4 rounds, each for time of:
50#/35# DB Snatch, 5 each arm
20 Yard Sprint, there and back
Rest 2 minutes.
Post times to comments/Logwod.
Crystal and Stacie at last year's St. Patty's Day Beer and Burpees event. What will we think of next? Have any suggestions?
Post them to comments.
The next "holiday" is Valentines Day. Maybe do a sweethearts WOD for all the couples. The gals against the guys or team up the your significant other and go up against the other couples or do both. Just an idea.
Have a great weekend everyone!
WOD 1: 3 rds + 2 wall climbs NOT RX'd. I had to pistol to a damn medball.
WOD 2: 11:11 (Way to kill it Nate!)
If I had a wheelhouse, this would fall right in it. I'm much better at body weight than heavy WODs.
St. Paddy's day WOD was a BLAST. Except that was ALOT of beer! I would most likely do another beer WOD as long as TOVAR doesn't design it. He crazy. : )
WOD 1 = 3rnds complete as RX'd
WOD 2 = 14:20 RX'd (way to crush this everyone!)
Full Clean - 2RM - Trying to beat 248# from a little ways back
154, 198, 220 - Warm Ups 2's and 1's
230, 241, 251 - Hit one, missed second and got my third attempt... Just need more aggressiveness on my second go around... I'll get it next week...
Band Resisted Back Squats (No Box)
- Straight Sets @ 80-85% of my band resisted 1RM (Around 200#)
156 X 3 X 3 + Mini Bands Double Wrapped
Main Site Variation from yesterday..
10 Double Push Up Wall Walks
10EA CTB Pull Up/Toe 2 Bar (Alternating Between Each)
25 Box Jumps 24"
** 13:15 - Started to lose my control walking down towards the end... :(