren't goals at all. This year I have written out specific things I want to accomplish. With Ricky's help I have a year long outlined training plan. I am working on getting the first 16 weeks written in detail. The last part of SMART goals is to tell someone. Ricky and a few others know what they are and I would be happy to share them with anyone else.
Great Job 6AM!
Not sure when we did this last and I don't have it on Logwod.
We will do this workout again. Don't miss out on logging it this time. You'll regret it.
Annie: 5:40 (10s PR)
100 1.5 KB swings in 2 sets, 60, 40.
Probably separated by about 10 minutes.
One workout may be in the 5-10 minute range while another workout may be in the 10-15 minute range.
Easily scaled if need be.
That's about all I can give. If you have a specific question, ask and I'll either answer it or tell you that's TMI.
Cool? Cool.
100, 1 pd KB Swings - unbroken, untimed
Great Job 6am!!! Have a Fantabulous Day!!!
I had 274# on the bar, but went with what was suggested by 'the coach'. (ie <70% 1RM) Looking back I'm pretty sure I could have completed it in 6 mins Rx'd. I blame Ricky... :)
Great job 6am peeps!
P.S. Gina "IHaveNoIdeaWhatYourMiddleNameIs" Petersen the weight you use today wasn't 65%-70% of your 1 RM max. Shame on you! ;u)
E, you are starting to sound like Addi with the whole "blamming Ricky" comment.
Time = 4:36 RX'd
7:16 (44 sec PR)
100 KB swings w/ 1 pd unbroken, untimed
I'm missing the mock competition WODS (again) tomorrow for a vb tourney. Hope to make the next one!!
100 KB swings w/1.5 pood. Took 3 rnds. 51/25/24. Should've never set the kettlebell down the first time. Awesome job Shelley and Tessa!
Annie- 6:30 rx'd. A 32 sec PR for me! 100 kb swings untimed. Set it down twice...wish I wudnt have set it down! I'm gunna try that again for sure! 50/30/20. My goal was 50 and 50 but I lost my grip at 30 and just put it down :(