Friday 101112

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
"Black Lung"
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Box Jumps, 20 inch box
Ball Slams, 20#/16#

You must do this unbroken to get the true effect. If you can't do this unbroken, scale the reps a bit so you can. I promise, if there is one workout that has different results if done unbroken vs. broken, it's this one. Even if you go 18-12-6, 15-12-9, or 12-9-6, do this one unbroken and as fast as you can.

Post time to comments/Logwod.

This just in....... The Black Lung Kills.

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5 Responses to "Friday 101112"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. I'm still coughing from the last time I watched people do this.
  3. Mark Says:
  4. 6AM... so we meet again. I can't remember when I did this last but I know I was able to finish before the 5 minute cutoff. Today was a different story. Burpees went too slow this morning and I ended up finishing in 5:16.
  5. BC Says:
  6. I've been slacking off on my posting lately, shame on me.

    4:18 w/ the 18-12-6 rep scheme. I never stopped, though there was a slight pause during the 12 burpees. Still plenty of blackiness in the lungs though. Nice job 4:30 crew.
  7. Kat Says:
  8. 21-15-9....DNF. I was at the 9 burpees when the 5 minute cut-off happened. I decided to fall over instead of trying to finish. Went too slow on the burpees :(

    Great job nooners!
  9. trickle Says:
  10. Missed the 5min cutoff. Did not stop, but could not keep good pace on second set of box jumps or any burpees after the first 12 or so. Will try again in a few months. Good test of legs and lungs.
    -Trickle, The Shop Topeka

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